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#LiveLent - Six week eco challenge for North Wilts churches

First published 11th May 2020

Five congregations in North Wiltshire have taken on a challenge to go green this Lent.

Parish Share Thank you 2019

First published 11th May 2020

Our grateful thanks for your church gift of Parish Share in 2019

#LiveLent - Churches take first steps towards saving energy

First published 7th May 2020

A Bristol church has been finding ways of cutting its carbon footprint with an Energy Audit of its building.

HOPE Prayer Spaces

First published 7th May 2020

41% of practising Christians say that a spiritual experience or an experience of the love of Jesus was a key influence in their coming to faith - so if we help more people to experience God's love and presence, more of them will come to know him for themselves.

Rural Giving Day

First published 7th May 2020

Hosted by North Wiltshire Deanery Tuesday 24 March to 2.30pm at St Mary's Hullavington.

Beating the drums for Ghana Day

First published 7th May 2020

At the end of January 2020, Langley Fitzurse Church of England School, near Chippenham, held a Ghana Day to raise money for the young woman they sponsor. It was bit different from the usual cake sale!

Rod Symmons announced as Adviser for Curacy

First published 7th May 2020

The Bishop of Bristol, Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, is pleased to announce that as part of the re-shaping of the Ministry Development Team, Revd Dr Rod Symmons is to take the role of Adviser for Curacy.

General Synod sets 2030 Net Zero carbon target

First published 7th May 2020

The Church of England's General Synod has set new targets for all parts of the church to work to become carbon ‘net zero' by 2030.

Local Business Network breaks down church barriers

First published 7th May 2020

Reaching out to the community can mean different things in different contexts. Fr Charles Sutton, Vicar at All Saints Clifton, reflects on how the church is offering the Christian message to the shops and businesses in Clifton.

Bristol Church creates new monastic community in heart of the city

First published 7th May 2020

A Bristol church is bringing together a group of four Christians to experience a modern monastic lifestyle in the city.

Contactless Giving at St Andrew's Castle Combe

First published 7th May 2020

St Andrews Church Castle Combe has recently started using the Goodbox Core to help it fundraise through contactless giving. Michael Constable, treasurer at the church, reflects on its impact.

Bishop Viv's Lent Reflections at Bristol Cathedral

First published 7th May 2020

On Tuesdays in Lent, the Bishop of Bristol, the Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, will offer a series of reflections at Bristol Cathedral on the climate crisis, drawing on the Archbishop of Canterbury's Lent Book 2020 Saying Yes to Life by Ruth Valerio.

Bishop Lee: "Trusting God in every season"

First published 7th May 2020

While out cycling in January, Rt Revd Lee Rayfield, Bishop of Swindon, came off his bike after hitting a patch of black ice, and needed a five hour operation on his leg and now faces the slow process of recovery. He shares his experience and reflects on how God is speaking to him through the accident.

The Invitation to Heal

First published 7th May 2020

In his new book ‘invitation to heal', Michael Harvey considers the scientific links between the act of invitation and healing, drawing from Luke 9 where Jesus sends the disciples out to preach the Good News and to heal.

How to ‘Light the Night'

First published 23rd April 2020

Light the Night is a beautiful and uniquely peaceful way to honour the memory of loved ones. Light the Night launched in Bristol in 2019 with thousands of candles lit up in St Pauls Graveyard, Bedminster.


First published 21st April 2020

News from the Diocese of Bristol

Diocesan Synod Report - March 2020

First published 25th March 2020

Synod report from March 2020

Church Action in a Climate Emergency conference

First published 27th January 2020

A day conference to support churches in taking further action to care for our shared environment.

FairGround - living responsibly in God's creation

First published 21st January 2020

One of the ways B+A Church in Bristol gathers together is through its Little Churches. These are communities of people that meet throughout the week on different days in the church, homes, pubs and other venues across Bristol.

Have you thought of being “Neighbourly”?

First published 21st January 2020

Neighbourly is an online platform connecting businesses with causes. This generally looks like donations of food surplus, volunteer teams going out for a day to join a project, and sometimes funding.

Gift Aid your donations

First published 21st January 2020

As it comes up to the end of the financial year, now is a good time to review Gift Aid, and to make sure that your congregation are making the most of this opportunity.

Safeguarding Dashboards

First published 21st January 2020

Safeguarding in the Church of England has changed considerably in recent years, and is likely to continue changing in the foreseeable future.

Fr Toby Boutle announced as new priest-in-charge of Swindon New Town

First published 19th January 2020

The Bishop of Bristol, Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, is pleased to announce the appointment of Fr Toby Boutle as the priest-in-charge of the parish of Swindon New Town.

Are you ready to #LiveLent?

First published 17th January 2020

This years focus is on the Environment. Get your copy of the Archbishop of Canterburys Lent book (with accompanying videos and group questions), as well as corresponding booklets with reflections for both adults and children.

Thy Kingdom Come Beacon Weekend

First published 17th January 2020

We are so excited about Thy Kingdom Come 2020! Between 21 May and 31 May 2020, millions of Christians worldwide will unite in praying that more people would come to know the amazing love of Christ.

AMPLIFY: The Young Evangelists Academy

First published 17th January 2020

Amplify is a partnership between; Hope Together, The Message, Youth For Christ, Pais Movement, Church Of England, Scripture Union, Alpha, Luis Palau, Redeemed Christian Church Of God and the Evangelical Alliance.

A statement regarding the documentary on Bishop Peter Ball

First published 15th January 2020

Over the last two nights, BBC2 broadcast Exposed: The Church's Darkest Secret, which looked at the sexual abuse carried out by the former Bishop of Gloucester, Peter Ball, and the attempts to bring him to justice.

Latest news from DBE 2019/20 - Term 3

First published 9th January 2020

Please click the link below to download the latest Diocesan Board of Education newsletter for Term 3 (2019/20).The newsletter is for heads, teachers, governors, church school workers, clergy and anyone else who may benefit.

A Christmas message from Bishop Viv

First published 25th December 2019

This Christmas message was originally given as at the Christmas Day Eucharist at Bristol Cathedral 2019.

Parish Giving Scheme continues to grow

First published 19th December 2019

The Parish Giving Scheme is growing across the Diocese with 66 churches and just under 1,100 donors now using the scheme.

Evangelising at the Station for Christmas

First published 18th December 2019

Members of the Avonside Evangelism Group took to standing at a train station to invite commuters to Christmas services recently. Revd John Monaghan, vicar of St Edyth's, Sea Mills, reflects on their efforts.

AYF Uganda Choir to play Swindon church

First published 18th December 2019

AYF Uganda Choir is returning to the Diocese of Bristol in the New Year for a concert at St Barnabas Church in Swindon.

Mission Areas explained....A Video

First published 18th December 2019

An introduction to Mission Areas featuring the Yate and Fromeside Mission Area.

Christmas Greetings and office opening times 2019

First published 17th December 2019

Happy Christmas from the Diocesan Support Services team!

The Three Week Christmas Fair

First published 12th December 2019

Image by Pete WilsonChurches in Swindon have been working together to put on a three-week Christmas fair.With this year marking the 50th anniversary of the Old Town partnership of churches.

A Green Guide to Christmas

First published 12th December 2019

Christmas is a time of giving - but it can also be a time of waste. From the plastic packaging to the piles of wrapping paper and wasted food filling our dustbins, festivities can have an unseen impact on our environment. 

A Spaceman Came Travelling

First published 12th December 2019

Children will be blasting off for Christmas when an astronaut brings good news to a Swindon church service.

School raises awareness of Climate Change with protest

First published 11th December 2019

Children at St Helen's CE Primary School have been making their voices heard as they raised awareness of the Climate Emergency.

Discover the joy of Christmas in new Church of England video

First published 9th December 2019

With dragons, talking carrots, and even a surprise comeback for ET all vying for centre stage in the annual festive advertising bonanza.

Revd Will Fairbairn announced as new vicar of Redland Church, Bristol

First published 8th December 2019

The Bishop of Bristol, Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, is pleased to announce that Will Fairbairn has been appointed vicar of Redland Church in Bristol.Will has been curate of Ascension Church in Southampton since 2017. Prior to that he spent three years at

Encouraging engagement with BAME people in our churches

First published 6th December 2019

Revd Dr Cathy Okoronkwo, who was appointed Vicar of All Saints and St Barnabas, Swindon in September, recently represented the Diocese at the CMEAC DLP/MEAC Officers residential conference.

Bristol Faith Leaders' General Election Message

First published 5th December 2019

Coordinated by the Bishop of Bristols OfficeAs faith leaders in the city of Bristol, we are proud of this beautiful, diverse and creative city.

Videos to promote Christmas services

First published 3rd December 2019

Promote Christmas services without the hassle this Christmas…Premier Digital Award winners Go Chatter have launched a new customisable video website.

An Eco Christmas tree

First published 2nd December 2019

Going green proved the inspiration for members of St Martin's in Knowle when it came time to decorate the church building for Christmas. Clare Hensmen tells us how they came up with the idea - and how other churches could easily do something similar:

Pattern Church celebrates first birthday!

First published 2nd December 2019

Swindons newest Anglican church turned one this week. Having launched at the start of December 2018, Pattern Church celebrated its first birthday on Sunday 1 December, with two services at 10am and 4:30pm at the Platform on Faringdon Road.

Get your Christmas services on A Church Near You

First published 2nd December 2019

Remember to update your A Church Near You pages with your Advent and Christmas services and events! A Church Near You receives more than 12 million page views each year and 81 per cent of people who come to the site are first-time visitors.

Reflections on Black Friday

First published 29th November 2019

Today is Black Friday that moment in the year when shops and websites offer huge savings as they attempt to tempt customers into spending their money.

Record numbers flock to Cathedral

First published 28th November 2019

Englands cathedrals have witnessed their highest Easter congregation numbers in recent years, while visitor numbers increased by a million on the previous year, statistics published today show.Bristol Cathedral has followed the trend seeing more peop

‘Education for Wisdom, Knowledge and Skills' - Diocesan Education Conference 2019

First published 26th November 2019

This year's Diocesan Education Conference took place in November. The day was enjoyed by school leaders: headteachers, senior leaders, clergy and church workers who engage with young people and schools.

How Eco is your Church?

First published 20th November 2019

Four churches across the Diocese have received our first Eco Church awards.

31 plastic bottles make a school uniform

First published 20th November 2019

As a head teacher, you may expect any number of questions from parents when you launch a new school uniform but does it crinkle? is a rather unusual one! Yet at The Deanery CE Academy in Swindon its a fair question to ask, as the uniforms are partly

We've declared a climate emergency!

First published 20th November 2019

When the vote was passed unanimously, the room filled with cheers, applause and even a whistle or two.

Bishop Viv addresses Synod - Nov 2019

First published 19th November 2019

And God blessed them...I wonder what you think blessing someone or something means or achieves (and Bishops do lots of blessings of people and of things, in my early experience particularly of loos)?

New Diocesan Cycle of Prayer

First published 19th November 2019

Prayer is an amazing gift which strengthens our relationship with God; it has the power to change us and the world around us.

Stewardship Update Nov19

First published 15th November 2019

In this stewardship update; FREE Church Fundraising Guide, an updated Diocesan grants guide, a new parish giving scheme resource and contactless giving deals.Church Fundraising Handbook.

Pattern Church thanks Allchurches Trust for Grant Award

First published 13th November 2019

In late May Pattern Church in Swindon was awarded a significant Allchurches Trust grant for which the church and the Diocese is extremely grateful.

Revd Becky Waring announced as next Area Dean of Bristol South

First published 8th November 2019

The Bishop of Bristol, Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, is pleased to announce that Becky Waring has been appointed Area Dean of Bristol South. Becky has the been vicar of St Martins Knowle since 2016. Previous to her ministry at St Martins, Becky was a Lice

DBE Newsletter Term 2 2019-20

First published 8th November 2019

Please click the link below to download the second Diocesan Board of Education newsletter of the year.

37% of parishes running youth provision

First published 5th November 2019

To fulfil our call to proclaim afresh the Good News in each generation, the Diocese has, through its 'Creating connections' vision prioritised reconnecting with children and teenagers, young adults and families.

God became like me

First published 5th November 2019

A third of children and young people don't know that Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus, let alone the extraordinary significance that this has for their lives.

The Diocese remembers

First published 5th November 2019

Across the Diocese acts of remembrance took place on Remembrance Sunday as those who serve and have fallen to protect our democratic rights are remembered. Thousands joined services across at churches right across our region to participate.

When a rector moves on...

First published 5th November 2019

When a much valued Rector leaves a group of 8 rural parishes to move on to be an Archdeacon there is a temptation to feel things are never going to be as good again. But of course that is not the case.When Revd Christopher Bryan left the Gauzebrook P

1,000 people attend Enquiry and Christian Basics courses

First published 4th November 2019

In 2018, as part of the Statistics for Mission returns, parishes across the country were asked whether they had run any enquiry or Christian basics courses that year.

Nominations open for 2020 DAC Awards

First published 1st November 2019

Who will you nominate for a 2020 DAC Award?Each year the DAC recognises a number of projects via its awards scheme.

Church School Partnership Award for Christ Church Infants & Christ Church Downend

First published 1st November 2019

Christ Church Infants School and Christ Church Downend have been working together, welcoming each other to their premises and sharing events for many years.

Counting church visitor numbers goes digital

First published 1st November 2019

Do churches know the number of visitors that pass through their doors?

Dementia Church events in Nov 2019

First published 1st November 2019

A range of events linked to our support of Dementia Friendly Church are running this November.

Environment Group calls for greater action on Climate Change across the Church

First published 1st November 2019

The Church of Englands Environmental Advisory Group has called for all parts of the Church to recognise the Climate Crisis and step up its action to safeguard God's creation.

Mothers Union and The Clewer Initiative

First published 1st November 2019

Mothers Union has gone into partnership with The Clewer Initiative to support the tackling of Modern Day Slavery. (The Clewer Initiative is the Church of England's response to Modern Day Slavery).

Visitors for Uganda50 in London

First published 1st November 2019

Written by Aura Hart, Mothers Union Diocesan PresidentAs part of the Uganda 50 celebration, we who are members of the Mothers Union in the Diocese of Bristol were delighted to have the opportunity to meet up with fellow members from Uganda they were

CofE Advent and Christmas Resources

First published 1st November 2019

#FollowTheStar 2019Follow the Star invites you to experience the wonder and excitement of the Wise Mens journey as they travel towards Jesus.

Prepare for New Years resolutions

First published 1st November 2019

As we begin to focus on Christmas preparations, perhaps we might also begin to consider how we might engage with those we meet at Christmas services, when the New Year arrives.

ASMA Ventures into new territory

First published 1st November 2019

Stimulated by the Avonside Mission Area, members of St Marys Stoke Bishop, St Marys Shirehampton, St Edyths Sea Mills, St Peters Lawrence Weston and St Andrews Avonmouth have all been encouraged to form missional communities.

Morning Evangelism in Avonside

First published 24th October 2019

In February, Avonside Mission Area started a weekly Tuesday morning prayer meeting. This forms part of their Evangelism Mission Shaped Community, hosted by Revd Hartmut Kopsch.

ASMA Prayer Celebration

First published 24th October 2019

Members of Avonside Mission Area gathered for a prayer celebration on Wednesday 16 October.There were 75 people present who followed the 4Ws of the Mission Area.

Caring for Creation in Wroughton

First published 23rd October 2019

During September, the parish of Wroughton and Wichelstowe joined churches around the country in celebrating the Season of Creation, with teaching and liturgy designed to help explore the diversity and wonder of God's creation.

Bishop of Bristol makes first speech in House of Lords

First published 22nd October 2019

During debate on the Queens Speech on Thursday 17 October, the Bishop of Bristol, Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, made her first speech in the House of Lords.

Raising faith

First published 22nd October 2019

Just 50% of children growing up in Christian homes will keep their faith as adults.'Raising Faith Inspire' is an easy-to-run 90minute small group discussion to facilitate parents thinking about how to build faith in their children.

Bishop Viv's Lent book: Saying YES to Life

First published 22nd October 2019

Bishop Viv has chosen Saying Yes to Life by Ruth Valerio as the Diocesan Lent book for 2020. This forms part of a Church of England Lent campaign. Churches are encouraged to use the resources for their Lent courses and the spiritual and practical act

Ugandan Bishops discuss Climate Crisis

First published 16th October 2019

As part of their recent visit to the Diocese, two Ugandan Bishops joined a timely conversation on the climate crisis at Cotham Parish Church.

Growing Faith - what next after Connected 2019?

First published 8th October 2019

At Connected 2019 this year, we focused on the key themes outlined within Growing Faith - a vision set out by the House of Bishops. 

Youth-focused lectionary resource launched

First published 3rd October 2019

One of the glories of the Church of England is its liturgical worship and the patterns, forms and words through which public worship is conducted.

Revd Canon Michael Johnson appointed Acting Dean at Bristol Cathedral

First published 1st October 2019

The Bishop of Bristol, Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, is delighted to announce the appointment of Revd Canon Michael Johnson as the Acting Dean of Bristol Cathedral. It follows the appointment of Very Revd David Hoyle to the Dean of Westminster.

Will Aid 2019

First published 23rd September 2019

The Will Aid 2019 scheme is now live - so book now to get your will written. There are hundreds of Will Aid solicitors taking bookings up and down the country.

Developing Accessibility in the Local Church

First published 23rd September 2019

When we talk about disability and access we often immediately jump to thinking about ramps and accessible toilets. Creating a physically accessible building is of course important but access and inclusion for all involves much more.

Climate Emergency debate at next Diocesan Synod

First published 20th September 2019

The Diocesan Synod meets at the Deanery CE Academy on Saturday 16 November between 9.30am and 3pm. The Synod will be full of discussion and debate.

CAP Sunday - working through debt

First published 20th September 2019

On Sunday 13 October, churches across the Diocese will be hosting CAP Sunday: a special service to invite people to look again at poverty in their community.

Developing Accessibility in the Local Church

First published 18th September 2019

Disability: Access, Inclusion and Participation - Developing Accessibility in the Local ChurchThursday 24 September 7.30pm to 9.00pm at Central (formerly PipnJay).

Free advice for Church treasurers

First published 18th September 2019

Stewardship is offering a free dial-in session is packed with all the latest news and advice, especially for church treasurers. The session, takes place on Wednesday 16 October at 1pm.

Collation and Installation of Neil Warwick as Archdeacon of Bristol

First published 18th September 2019

Ven Neil Warwick was collated and installed as the new Archdeacon of Bristol at a service in Bristol Cathedral earlier this month. Neil, who took up the post in the summer, was joined by colleagues, friends and family.

Parish Officer Training 2019

First published 17th September 2019

Our annual training event for all Churchwardens, PCC Secretaries, PCC Treasurers, Parish Administrators and other such roles is taking place on the morning of Saturday 12 October at Sheldon School, Chippenham. 

Connected conference 2019 - book your place!

First published 17th September 2019

Connected conference 2019. Tuesday 8 October 2019. Connected is a day to equip and encourage ministers, leaders and those who serve in parishes across the Diocese of Bristol.

New LLMs to be licensed this weekend

First published 16th September 2019

This year's LLM Licensing Service takes place at Bristol Cathedral on Saturday 21 September at 10.30am. This is a joyful occasion to which candidates are encouraged to invite their family and friends and members of their local church.

The Orchard

First published 12th September 2019

The story of the Orchard is a gift to small congregations who are seeking to serve God while wondering how to navigate the challenges of diminishing resources. It is designed to be used by small groups and to encourage the growth of faith.

God was nudging me to invite

First published 9th September 2019

As part of the Journey of Invitation remote invitational coaching has been available with Michael Harvey of Unlocking the Growth to help leaders to explore what it means to lead an invitational church.

The Kitchen Table project: Inspiring faith in the home

First published 9th September 2019

Just 50% of children growing up in Christian homes will keep their faith as adults parents and carers are the most important influence on children developing a faith that lasts.

YouVersion Bible App for kids

First published 9th September 2019

YouVersion partnered with OneHope to develop the Bible App for Kids, designing it specifically to engage children with Bible stories on an age-appropriate level. The Bible App for Kids is a free app for Android, Apple, and Kindle devices.

Raising Faith - A livestream event from Care for the Family

First published 9th September 2019

Sign up for the Raising Faith livestream on October 15 from Care for the Family.Join Katharine Hill and Andy Frost from the comfort of your own home as they deliver Raising Faith via livestream.

Deanery Academy welcomes first students

First published 4th September 2019

Pupils have been welcomed to the Deanery Church of England Academy as it opened its door for the first time. The school in Wichelstowe, Swindon, saw 120 Year 7 children arrive for their first lessons on Wednesday morning.

Pattern Church launches afternoon service

First published 30th August 2019

Swindon's Pattern Church is launching a new afternoon service on Sundays. Pattern Church, which launched last December, is adding the 4.30pm service with the aim of attracting young people and those in their 20s.

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