
Please find all the latest news from the Diocese of Bristol

Journey of Invitation

First published 17th January 2019

The Journey of Invitation has been created in response to requests for practical resources to support the six key practices of Making Disciples in Your Parish.

The Journey - theatrical telling of the Christmas story

First published 22nd December 2018

On the 9 December, people from across Swindon gathered for two performances of an immense, immersive theatrical telling of the Christmas story.

A Christmas message from Bishop Viv

First published 20th December 2018

This Christmas message was originally given as at the Christmas Day Eucharist at Bristol Cathedral 2019.

Christmas Greetings and office opening times

First published 20th December 2018

Happy Christmas from the Diocesan Support Services team! Thank you to all who work so hard in our churches and communities - may you have a peaceful and blessed Christmas.

St Andrew's reopens doors after major refurbishment

First published 13th December 2018

Community groups, childrens clubs and those just after a decent cuppa will be able to make use of St Andrews Church when it reopens next week. The building in Avonmouth had suffered from water damage over the years and was in need of a new lease of l

Liz Townend appointed next Diocesan Director of Education

First published 13th December 2018

Liz Townend has been appointed as the next Diocesan Director of Education and will take up her post on 1 March 2019, following the retirement of John Swainston.

Way Open for Social Justice Projects in Avonside

First published 13th December 2018

Its amazing how God opens doors! Recently, the Anglican churches of the Avonside Mission Area threw open their doors for their annual Lent Course.

Connections: Positive Parenting

First published 12th December 2018

Being a parent is one of lifes greatest joys, but it is also one of its biggest challenges. There's hardly a mum or dad on earth who, at times, is not overawed by the task of parenting.

Advance2020 - the gift of evangelism and a year of outreach

First published 12th December 2018

Through Evangelist Group Mentoring Advance2020 are committed to equipping and empowering those who have a desire to prioritise the sharing of the gospel, be it from a stage or a one-to-one conversation.

Understanding Faith Journeys

First published 12th December 2018

God with us. The 2018 Faith Journeys research, conducted by 9DOT for the Church of England, explores how people become aware of God's presence, are attracted to it, respond to it and are ultimately transformed by it.

Church looking for groups to develop community hub in Bristol

First published 5th December 2018

Organisations and charities are being invited by a Bristol church put forward ideas of how it can develop a hub for the city.Members of St Stephen's Church's PCC want to hear from groups who would be interested in forming a partnership with them

Celebration to mark launch of new Swindon church

First published 28th November 2018

Community and church leaders will celebrate the launch of a new church for Swindon this week.The civic service will take place at Pattern Church, which will be housed in the former Pattern Store. Services will take place at the location throughout De

Revd Christopher Bryan appointed Archdeacon of Malmesbury

First published 25th November 2018

Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, Bishop of Bristol, is delighted to announce the appointment of Revd Christopher Bryan as the new Archdeacon of Malmesbury.

Parish Share 2019

First published 21st November 2018

Diocesan Synod agreed overwhelmingly that Parish Share must continue to be a priority for parishes if the Diocese of Bristol is to achieve its ambitions for ongoing ministry across the Diocese.

Podcast connects people with God in everyday life

First published 21st November 2018

A new podcast and video series aims to help Christians grow as disciples in their daily walk with God.The fortnightly podcast, called Connection, has been created by Revd Hywel Snook, Associate Vicar in Yate, and Justin Blackett.

Diocesan vision and mission gets Synod backing

First published 20th November 2018

Members of Diocesan Synod have overwhelmingly backed the plans and priorities for mission in the Diocese of Bristol for 2019.

Cycle of Prayer for the ministry of the Diocese

First published 20th November 2018

Prayer is an amazing gift which strengthens our relationship with God; it has the power to change us and the world around us.

Demonstrating the heart of Mothers' Union in Prisons

First published 16th November 2018

To mark Prisons Week last month, members of the Bristol branch of Mothers' Union have been sharing how they have been working in different ways through the Prison Service.

Walk and Pray in Your Community

First published 15th November 2018

When did you last take a walk through your parish, praying for the people whose homes you pass and asking God to open hearts?

A God who keeps His promises - Revd Christopher Bryan

First published 13th November 2018

As we approach the season of Advent, Revd Christopher Bryan considers where Christians find their hope:It is dark inside the church, and hushed, but with the background rustling and breathing of many people waiting in silence. A match is struck,

Diocesan Synod - November 2018

First published 12th November 2018

The next meeting of the Diocesan Synod will be on Saturday 17 November at Freshbrook Church, Swindon. This will be a full day session.

Connections: Dementia Friendly Cafe

First published 9th November 2018

People living with dementia in Clifton have been given a safe place to meet and chat.All Saints Church in Clifton runs a dementia accessible cafe, Friends on Friday, for people with dementia, along with their family and friends.

Connections: Football Focus

First published 9th November 2018

Sports ministry through football is helping the church in Lockleaze to connect with its community. Revd Dave Jeal, vicar at St James Lockleaze and chaplain for Bristol Rovers, is encouraging congregations to form their own teams.

#FollowTheStar - Christmas 2018

First published 1st November 2018

#FollowTheStar, the Church of Englands national Advent and Christmas campaign for 2018, is inviting people across the country to experience the Christmas journey this year.

As one door closes, another opens: A thank you from Christine Froude

First published 1st November 2018

Ive said that so often to people facing changes in their lives.The certainty that, no matter how much we may want to we cant keep looking back over our shoulder at what was, for if we do we miss what lies ahead, what God has in store for us.Im tellin

The Genuine Spirit of Christmas - Revd Sheila Melot

First published 1st November 2018

Revd Sheila Melot, Seniors Minister at B&A Church, asks what our Christmas services are saying to our communities.

Simplicity beyond complexity - Revd Lee Barnes

First published 23rd October 2018

Revd Lee Barnes, Priest-in-charge of Holy Trinity, Hotwells and St Stephen's Bristol, on rediscovering confidence in the good news of Jesus.

50th church joins the Parish Giving Scheme

First published 23rd October 2018

Over the past year, churches of all shapes and sizes have embraced the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) - and this week sees the 50th church in the Diocese offer this new method of planned giving to their congregation.

Service of Welcome and Enthronement for Bishop of Bristol

First published 20th October 2018

The Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, Bishop of Bristol, was formally welcomed to the Diocese at a service in Bristol Cathedral this weekend. Representatives of churches and communities from across the Diocese gathered to witness her enthronement.

Nation's bells to ring out together to mark Armistice Centenary

First published 19th October 2018

On 11 November 2018, 100 years since Armistice, bells will ring out in unison from churches and cathedrals in villages, towns and cities across the country.

Appointment of new Chaplain to the Bishop of Bristol

First published 17th October 2018

Bishop Vivienne Faull is delighted to announce that Revd Canon Prof Martin Gainsborough has been appointed as Chaplain to the Bishop of Bristol from 1 January 2019.He will succeed Revd Paul van Rossum, who is retiring at the end of the year.

Folk-based album based on Psalms released by Bristol vicar and son

First published 11th October 2018

Bristol vicar - and award-winning composer - Steven Faux has teamed up with his son, Clem, to produce a new album. You Are is a contemporary folk-based album of songs based on the Book of Psalms and is the fourth in a series of albums.

Connections: B&A Small Groups

First published 4th October 2018

Christians at Bishopston and St Andrews are being equipped for living their faith in everyday life through the church's small groups.

Graham Archer seconded as Acting Archdeacon of Malmesbury

First published 4th October 2018

Revd Canon Graham Archer, Director of Ministry at CPAS, has been seconded as Acting Archdeacon of Malmesbury. Following Ven Christine Froudes retirement on 30 September 2018.

St Mary's Lydiard Tregoze wins National Lottery support

First published 2nd October 2018

We are delighted to announce that St Marys Church Lydiard Tregoze, which lies on the western edge of Swindon in historic Lydiard Park, has received a confirmed National Lottery grant award from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF).

Church reimagined for new generation as doors reopen after 60 years

First published 25th September 2018

Community and church leaders will celebrate the re-opening of St Nicholas Church on Baldwin Street as it prepares to welcome its first visitors this coming Sunday.

New Stewardship and Fundraising guides

First published 25th September 2018

Three newly published guides are available to support your church's stewardship and fundraising activities.

Thy Kingdom Come: The story so far...

First published 25th September 2018


Making Disciples: Dice and PCCs

First published 24th September 2018

Has your PCC discussed 'Making disciples in your parish' yet? Making disciples in your parish seeks to resource and support parishes in developing mission and ministry in some key areas of church life.

Could you be the next Archdeacon of Malmesbury?

First published 20th September 2018

Enabling mission across a varied area as part of a changing senior team. We're looking for the next Archdeacon of Malmesbury, to bring passion, energy and focus as they work with an archdeaconry that includes every kind of ministry context.

Who do you say that I am? - Revd Canon Prof Martin Gainsborough

First published 17th September 2018

Revd Canon Prof Martin Gainsborough, Canon Theologian at Bristol Cathedral, asks how God acts.I want to tell you about Carol not her real name. Carol is in her 30s.

Youthwork Sunday launched

First published 17th September 2018

Do you want to get your church thinking and praying about young people?Do you want them to join in with celebrating what God is doing in young people's lives, and dream about what else might be possible?

Bristol Cursillistas attend annual National Ultreya

First published 17th September 2018

Four Cursillistas from Bristol Anglican Cursillo attended the annual National Ultreya in Chelmsford during September. Angela Smith, Lay Director, reflects on the gathering.

Bishops adopt international definition of antisemitism

First published 13th September 2018

The bishops of the Church of England have formally adopted the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism.

Street Pastors looking for new volunteers

First published 11th September 2018

Could you take to the streets of Bristol on a Friday or Saturday night to help those enjoying an evening on the town? Street Pastors in Bristol is looking for more volunteers to join them as they patrol the city's streets.

Time for a Change - Revd Dr Emma Ineson

First published 7th September 2018

As we enter a new season, Revd Dr Emma Ineson, Principal of Trinity College Bristol and Bishop Designate of Penrith, thinks about life's many changes.Change is in the air.

Hundreds turn out for first Big Green Picnic

First published 5th September 2018

Picnickers packed up their hampers for the first Big Green Picnic in Bristol this summer. More than 200 people headed to College Green to tuck into their environmentally-friendly lunches and to hear from speakers.

Photo exhibition at Cathedral captures poignance of war graves

First published 24th August 2018

Bristol Cathedral will be hosting a significant photography exhibition this autumn, remembering those who lost their lives in the First World War. 

New website to help keep historic churches safe

First published 24th August 2018

MaintenanceBooker is a new website set up to help keep historic churches safe for the future. Set up by the National Churches Trust and 2buy2, MaintenanceBooker helps churches to prevent problems such as leaking roofs and crumbling stonework. Churche

Running the Race - Revd Canon Nicola Stanley

First published 21st August 2018

Following a summer of sport, Revd Canon Nicola Stanley, Precentor of Bristol Cathedral, reflects on the link between Christians and athletes.

Becoming a Dementia-Friendly Church

First published 20th August 2018

A new resource pack has been put together by Churches Together in Bristol which aims to bring together a variety of tools and information which may be of use in helping churches to become more dementia friendly.

Journey's End - Remembrance film screening for churches

First published 17th August 2018

As part of the British commemoration of the First World War centenary, a film adaptation of the play Journey's End by R. C. Sherriff was filmed and released.

New resource to support Stats for Mission Annual Return

First published 17th August 2018

Behind every statistic captured by the National Church's Annual Return is a human being encountering and worshipping God.

School opera celebrates church bells in Almondsbury

First published 17th August 2018

Pupils at two schools have performed a new opera celebrating the restoration of the set of bells in St Marys Almondsbury.

Have your say on plans for growth at Frenchay CE Primary

First published 16th August 2018

South Gloucestershire Council is asking for comments on plans to expand Frenchay CE VC Primary School and transfer it to a new site.There are currently proposals to increase the number of places available at the school from 140 to 420 with

Saying Goodbye service

First published 16th August 2018

A special service for parents to remember children who have been lost is taking place at Malmesbury Abbey in September.The Saying Goodbye Services are remembrance services for people who have lost a child at any stage of pregnancy, at birth or in inf

Things I have learned - Chris Priddy

First published 14th August 2018

Chris Priddy took up the post of Head of Parish and External Relations at the Diocese of Bristol on 1 September 2015. Here he reflects on his experience during the last three years.

Lament and the Rawness of Pain - Revd Sheila Melot

First published 13th August 2018

In our latest blog, Revd Sheila Melot, Seniors Minister at B&A Church, explores the experience of grief:The Christian faith embraces Good Friday and Easter Sunday: grief and death, then joy and new life. But sometimes ones personal experienc

Become a governor at a Church of England School

First published 9th August 2018

Could you volunteer and become a school governor? Do you want to make a difference to the lives of children, young people and your local community? Do you enjoy working as part of a team? Are you willing to challenge and ask questions?

Alpha and Omega - Canon David Froude

First published 8th August 2018

Canon David Froude, Chair of the House of Laity, Bristol Diocesan Synod, reflects on endings - and new beginnings. I know someone who hates goodbyes. So much so that often those words are avoided, face to face is minimised, and we move on quickly.

Autumn and Winter Aid Appeal for Syria, Lebanon and Iraq

First published 7th August 2018

During September The Church in Westbury Park is asking for peeople to bring items and money to be sent to those in the most dire need in refugee camps in Syria and Iraq.Below is a list of those items which are needed.

Ride and Stride 2018

First published 7th August 2018

This year's annual Ride+Stride event, which takes place throughout Wiltshire on Saturday 8 September, is the perfect chance to visit some of the county's beautiful churches.

Ability Sunday 2018 - Celebrating Gifts

First published 7th August 2018

Churches are being invited to join together and mark out 9 September for Ability Sunday a special day in their community.

Revd Canon Michael Roden announced as new Canon Chancellor

First published 6th August 2018

Bristol Cathedral has announced the appointment of Revd Canon Michael Roden as Canon Chancellor.

Bristol's Big Green Picnic

First published 30th July 2018

Working with Bristol Cathedral were hosting an environmentally-friendly picnic on College Green and wed love for you to join us! 11.30AM - 2PM WEDNESDAY 29 AUGUST 2018 College Green, Bristol.

A new Heaven and a new Earth - Canon Professor Martin Gainsborough

First published 25th July 2018

Canon Professor Martin Gainsborough, a member of General Synod for the Diocese of Bristol, assesses General Synods vote on disinvestment.

Life to the Little Max

First published 24th July 2018

Back in June, a small group of clergy children from Bristol Diocese met others from Bath and Wells for a fun day out at Crealy Adventure Park in North Devon.Called Little Max, the day trip was organised to build on the current pastoral supp

Celebrating all God's people - Revd Mat Ineson

First published 12th July 2018

Revd Mat Ineson, Vicar at St Mary's Stoke Bishop, on equipping the people of God to minister to the world. The beginning of July was special for Bristol Diocese. We celebrated ordinations to the offices of Deacon, Priest and Bishop.

Consecration of Vivienne Faull as Bishop of Bristol

First published 12th July 2018

The Rt Revd Vivienne Faull was consecrated as the 56th Bishop of Bristol by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Revd Justin Welby, in a service at St Paul's Cathedral, London, on 3 June.

New worship and prayer materials to commemorate First World War

First published 27th June 2018

The Church of England has launched new worship and prayer resources to mark the centenary of the end of the First World War.

Where are we on our Parish Share journey?

First published 25th June 2018

Over the coming weeks your church will receive its Parish Share request for 2019. So how far have we come as a Diocese, and where are we heading on our shared Parish Share journey?

New book tells colourful history of All Saints Church

First published 18th June 2018

A new book tracing the history of All Saints Church, Clifton - once dubbed the Anglo-Catholic cathedral of the South West - has just been  published.

Ordinary times - Revd Kat Campion-Spall

First published 18th June 2018

In our latest blog, Revd Kat Campion-Spall, Associate Vicar of St Mary Redcliffe Church, Bristol, considers the blessing of living in 'ordinary times'.

Archdeacon's Visitation Charge to Churchwardens

First published 18th June 2018

"Searching through my bedside cabinet I came across an old birthday card from my parents the last one I received that they had both signed."

Safeguarding News - June 2018

First published 8th June 2018

Welcome to the latest news from the Safeguarding team. Here you will find all the news, resources and training from Adam Bond and the team.

Drivers urged to join fight against modern slavery at car washes

First published 7th June 2018

Anti-slavery campaigners and other key agencies, including the police and councils, are backing the Safe Car Wash App, launched by The Clewer Initiative, the Church of Englands campaign against modern slavery.

Bristol DAC Awards 2018

First published 7th June 2018

Each year the Diocesan Advisory Committee recognises a number of projects through its awards scheme. 

Are you just ticking over?

First published 6th June 2018

The following article is taken from the CPAS Lead On monthly email and was written by James Lawrence; CPAS Leadership Principal.

South West Youth Ministry Training Day

First published 31st May 2018

A day of inspiration, keynote sessions and expert workshops for line managers, mentors, youth workers and children's workers.

Church Planting to be discussed at Diocesan Synod

First published 25th May 2018

We are inviting anyone interested in finding out more about Diocesan Synod to come along to the next meeting on Saturday 9 June and see for themselves the role that it plays in the running of the Diocese.

Remembrance 100

First published 25th May 2018

100 years

Lectio Musica: Songs from scripture

First published 25th May 2018

A new song, written especially for Lectio Musica by Matthew David is featured.

The Shrine Of Our Lady Of Walsingham Youth Pilgrimage

First published 25th May 2018

Founded by the Lady Richeldis in 1061, destroyed by Henry VIII in 1538, restored in 1922 by Father Hope Patten, the Anglican Vicar of Walsingham the Shrine has had an eventful history across nearly a thousand years.

Pray for toddler groups

First published 25th May 2018

Just imagine if your church discovered a way to effectively engage with over 50% of the local community. Just imagine if half of the young families in your area came along every week. 

Diocesan Synod Elections 2018

First published 24th May 2018

In the coming months, representatives from across the Diocese will be encouraged to stand for election as members of the new Diocesan Synod for the next three years.

400km bike ride for Uganda youth trip

First published 22nd May 2018

400km is a long way to travel regardless of the mode of transport but choosing to do it on a bicycle? Who would be crazy enough to do that? Well, Dan Jones our Youth and Childrens Adviser is, and on the 14th June he will be setting off from Weston-su

Viv Faull: a pioneer who will be a bishop for everybody

First published 18th May 2018

On the day of her announcement as the next Bishop of Bristol, we learn more about Viv Faulls ministry and why she was appointed to the Diocese.

Very Revd Vivienne Faull announced as the Bishop of Bristol

First published 15th May 2018

Her Majesty the Queen has appointed the Very Revd Vivienne Faull, currently Dean of York, as the 57th Bishop of Bristol.

Iconic railway works building to become new church for Swindon

First published 14th May 2018

The former Pattern Store in Swindon is to be turned into a new church for the town.It is part of a plan by the Diocese of Bristol to support the regeneration of the area, while also connecting with people across Swindon who are not part of a church.

Holy Habits Missional Discipleship Resource

First published 10th May 2018

Missional discipleship resources for churches.

Mission in a changing world

First published 9th May 2018

Mission in a changing world.

Revd Dr Emma Ineson announced as Bishop of Penrith

First published 9th May 2018

Revd Dr Emma Ineson, principal of Trinity College, has been announced as the Bishop of Penrith in the Diocese of Carlisle.

Breakfast Church

First published 4th May 2018

Lots of families struggle to attend church because Sunday mornings become filled with taking children to sporting activities, going shopping and other regular activities.

'Apprentice': New CPAS resource

First published 3rd May 2018

Apprentice is a daily discipleship resource for individuals and groups helping them to explore the life of Jesus more fully.Day by day, week by week, you will explore four spiritual rhythms.

Making disciples in your parish resources

First published 2nd May 2018

At our Connected conference in April 2018 we launched the Making disciples in your parish resource.

Revd Jill Garfitt

First published 30th April 2018

It is with deep sadness that we bring the news that Revd Jill Garfitt passed away on Friday 27 April. A service of Thanksgiving will be held in Christ Church at 11 am on Friday 8 June. Light refreshments will be served following the se

Why use a card reader in church?

First published 24th April 2018

Many people no longer carry cash, and so it's becoming increasingly important to provide other ways for people to give. One solution is getting a card reader for your church, which works alongside a smart phone or tablet.

80 mile bike ride to raise funds for Youth Trip to Uganda

First published 24th April 2018

A group of 14 young people and youth leaders will be cycling from Avonmouth to Swindon over the May Bank Holiday to raise money towards a trip to Uganda this July.

How can we all be inclusive?

First published 23rd April 2018

As a church family we want to include children, young people and adults of all abilities and needs in all aspects of church life, but the truth is that many of us struggle to make this a reality.

Derek Chedzey to become next Archdeacon of Hereford

First published 23rd April 2018

The Diocese of Hereford has announced that Derek Chedzey is to become the next Archdeacon of Hereford.

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