Involving Pupils in Collective Worship

Case Study of Good Practice

Sutton Benger and Langley Fitzurse in the Draycot Benefice, along with Kington St Michael who is part of the Chippenham Deanery, are schools which all have a school worship council.

The councils serve as a way for pupils to offer their feedback about collective worship and suggest improvements. The worship councils also plan worship which they contribute to and have experiences of being responsible for leading worship.

In June 2015, the three worship councils met at Langley Fitzurse School to share what they have been doing. Each school gave a short presentation and shared ideas to do with collective worship; they got to meet new people, discuss opinions and eat some yummy food. Some of the people they met will be attending the same Secondary school, therefore this was a great chance to make new friendships.

The day received very positive feedback from the children who had participated; they loved doing something which was different and new, and also liked contributing to making changes to their schools. The children had fun expressing their feelings about worship, as it was a time where everyone could have an input and be listened to.

Things the children enjoyed

  • "Giving ideas and making them happen, to help people worship"

    "Making the banner and including it in daily worship"

  • "Making the scrapbook"

  • "Helping our school to understand what it means to be a Christian and what we believe"

Things to think about

Does your school have a worship council?
If your school does have a worship council, could you arrange for them to meet up with another school with a worship council to share good ideas?

First published 7th December 2015
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