
Diocesan directory

Contact details of those in public roles in our churches can be found here.

Staff directory

Contact details for members of diocesan staff can be found below. Click a heading to expand the details of the relevant team. If you are unsure about who to contact with your enquiry, please call the diocesan office on 0117 9060100 or complete the web form here.

Archdeacon's Office

The Ven Christopher Bryan 
Archdeacon of Malmesbury


The Ven Becky Waring 
Archdeacon of Bristol


The Revd Adam Beaumont 
Associate Archdeacon 


Rachel Stewart
PA to the Archdeacons
Rachel is the first point of contact for the Archdeacons of Bristol and Malmesbury. 


Bishops' Offices


Office of the Bishop of Bristol 
Postal Address:
The Bishop of Bristol's Office,
Church Lane, Winterbourne, Bristol, BS36 1SG

The Rt Revd Vivienne Faull 
Bishop of Bristol

Phone: 01454 777728

The Revd Lucy Cleland
Chaplain to the Bishop of Bristol
Phone: 01454 777728

Maria Quantock
Head of the Office & EA to the Bishop of Bristol

Phone: 01454 777728

Janice Hodby
Bishop's Office Administrator 
Phone: 01454 777728


Office of the Bishop of Swindon
Postal address: Mark House, Field Rise, Swindon, SN1 4HP.

Phone: 01793 538654

The Rt Revd Neil Warwick
Bishop of Swindon
Phone:  01793 538654

Sarah Simpson
EA to the Bishop of Swindon


Phone: 01793 538654

Bishop's Staff Team

The Rt Revd Vivienne Faull 
Bishop of Bristol 
Phone: 01454 777728

The Rt Revd Neil Warwick 
Bishop of Swindon

Phone: 01454 777728

The Ven Christopher Bryan 
Archdeacon of Malmesbury

The Ven Becky Waring 
Archdeacon of Bristol


Oliver leads the Diocesan Support Services team in serving ministers, parishes and schools and is the Chief Officer of Bristol Diocesan Board of Finance (DBF).

Richard Leaman CB OBE FRSA
Diocesan Secretary/CEO

The Revd Dr Simon Taylor
Director of Mission and Ministry Support

The Very Revd Dr Mandy Ford
Dean of Bristol 
Phone: 01454 777728

Revd Canon Alice Kemp
Disability Adviser & Dean of Women's Ministry 
Alice supports parishes to consider their accessibility to all and conducts accessibility audits for parishes on request. Alice is also a Mental Health First Aider.


Bristol Cathedral

Contact details here

External Relations


Director of External Relations

The Director of External Relations leads on fundraising, marketing, partnerships and communications for the Diocese and the Bishop, providing strategic support to senior staff and managing the External Relations department.

Hannah Sweetnam
Deputy Director of External Relations

Hannah deputises for the Director of External Relations, co-leading on comms, marketing, fundraising, partnerships, digital development, crisis communications and strategic reputational matters. 

Get in touch for digital and other comms and marketing enquiries on our dedicated communications email.

Contact Hannah directly for urgent comms requests


Cyril Babeev
Public Relations Manager

Cyril manages the Diocese’s press function, Bishops’ communications, and supports senior staff and clergy with crisis communications, reputational matters, and strategic communications.

Get in touch for any press enquiries or if you need support with media requests and press releases on our dedicated press email.


James Morrey
Giving & Resources Officer

James is responsible for being the first point of contact for parishes who have questions or concerns relating to Parish Share, giving, stewardship and fundraising support.


Lydia Nash
Trusts & Grants Manager

Lydia helps parishes fundraise for larger projects through identifying potential grant funders and supporting the application process to trusts and foundations.



Emma Williams 
Digital Engagement Manager

Emma is responsible for setting up and delivering organic and paid social, email comms and PCC activty for key campaigns and business activity and providing support and guidance on social media. 

Contact Emma for digital enquiries involving the website, email and social media channels


Tara Nelson
Individual Giving & Supporter Care Officer

Tara helps Parishes to run campaigns fundraising from individuals through small gifts, legacies and regular giving. Alongside this, she safeguards the diocese' fundraising data and develops our External Relations technologies. 



Olivia Clayton
Communications and Marketing Coordinator

Olivia supports the External Relations Team to accomplish various marketing activities that reflect our ‘Transforming Church. Together’ strategic goals.


Diocesan Secretary's Office

Oliver leads the Diocesan Support Services team in serving ministers, parishes and schools and is the Chief Officer of Bristol Diocesan Board of Finance (DBF).

Richard Leaman CB OBE FRSA
Diocesan Secretary/CEO
Richard leads the Diocesan Support Services team in serving ministers, parishes and schools and is the Chief Officer of Bristol Diocesan Board of Finance (DBF).

Carlina Hess
Office Administrator & EA to the CEO/ SLT

Carlina is the first point of contact for the Diocesan Secretary and covers the office administrative duty in the office. She also assists the Senior Leadership Team arranging meetings and taking minutes.


Main Office email

Phone: 0117 906 0110

Lindsey McCullam
Director of Property & Estates and Deputy Diocesan Secretary
Lindsey manages the diocesan property and land portfolio and advises about parish halls and properties. This includes the programme of works to DBF properties and land holdings as we work towards the target of net zero carbon emission by 2030. 
She also deputises for the CEO/Diocesan Secretary Richard in his absense or by delegation.

Sustainability & Environment



Kit Connell
Environment & Sustainability Manager
Kit carries out crucial work that actively supports individuals, churches and schools to plan and do the necessary action, training and advocacy for creation care and climate justice. 

Finance and Information services

Stephen Sheridan 
Director of Finance and IT
Stephen's responsbilities cover the Financial performace of the Diocese. Stephen is also responsible for the Technology used in the DSS and day to day relationship with third party suppliers including IT services provided by the National Church.


Jyothi Joseph
Deputy Finance Manager 
Jyothi supports the Director of Finance, and Senior Leadership Team to ensure adequate financial 
control exists and that those controls are administered correctly.

Graham Shaul
Senior Controls and Sales Ledger Accountant
Graham assists with Parish Finance matters, including Trust queries, and supports the training of staff on the use of the finance systems.


Ruby Qi
Finance Assistant 


Grant Evans
Business Intelligence Analyst
Grant's role is a blend of management accounting and business analysis. His immedicate focus is to assist the Finance department in developing comprehensive reports, reporting against our project expenditure and providing valuable analysis to support the TC.T programme. 


Janine Davies
Systems and Controls Accountant 

Janine's tasks include ensuring the investment income is correctly accounted for, ensuring payroll is correct and authorising creditor payment runs. There is a current project which includes getting the expenses module up and running and making the year-end process run more smoothly. Janine also supports the finance team and departments with queries they have with new processes and wider finance matters.

Krystyna Krzyzewska
Sales Ledger and Controls Assistant

Krystyna provides finance support to the Diocese of Bristol and works with the Senior Controls and Sales Ledger accountant and other Diocesan teams to obtain payment of outstanding invoices.


Michelle Butler 
IT Lead and Transforming Church.Together (TCT) Programme Manager 
Michelle is responsible for leading the team and implementing the new Transforming Church.Together Programme, working collaboratively, creating transformational and cultural change. Michelle also leads on our IT infrastructure.



Governance Support 

Lindsey McCullam
Director of Property & Estates and Deputy Diocesan Secretary
Lindsey manages the Diocesan property and land portfolio and advises about parish halls and properties. This includes the programme of works to DBF properties and land holdings as we work towards the target of net zero carbon emission by 2030.

Emma Bakewell
Head of Governance 
Emma is Secretary to the Diocesan Advisory Committee for the Care of Churches (DAC) and Assistant Secretary to the Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Committee (DMPC). These roles include supporting PCCs in their work to repair, maintain and improve their church buildings, as well as assisting PCCs during the pastoral re-organisation and vacancy processes. Emma also services the synodical governance of the diocese by organising Diocesan Synod meetings and managing synod elections.

Rachel Clarke - Currently on Maternity leave 
Governance Support Officer
Rachel administrates the processes for the suspension of benefices, patronage matters and assists with pastoral re-organisation.


Vacant Post

Governance Support Coordinator 


Liz Townend
Director of Education
Liz is the Diocese’s principal education officer ensuring education in and beyond church schools is deeply Christian and serves the common good.

Laura Harris

Deputy Diocesan Director of Education and Senior Schools Adviser 
Laura is responsible for providing support and training for Religious Education, Collective Worship and all matters to do with Church School Distinctiveness, including supporting the SIAMS Inspection process.

Jo Willis
Schools Officer (Governance and Admissions)
Jo supports and advises schools and Academy Trusts on all aspects of governance including school admissions, oversees the appointment of foundation governors, and is Company Secretary for the Diocese of Bristol Academies Company.

Ali Driver
Governance and Schools Support Officer

Ali supports all the Diocesan Board of Education (DBE) Officers, providing support for DBE Boards Meetings, all training events, governor appointments and the administration of the SIAMS Inspection process.


Zoe Derham-Luckwell
Education Team Administrator



Sarah Wattley
Strategy Enabler for Under 18s

Sarah leads the development and delivery of our strategy that will enable children and young people across the Diocese to thrive, knowing they are loved and have support to flourish socially and spiritually. She supports those working on behalf of churches in the Diocese with children, young people and families and growing this provision.


Julia Watts
Schools Adviser 
Julia supports Church of England schools and academies and their parish communities to enable them to provide a distinctively Christian education; including encouraging church, school and family relationships

Rachel Newton
Youth Engagement Officer

Rachel works to ensure that the voice of young people is being heard and responded to across all levels of governance in the Diocese of Bristol, particularly those at risk of marginalisation. Rachel works to create avenues for young people to share their thoughts, feelings and opinions on matters important to them.


Jane Gillis

Under 18s Chaplaincy Adviser 


Diocese of Bristol Academies Trust


Lindsey McCullam
Director of Property & Estates and Deputy Diocesan Secretary
Lindsey manages the Diocesan property and land portfolio and advises about parish halls and properties. This includes the programme of works to DBF properties and land holdings as we work towards the target of net zero carbon emission by 2030.

Kate Tatchell
Head of Housing and Glebe
Kate provides a full range of property management services for the Diocese Housing and Glebe portfolio, and manages and supports the wider Property Team.


Adam Pinder
Property Surveyor 
Adam provides surveying and project support services for the Diocesan Housing Portfolio. 



Paul Mead

Property Officer - Lease and Tenancy 


Matt Reader
Property Officer - Compliance and Maintenance
Matt manages a range of responsibilities in relation to the Diocese'e property to ensure all are managed effectively and to a high standard.


Main Property Inbox

Olivia Fox
Property Administrative Assistant 
Olivia provides administrative assistance to support the effective management of the Diocese's property and land portfolio.


Main Property Inbox

Church Buildings

Lindsey McCullam
Director of Property & Estates and Deputy Diocesan Secretary
Lindsey manages the Diocesan property and land portfolio and advises about parish halls and properties. This includes the programme of works to DBF properties and land holdings as we work towards the target of net zero carbon emission by 2030.

Neil Buckland 
Senior Church Buildings Officer

Toni Bush
Church Buildings Community Engagement Enabler 

Toni plays a key part of making 20 of the most in need church buildings of the Dioceses of Salisbury and Bristol be used as a social and community resource.

Peter Hook
Church Buildings Repair and Maintenance Officer

Peter's role is to support Parish Church Councils (PCCs) in caring for the building fabric of their church, through both practical assistance and strategic planning of maintenance and repair.

Chris Barnes
Church Buildings Officer

Chris plays a key role in supporting the planning and execution of the work of the Diocesan Advisory Committee for the Care of Churches (DAC) and managing the Diocese's portfolio of closed churches 


Carol Craddock (Monday-Wednesday)
Church Buildings Coordinator
Carol provides support to the Church Buildings Team. Carol is also the first point of contact for visitors and taking telephone calls/emails and providing information/advice or re-directing queries.


Human Resources

Geralyn Meehan
Director of People & Safeguarding

Geralyn oversees and drives the development and delivery of the people and safeguarding strategies and services of the Diocese of Bristol in supporting its vision, values and strategy. She also enables the Diocese to be a safe place for all people to flourish in their work and ministry, supporting its goal to be a Church for and serving all people.



Denise Channing
HR Manager
Denise co-ordinates provision of the HR services and advice across the Diocese, providing advice and guidance to DBF managers, senior clergy, and parishes. 

Main HR inbox

Liz Dawe
HR Officer
Liz is responsible for internal communications, staff development and equity, diversity and inclusion (ED&I). Alongside other members of the HR team she also provides advice on any HR-related queries regarding leave, T&Cs of employment etc.

Main HR inbox

Jo Stephenson
HR Officer - Recruitment Lead
Jo is responsible for all staff and clergy recruitment matters and for day-to-day Human Resources functions, including acting as a first point of call for HR enquires including leave, T&Cs of employment etc.

Main HR inbox


Anne-Marie Tuck
Clergy Wellbeing Coordinator
Anne-Marie supports Revd Jordan Ling and the HR Team on Clergy Wellbeing initiatives.

Georgina Ross
HR Coordinator
Georgina provides generalist support to the Human Resources Team, and ensures that all administration linked to the Human Resources department is kept up-to-date on a daily basis.


Main HR inbox

Mission & Ministry Support Team

Revd Dr Simon Taylor
Director of Mission & Ministry Support
Simon leads the Mission and Ministry Support Team. He ensures support for ongoing vocational discernment, Christian formation and ministerial development for all licensed ministers.

Revd Sue Gent
Adviser for Ordinands and Vocations (Diocesan Director of Ordinands)
Sue oversees the discernment of vocations to ordained and lay ministry.

Revd Rebecca Stevens
Adviser for Ordinands and Vocations (Diocesan Director of Ordinands)


Revd Jordan Ling
Adviser for Clergy Wellbeing
Jordan leads on measures to enhance clergy wellbeing throughout the Diocese of Bristol and on encouraging and developing good practice.

Revd Chris Dobson
Adviser for Parish Discipleship & Evangelism
Chris supports parishes, mission areas and deaneries to explore how discipleship and evangelism are integral to their life and context, and to help develop them in creative new ways; and leads on our relationships with churches overseas.


Claire Eade
Team Coordinator
Claire provides support for the Director of the Mission & Ministry Team and the Adviser for Lay Ministry as well as co-ordinating team administration.


Dr Stephanie Hayton
Adviser for Lay Ministry (Warden of Readers)
Stephanie supports all kinds of lay ministry in the Diocese, including the Exploring Christianity course. As Warden of Readers, she has particular oversight of Licensed Lay Ministry in the Diocese. 

Revd Rosy Ashley 
Adviser for Parish Development 
osy supports parishes, benefices and deaneries in developing vision setting and action plans to further the mission and ministry of local churches in the Diocese during vacancies and more generally.  


Revd Lee Barnes 
Adviser for Curacy & Adviser for Fresh Expression of Church

Lee supports Christian communities across the Diocese in creating new ways of connecting with people outside the formal church and enabling others to connect with where God is already at work. He also has particular oversight of all aspects of curacies in the Diocese, the ministerial training, formation and development of ordained ministers.


Phone: 07458 073271

Revd Jeremy Andrew 

Adviser for Ministerial Development 

Jeremy takes responsibility for supporting ministers in their professional and vocational development. He is leading on introducing a coaching programme for licensed ministers of the Diocese of Bristol, whilst also supporting the Ministerial Development Review and coordinating further training for clergy. Jeremy also oversees clergy on extended ministerial development leave.


Ruth Day
Ruth supports all aspects of the work of the team.


Emma Snook
Mission & Ministry Support Team Administrator

Emma provides administrative support for the Adviser for Parish Discipleship & Evangelism, the Adviser for Parish Development & the Adviser for Ministerial Development as well as providing support to the wider team when required.


Antia Dobson

Lay Ministry Support Officer 




Lee Coley 
Diocesan Registrar 
Phone: 07989 205926
Stone King LLP, Boundary House, 91 Charterhouse Street, London EC1M 6HR

Frances Reynolds
Registry Assistant
Phone: 020 7796 1007
Stone King LLP, Boundary House, 91 Charterhouse Street, London EC1M 6HR

Davinia Davey 
Apprentice Solicitor 
Phone: 01225 337599
Stone King LLP, Upper Borough Court (UBC), Upper Borough Walls, Bath BA1 1R

Specialist Advisers

Rashida Hartley
Racial Justice Trainer
Rashida supports the Bishop’s Racial Justice Task Group in delivering the commitments made by the Bishop of Bristol in June 2020


Revd Anjali Kanagaratnam
Racial Justice Officer - Projects 
Suzanne Semedo
Racial Justice Programme Lead 

Jillian Downing 
Racial Justice Officer

Jillian leads the Diocese’s efforts to advance racial justice within our Transforming Church.Together strategy, fostering inclusivity and cultivating partnerships that create a more welcoming and diverse community.


Revd Canon Alice Kemp
Disability Adviser   
Alice supports parishes to consider their accessibility to all and conducts accessibility audits for parishes on request. Alice is also a Mental Health First Aider.


Rea Chawhan

Inclusion and Racial Justice Team Coordinator

Rea provides administrative support to both the inclusion and racial justice teams, aiding their work to promote inclusion and racial justice within the Diocese of Bristol.


Leanne Parkes
Diocesan Dementia and Older People’s Mental Health Adviser   
Leanne advises parishes in developing Dementia Friendly Churches and works to develop resources for older people’s mental health.


Anne-Marie Holland 
Mental Health Adviser   

Anne-Marie advises the Diocese in developing training and support for staff and volunteers in our churches, to improve the welcome and support we give to people living with mental health challenges and their families and carers. 

Revd Jordan Ling
Adviser for Ministerial Support and Wellbeing
Jordan acts as first point of contact for clergy seeking support.


Revd Dr Minty Hull
Adviser for Spiritual Direction



Geralyn Meehan
Director of People & Safeguarding

Geralyn oversees and drives the development and delivery of the people and safeguarding strategies and services of the Diocese of Bristol in supporting its vision, values and strategy. She also enables the Diocese to be a safe place for all people to flourish in their work and ministry, supporting its goal to be a Church for and serving all people.



Adam Bond
Diocesan Safeguarding Officer
Adam leads the Diocesan Safeguarding Team, providing support and guidance to parishes and responding to safeguarding allegations as required.

Mobile: 07458073272

Katheryn Caithness
Safeguarding Parish Support Officer
Katheryn provides advice and guidance to Parishes and Safeguarding Officers on policy, procedure, DBS and Safer Recruitment and on all training matters.

Nick Papuca
Deputy Diocesan Safeguarding Officer - Casework
Nick provides support undertaking case work and enquiries regarding allegations and the management of persons who may pose a risk.

Esther Williams
Safeguarding Caseworker
Esther provides support undertaking case work and enquiries regarding allegations and the management of persons who may pose a risk.

Moblie: 07458073270

Helen Styles
Deputy Diocesan Safeguarding Officer - Training and Development
Helen leads on the provision of safeguarding training across the diocese, leading a small team of Volunteer Trainers. Helen is also a Mental Health First Aider.

Transforming Church.Together

Rob Mountain
Director of Transformation
Rob supports the Bishop, CEO and SLT members in acheiving the transformation that God has inspired us to aim for. He also reviews and evaluates progress to make sure we are achieving what we set out to do and helps project members to suceed in their part of the Transforming Church.Together programme. 


Michelle Butler 
Transforming Church.Together (TCT) Programme Manager and IT Lead
Michelle is responsible for leading the team and implementing the new Transforming Church.Together Programme, working collaboratively, creating transformational and cultural change. 


Elizabeth Bergeron
Transforming Church.Together (TCT) Projects Manager
Elizabeth is responsible for delivering the four Missional Projects that make up the funded part of the TC.T Programme. She works collaboratively with the Communications Team and key internal and external stakeholders to ensure that everyone is well informed, inspired and connected.

Hannah Stephenson
Transforming Church.Togther (TCT) Programme Administrator

Hannah's role as administrator is to support the whole of the transformation team in their day to day activities so that they can more effectively, internally and externally reach their goals of transformation.

Revd Dr Andy Murray
Dean of Priority Communities 


Martin Green
Priority Community Network Project Officer 

Martin is responsible for supporting the operational delivery of the Priority Communities Programme with local parishes through provison of resources, support and networking opportunities. 


Evie Jones
Priority Community Network Project Administrator 

Evie assists administratively with the roll out of the Priority Community Networks Programme by supporting the Dean of Priority Communities Andy Murray as well as the wider team. She also administratively supports the wider Transforming Church.Together Programme.


The Revd Michelle Taylor 
Priority Communities Trainer 

Michelle's role is to support and equip Clergy, Lay People, PCCs and Church Congregations in Priority Communities, and the 'Jesus Shaped People' programme. Michelle creates and delivers training that helps foster good growth in churches and communities.


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