News and updates

Here you can find all the latest news from the Diocese of Bristol. 

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Race, ministry and me

First published 20th October 2020

The Revd Anjali Kanagaratnam writes about her experiences of race and ministry.

Introducing our new lay ministers

First published 19th October 2020

Seven new lay ministers were licensed in Bristol Cathedral on Saturday 17 October.

Introducing our new priests

First published 16th October 2020

The Right Revd Vivienne Faull, Bishop of Bristol, ordained 13 new priests over four services in Bristol Cathedral on Saturday 10 October.

Chaplain for the Arts supports creatives in new ways during the pandemic

First published 16th October 2020

Artists and creatives from Bristol and surrounding areas have been meeting virtually since April to share their experiences of lockdown.

Diocese of Bristol to license seven new Lay Ministers

First published 15th October 2020

On 17 October, the Diocese of Bristol is licensing seven new Licensed Lay Ministers in a socially distanced service at Bristol Cathedral.

Stats for Mission 2020; because people count

First published 14th October 2020

Celebrating the ministry of the church in 2020.

LecDeck goes digital!

First published 14th October 2020

New app launched to encourage young people to explore the Bible in new ways.

Education Newsletter October 2020

First published 13th October 2020

Education Newsletter October 2020

St. Andrew's, Castle Combe receives lifeline grant

First published 12th October 2020

Almost 450 heritage organisations in England, including St. Andrew's Church have been awarded cash from the first round of the Culture Recovery Fund for Heritage.

Introducing our new deacons and Assistant Curate

First published 12th October 2020

The Right Revd Vivienne Faull, Bishop of Bristol, ordained 10 new deacons over four services in Bristol Cathedral on Sunday 11 October.

Diocese of Bristol to ordain 23 people in a weekend of celebration

First published 8th October 2020

During eight services in Bristol Cathedral over the coming weekend, the Bishop of Bristol and the Bishop of Swindon will ordain 23 candidates as priests and deacons.

Uganda 2020 Appeal

First published 6th October 2020

The Bishops are appealing for help to support clergy families in Uganda 2020 with food and vital supplies this Christmas.

Soon to be vicar successfully crowdfunds for ordination stole in remembrance of father

First published 6th October 2020

Mark Nam, Assistant-Curate at St. Anne's in Oldland and United Church in Longwell Green, will be ordained as a Deacon on Sunday 11th October in Bristol Cathedral.

Installation of the Revd Canon Dr Mandy Ford as Dean of Bristol marks a first for the Church of England

First published 24th September 2020

On Saturday 3 October at 3.30pm, the Revd Dr Mandy Ford will be instituted and installed as the 43rd Dean of Bristol.

South Bristol church offers support to local food bank

First published 24th September 2020

St Martin's Church, Knowle is now running the food bank set up by Knowle Park Primary school at the start of lockdown.

New church building in Swindon welcomes live worship for the first time

First published 23rd September 2020

Pattern Church celebrated their first live worship services in the building on Sunday 20 September 2020.

Village raises £250 for local church with a lockdown veg box initiative

First published 23rd September 2020

During lockdown, residents in Slaughterford started a village vegetable box, raising money for St Nicholas Church, after teaming together to create thriving allotments.

BAME Clergy in Bristol Diocese - Who are they?

First published 22nd September 2020

You are probably aware that there are a number of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (“BAME”) clergy in Bristol Diocese. If, however, I was to ask you to identify some of them, you might struggle.

New church building in Swindon opens for live worship on Sunday

First published 18th September 2020

Pattern Church is a new church in the historic Great Western Railways Pattern Store building in the centre of Swindon.

‘Deconstructed' environment conference online this October

First published 17th September 2020

The planned Church Action in a Climate Emergency conference fell into the beginning of lockdown. But now it's moving online as a ‘deconstructed' conference throughout late October & early November. 

Churches celebrating the Season of Creation

First published 17th September 2020

We are now over half way through the Season of Creation, and many churches have planned services focusing on God's creation and our shared environment.

Bishop Viv's week in the House of Lords

First published 4th September 2020

Parliament returned from recess this week and met on Wednesday 3 and Thursday 4 September.

Re-imagining the church of today and tomorrow: In conversation with Ben Lindsay

First published 26th August 2020

Ben Lindsay, author of We Need To Talk About Race comes to the Cathedral in October for a series of workshops with church leaders in the Diocese of Bristol.

Mothers Union Wave of Prayer 7 - 9 September 2020

First published 26th August 2020

This September, the Bristol Mothers Union (MU) is inviting members of the Diocese of Bristol to join them in three days of prayer.

Ride+Stride given go ahead for Saturday 12 September 2020

First published 26th August 2020

Over 40 churches in the Diocese of Bristol are excited to join with 90 churches in Salisbury in this years Wiltshire Ride+Stride.

Holy Trinity, Stapleton to share in funding payout from the National Churches Trust

First published 26th August 2020

Holy Trinity, Stapleton was been awarded a £15,000 National Churches Trust Cornerstone Grant to help fund roof repairs in their Grade II listed building.

Revd Kat Campion-Spall announced as Dean of Women's Ministry

First published 25th August 2020

The Bishop of Bristol, Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, is pleased to appoint Revd Kat Campion-Spall as Dean of Women's Ministry.

Revd Mary Gubbins announced as SSM Team Vicar in the Greater Corsham and Lacock Team

First published 23rd August 2020

The Bishop of Bristol, Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, is pleased to announce that Revd Mary Gubbins has been appointed to the post of part-time SSM (Self-Supporting Minister) Team Vicar in the Greater Corsham and Lacock Team.

Mini Festival, Friendly Stage, to take place in Bristol churches during August Bank Holiday Weekend

First published 21st August 2020

The ‘Friendly Stage Mini Festival' is a miniature Greenbelt-like event over three days, on the theme of ‘A Better World is Possible'.

Could you or someone you know represent the Diocese at General Synod?

First published 19th August 2020

There is an opportunity for someone to represent the Diocese in the General Synod for one year.

Learning through the Pandemic

First published 17th August 2020

Diocese of Bristol learning event for clergy and church leadership.

Church buildings might be open but church is happening outside

First published 17th August 2020

Across the region, churches have been holding services outside in a variety of places.

Worms and worship at St Mary's

First published 10th August 2020

St Mary's Marshfield is working towards an Eco Church award, as they thoughtfully extend their Christian stewardship activities to care for the planet and for each other.

Bringing wildness to the suburbs

First published 10th August 2020

While the church has been closed during the coronavirus lockdown, members of St Peter's Henleaze have taken the opportunity to transform their church grounds into a more welcoming environment for wildlife and neighbours alike. 

Revd Canon Dr Rod Symmons announced as Interim Minister for the Bradley Stoke Parish

First published 31st July 2020

The Bishop of Bristol, Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, is pleased to announce that Revd Canon Dr Rod Symmons has been appointed as Interim Minister for the Bradley Stoke Parish.

Bishop of Bristol appointed in national safeguarding role

First published 30th July 2020

It was announced yesterday that the Bishop of Bristol, Rt Revd Vivienne Faull has been appointed a deputy lead bishop for safeguarding.

Local church hosts special drive-in service for worshippers, in Sainsbury's car park

First published 29th July 2020

St Michael's Church, Stoke Gifford, teamed up with Sainsbury's East Filton, to put on a drive-in church service on Sunday 26 July.

Season of Creation - September 2020

First published 28th July 2020

This September marks the Season of Creation. A wonderful opportunity for us all to pay special attention to the responsibility of humanity for the earth and for all that lives upon it.

Caring for the environment during this time of distancing

First published 28th July 2020

The coronavirus outbreak has changed daily life for us all. This article gives 5 top tips to help us consider our environmental impact at this time. 

Local Minister's community garden featured on BBC Gardener's World

First published 27th July 2020

On Friday 24 July, a film clip of the Rev Hazel Trapnell's garden was featured on BBC Gardeners World.

Churches in Avonside come together for a virtual afternoon tea and prayer

First published 24th July 2020

On 12 July, members from local churches hosted a virtual afternoon tea and prayer event.

Bishop of Bristol asks question in the House of Lords

First published 17th July 2020

Yesterday in the House of Lords, the Lord Bishop of Bristol asked the government what assessment they have made of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on human trafficking.

Bishop of Bristol Appoints New Advisor on Racial Justice

First published 16th July 2020

The Rt Revd Vivienne Faull has appointed Revd Dr Catherine Okoronkwo to the position of Bishop's Advisor on Racial Justice.

New free Relationship, Sex and Health Education materials launched

First published 16th July 2020

Goodness and Mercy, the new website and resources aimed primarily at Church of England Schools, is launching this week.

The Church and the Diocese beyond 2020

First published 15th July 2020

An address from Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, Bishop of Bristol and Oliver Home, Diocesan Secretary

Bishop Viv's Address to Diocesan Synod Tuesday 14 July

First published 15th July 2020

Last night, Bishop Viv addressed Diocesan Synod, reflecting on the last three months in lockdown.

Revd Steve Dyson announced as Associate Vicar in the Kingswood and Hanham Team Ministry

First published 15th July 2020

The Bishop of Bristol, Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, is pleased to announce that Revd Steve Dyson has been appointed as Associate Vicar in the Kingswood and Hanham Team Ministry.

Bishop Lee; Seeing more clearly

First published 15th July 2020

Bishop Lee discusses how journaling can enable us to reflect on our past and guide our future.

General Synod July 2020 report

First published 14th July 2020

Sophie Mitchell, a member of General Synod, reflects on Saturday's Synod, conducted over Zoom!

Two local couples among the first to marry

First published 10th July 2020

On Saturday 4 July two couples in the Diocese of Bristol were among the first couples to celebrate their wedding day since lockdown.

Bishop Lee; Running on fumes

First published 9th July 2020

Bishop Lee reflects on how God has been at work during the lockdown.

Licensing of ordinands as Lay Workers

First published 8th July 2020

The Right Revd Vivienne Faull, Bishop of Bristol, licensened ten ordinands as Lay Workers on Sunday 5 July.

Bishop of Bristol to license ten soon-to-be-vicars

First published 3rd July 2020

The Right Revd Vivienne Faull, Bishop of Bristol, will license ten ordinands this Sunday 5 July, via Zoom.

Bishop Lee; The complexity of the season

First published 30th June 2020

Bishop Lee reflects on the impact that his cycling accident had on his wellbeing.


First published 26th June 2020

SoulScaping is an art led practise that enables you to hone three incredible God Given gifts.

Church online in the next phase - advice and considerations

First published 24th June 2020

Church online has presented us with a number of new opportunities, and some technological challenges.

Racial justice and the work to be done.

First published 23rd June 2020

A message from Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, Bishop of Bristol, about racial justice and the work to be done.

Bishop Lee; How long O Lord

First published 23rd June 2020

In my last piece - Sacred Space - I said I would write more about the significance of an app and the radio in journeying through a prolonged confinement.

Bishop Lee; Sacred Space

First published 23rd June 2020

I am not sure whether finding or going to your personal ‘happy place' was referred to often before the Lockdown, but I have certainly become more conscious of it in recent days.

Radical Pressence: A conversations course from Green Christian

First published 22nd June 2020

Green Christian have launched a new discipleship resource to help Christians consider the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the world from a fresh perspective.

It's Your Move 2020

First published 22nd June 2020

It's Your Move is a hugely impactful book brimming with advice, activities and real-life testimonies produced by Scripture Union. Over 1.6 million children moving to secondary school have received It's Your Move, supporting them through that move. 

Considering the next phase of online church - An online event

First published 19th June 2020

As Lockdown eases we begin look to a future where churches services will once again be able to take place, in one form or another, within our church buildings.

Braydon Brook Zoom Pet Service

First published 18th June 2020

On Saturday 6 June, Braydon Brook Benefice had its first ever Zoom Pet Service. The idea was formed, posters created, zoom invites sent.

Avonmouth church community expands its emergency food parcel service and outreach work

First published 18th June 2020

In Avonmouth, a local church group has been awarded £125,000 in community grants for an aspirational woodworking workshop “Space4Makers” and a store room to expand its Foodbank and HomeBank service.

‘The Time is Now' virtual lobby on Tuesday 30 June.

First published 16th June 2020

Will you join thousands across the UK and speak to your MP on Tuesday 30 June as part of the first ever 'virtual lobby' created by the Climate Coalition.


First published 16th June 2020

Work was carried out yesterday to remove a number of prominent references to Edward Colston in the windows of Bristol Cathedral and St Mary Redcliffe Church.

Prayers during the pandemic. Led by the Bishop of Bristol.

First published 15th June 2020

Individuals and churches can now be led in prayer by Bishop Viv as we continue to respond to the challenges our society faces. Recorded at Diocesan Synod, June 2020.

Revd Adam Beaumont announced as new rector of Gauzebrook

First published 14th June 2020

The Bishop of Bristol, Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, is pleased to announce that Rev'd Adam Beaumont has been appointed as Rector of Gauzebrook.

Virtual Fun Days and Prayer Spaces

First published 12th June 2020

Social distancing options for fun days and community prayer spaces.

A personal response to #BlackLivesMatter

First published 11th June 2020

A personal response to #BlackLivesMatter by Revd Dr Catherine Okoronkwo.

Statement from the Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, Bishop of Bristol

First published 11th June 2020

Statement from the Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, Bishop of Bristol in response to the #BlackLivesMatter protests in Bristol.

One man's walk reaches a whole community

First published 5th June 2020

Rev Malcolm Strange goes on a prayer walk around Fromeside

Faith at Home

First published 3rd June 2020

Faith at Home is a national campaign that builds on the work of Growing Faith and Everyday Faith to support the faith development and pastoral care of children and young people.


First published 3rd June 2020

Her Majesty The Queen has approved the appointment of Canon Dr Mandy Ford as the new Dean of Bristol.

Big take up for innovative new giving options

First published 28th May 2020

As lockdown continues and church services continue take place online, new services to support parishes in continuing to encourage generosity are having a significant and positive impact.

Under-fives key to significant church growth 

First published 22nd May 2020

New research shows that young families with children under five could be a vital element for church growth. 

Faith without walls.

First published 20th May 2020

To support 'Life groups' in his benefice, Revd Mark Terry has produced 10 sessions titled 'Faith without walls'.

Despite the effects of the pandemic Musician and Composer finds a new connection with God.

First published 15th May 2020

For such a time as this, Roger has successfully built on the contribution of our rich liturgy. 

Finding our way as a diocese in the time of Covid-19

First published 14th May 2020

Bishop Viv explores what impact Covid 19 might have on the diocese, the church and the future. This was originally written for a Bishop's Council meeting on Thursday 7 May.

Bishop of Swindon back in the saddle and raising money for Christian Aid

First published 12th May 2020

On Sunday 10 May, the Bishop of Swindon began a 120 mile cycle ride that he will complete over this Christian Aid Week 10 - 16 May 2020.

Thy Kingdom Come - Online in 2020!

First published 12th May 2020

Due to Covid-19 Thy Kingdom Come is going to look slightly different this year, but we are still uniting, across the globe to pray 'Thy Kingdom Come'

What is your church's energy footprint?

First published 12th May 2020

If you've wondered what the size of your church's energy footprint might be, help is now at hand. The Church of England has launched a new, simple tool to measure the amount of carbon produced annually by heating and lighting your church buildings.

Sue Gent announced as Adviser for Ordinands and Vocations (Diocesan Director of Ordinands)

First published 12th May 2020

The Bishop of Bristol, the Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, is pleased to announce the appointment of the Revd Sue Gent.

Receive telephone donations via the Parish Giving Scheme

First published 12th May 2020

While our church buildings are closed, it's more important than ever to offer people different ways to give money to support the church. 

Advice on stewardship in this time of distancing

First published 12th May 2020

One aspect of Covid-19 that is in almost every news bulletin is the financial impact that it will have, what should you do?

Caring for the environment during this time of distancing

First published 12th May 2020

The coronavirus outbreak has changed daily life for us all. Some of us are serving as frontline keyworkers, others are still travelling to and from work whilst maintaining social distancing.

Easter Day Message from Bishop Lee

First published 12th May 2020

his message from Bishop Lee was broadcast on Easter Sunday 2020 on BBC Radio Wilts.

An Easter Pledge 2020

First published 12th May 2020

With Easter this weekend, wants to get the message far and wide that the Church is here for the nation.

Holy Week and Easter

First published 12th May 2020

Archdeacon of Bristol, The Venerable Neil Warwick offers a messages for Palm Sunday and a call for us all to reconnect with God.

Top tips on how to use your Church Fundraising Handbook

First published 12th May 2020

Your church has been given a Church Fundraising Handbook, but is it gathering dust on a shelf?

Going Digital - resources to help the Church stay connected

First published 12th May 2020

There are a range of new and existing Christian resources available for people to engage with at this difficult and challenging time in the life of the nation and the world.

Lighting Candles of Kindness

First published 12th May 2020

Candles have been burning in windows across the Diocese as Christians pray for all those affected by the Coronavirus.

Revd Elveen Mead announced as new priest-in-charge of Stratton

First published 11th May 2020

The Bishop of Bristol, Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, is pleased to announce that Revd Elveen Mead has been appointed vicar of Stratton.

From the Archbishops and Bishops of the Church of England. 24 March 2020

First published 11th May 2020

Following the Prime Minister's announcement last night, it is imperative that for the health of the nation and in order for the National Health Service itself to manage the increase in those requiring medical help.

Revd Raymond Adams announced as Acting Area Dean for Swindon

First published 11th May 2020

The Bishop of Bristol, Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, is pleased to announce that Revd Canon Raymond Adams has been appointed Acting Area Dean of Swindon, effective from 1 April.

Churches find new ways of practically serving their communities

First published 11th May 2020

Churches are stepping up to help thousands of worshippers and the many others who looking for spiritual, practical and emotional support as they face the challenge of the coronavirus.

Day of Prayer and Action: light a candle March 22

First published 11th May 2020

Church leaders in Britain and Ireland have called on Christians to take part in a National Day of Prayer and Action about Coronavirus on Sunday 22 March.

How the season is unfolding - An update from Bishop Lee

First published 11th May 2020

While out cycling in January, Rt Revd Lee Rayfield, Bishop of Swindon, came off his bike after hitting a patch of black ice.

Faith Manifesto sets out aspirations for Bristol

First published 11th May 2020

Representatives of different faiths in Bristol - including the Anglican Church - have launched a Faith Manifesto that shares five goals that they believe will contribute to the future well-being of the city.

Coronavirus - Guidance for Parishes

First published 11th May 2020

We appreciate that there has been growing concern within the Diocese about the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

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