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News and updates
Grant awarded for research into Messy Churches
First published 30th August 2019Messy Churches in the Diocese of Bristol are among the congregations to benefit from new research being funded by the Church of England.A grant of 100,000 has been awarded to the Church of Englands Evangelism and Discipleship Team.

Bishop Viv signs open letter on prospect of a 'no-deal' Brexit
First published 28th August 2019The Bishop of Bristol, Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, has joined 25 Anglican bishops in signing an open letter on the prospect of a 'no-deal' Brexit and the need for national reconciliation.

Celebrating Bristol NW CAP Debt Centre
First published 22nd August 2019Celebrating the work of the Bristol NW CAP Debt Centre .

St Johns Parks and Walcot Community Choir
First published 21st August 2019The parish of Parks and Walcot, Swindon is amongst the 10% most deprived in the country and receives Lowest Income Communities Funding. This has supported them in developing a ministry amongst unchurched women on the estate.

Prayer day at Deanery Academy
First published 20th August 2019Churches from across the Swindon Deanery joined members of the wider community at the new Deanery CE Academy in Swindon to 'pray in' the school earlier in July.

Marriage registration changes
First published 20th August 2019The Government plans to introduce a new system of registration for marriages, including church weddings, in England and Wales.

Practical aspects of prayer ministry
First published 20th August 2019Many churches in the Diocese offer prayer for healing and wholeness for members of their congregation. In some it is offered weekly, some monthly, some occasionally.

Revd Jeremy Andrew announced as Area Dean for Kingswood and South Glos
First published 20th August 2019The Bishop of Bristol, Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, is pleased to announce that Jeremy Andrew has been appointed Area Dean of Kingswood and South Glos.

Inspire Youth Pilgrimage
First published 20th August 2019In May sixteen young people and eight adults from across the Yate and Fromeside Mission Area set off on a 62-mile pilgrimage walking from St Peters Frampton Cotterell to the Cathedral in Sailsbury.

Pop-up prayer space at St Michael's School
First published 16th August 2019A pop-up Prayer Space was recently created at St Michael's Primary School in Winterbourne by members of St Michael's Church. Jo Strange, Pastoral Family Liaison Minister at the church, looks back on how pupils and staff engaged with it:"This was

Difference. The power of faith in a conflicted world
First published 15th August 2019Archbishop Justin Welby has a vision for the church to be a reconciling presence in the midst of conflict. Over the last year, he has brought together leading thinkers on reconciliation to create a timely resource that is designed for Christians to e

Bristol Uganda link marks 50 years of friendship with celebration
First published 15th August 2019This year is the 50th anniversary of the link between the Church of Uganda and the Diocese of Bristol.

Transforming Structural Injustice - Christian responses to poverty
First published 15th August 2019After ten years of austerity the Life on the Breadline team are exploring Christian responses to poverty. It is the first theological project to explore Christian action on poverty since the global financial crash.

Kingdom Come: Seeking God's Kingdom in Bristol
First published 15th August 2019This October, young people from across Bristol will gather together at St Nicholas to seek God at 'Kingdom Come'.

Revd Jeremy Andrew announced as Area Dean for Kingswood and South Glos
First published 14th August 2019The Bishop of Bristol, Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, is pleased to announce that Jeremy Andrew has been appointed Area Dean of Kingswood and South Glos.Jeremy has the been vicar in Warmley, Bitton and Syston since 2014 and before that was the vicar of four

Practical aspects of prayer ministry
First published 12th August 2019Many churches in the Diocese offer prayer for healing and wholeness for members of their congregation. In some it is offered weekly, some monthly, some occasionally.

Marriage registration changes
First published 12th August 2019The Government plans to introduce a new system of registration for marriages, including church weddings, in England and Wales. It is anticipated that the new system will replace traditional marriage registers.

Prayer day at Deanery Academy
First published 29th July 2019Churches from across the Swindon Deanery joined members of the wider community at the new Deanery CE Academy in Swindon to 'pray in' the school earlier in July.The school, which is due to open at the beginning of September, has already been welc

Installation of new canons at Bristol Cathedral
First published 29th July 2019Revd Dan Tyndall, vicar of St Mary Redcliffe, and Oliver Home, Diocesan Secretary, have been installed as Honorary Canons at Bristol Cathedral.

Bishop Lee celebrates five years cancer-free with sponsored 100-mile bike ride
First published 25th July 2019Rt Revd Lee Rayfield, Bishop of Swindon, is taking part in a sponsored cycle race next month as he marks five years of being in remission from cancer.

Bishop hears from Extinction Rebellion protesters in Bristol
First published 19th July 2019The Bishop of Swindon, Rt Revd Lee Rayfield, has been meeting environmental campaigners in Bristol to listen to their views on caring for the planet.

Glastonbury baptism brings message of hope
First published 11th July 2019God was firmly in the midst of this years Glastonbury Festival. On the main stage Stormzy sang of Grace and, over in the Sanctuary Marquee, 11-month-old Maggie was being baptised in the first infant baptism to be held at the festivals Churches Tent.
Ability Sunday 2019
First published 10th July 2019Livability is inviting churches to mark out 8 September for Ability Sunday a special day for our communities. Ability Sunday is about running a day of inclusion and participation in your community.

Bidding for Success - securing funding for your church project
First published 9th July 2019Reports and resources from the day.

Sharing what works
First published 9th July 2019In September 2017, after much consultation and planning, work got underway on a project to Re-ignite St Andrews in Avonmouth, Bristol.

Uganda Link news
First published 9th July 2019Uganda Link news

Church & Environment Conference: 14 April 2018
First published 9th July 2019Diocesan Conference - 14th April 2018

Diocese of Bristol joins Messy Church Discipleship Pilot
First published 5th July 2019The Diocese of Bristol has been selected by Messy Church UK to take part in an influential pilot project to try out approaches to discipleship in Messy Church.

Sign up to the Church of England's Digital Charter
First published 4th July 2019The Church of England is encouraging Christians and churches to sign up to its pledge to make social media and the web a more positive place.

North Wilts Mission Area churches sign covenant
First published 1st July 2019Members of churches in the North Wilts Mission Area have gathered to celebrate the signing of their covenant. Rt Revd Dr Lee Rayfield, Bishop of Swindon, spoke at the special service.
Ordinations 2019
First published 28th June 2019Over the last weekend in June, we will be celebrating the Ordination of 23 people to serve across our Diocese in a variety of contexts. On Saturday, ten candidates will be ordained priest in Bristol Cathedral.

Encouraging Generosity workshops 2019
First published 26th June 2019The Diocese of Bristol is running a series of workshops across September with a focus on a particular aspect of stewardship, along with an update on Parish Share 2020.

Fresh Expressions: There's an App for that!
First published 26th June 2019Fresh Expressions are pleased to announce the launch of the new Godsend App.Godsend, which is available to download for free, has been designed as a toolkit to help people to grow new Christian communities with those exploring faith.

Welcoming in the community at St Barnabas Church's Open Day
First published 21st June 2019Community groups from across North Swindon were invited into St Barnabas Church as part of an open event aimed. Crafts, cakes and a mini train ride were among the treats on offer to the public.

Leaving a Legacy of Faith
First published 20th June 2019In 2016, almost 800,000 was left in legacies across the Diocese of Bristol, contributing to parish income, financing mission projects, helping to maintain beautiful church buildings and growing faithful communities.

Sign up to Ride+Stride 2019
First published 20th June 2019Ride+Stride is a sponsored bike ride or walk in which people all over England walk or cycle between churches, exploring and enjoying the countryside from Cornwall to Northumberland.

Diocesan Synod Report - June 2019
First published 20th June 2019With a Synod that is increasingly engaging enthusiastically and passionately with difficult topics of mission and ministry, members considered how the Church could relate well together.

Very Revd Dr David Hoyle appointed new Dean of Westminster
First published 19th June 2019Her Majesty The Queen has approved the appointment of Very Revd Dr David Hoyle as the new Dean of Westminster.

New photo competition could win your church £5,000
First published 13th June 2019Budding photographers could be in with a chance of winning 5,000 as part of a new competition launched by the UK's leading church insurer.

Connections: Growing Young Leaders
First published 13th June 2019Church of England Youth Council Sophie Mitchell is keen to see churches invest in helping young people to become leaders.

Kingdom Experimentation
First published 12th June 2019Experimenting for the Kingdom! Would you be interested in piloting any of the following ideas? Is there one that stands out as being relevant to mission and ministry in your context?

Weekend of Invitation stories
First published 7th June 2019Share your story of invitation. We would love to hear from you about the invitational events your church hosted during the Weekend of Invitation.

Bristol DAC Awards 2019
First published 7th June 2019Church building projects across the Diocese have been honoured by the Diocesan Advisory Committee at a special awards ceremony.

Appeal for foster carers from church communities
First published 6th June 2019Christians in Bristol are being called on to help fill the shortage of foster carers in the city.In 2017-18 over 900 children and young people spent time in care in Bristol.

Hundreds join in with The Noise 2019
First published 6th June 2019Churches across Bristol partnered with The Noise last month to show their love to the city.

Sharing the gospel through Adventure Church
First published 6th June 2019Becky Fisher is the Rural Schools and Churches Worker for the eight parishes in the Gauzebrook Group. Here she explains how the countryside around North Wiltshire is helping share about God's kingdom with families:

Celebrating Thy Kingdom Come at Bristol Cathedral
First published 3rd June 2019Bristol Cathedral was filled with more than 350 people on Sunday night as part of Thy Kingdom Come beacon event. People of all ages and from across denominations came together in unity to encounter Jesus and pray for God's Kingdom to come.
Bishop Viv joins faith communities at Grand Iftar
First published 31st May 2019The Bishop of Bristol, Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, has spoken of her determination to see more done to bring communities together as she attended the grand Iftar meal held for the community in Easton, Bristol.She told the crowd of 6,000 people, who had g

Reflections on Archdeacons' Visitations 2019
First published 22nd May 2019The Archdeacons of Malmesbury and Bristol have had a wonderful couple of weeks, meeting Churchwardens and their clergy around the Diocese.

Become a member of the Diocesan Board of Education
First published 22nd May 2019The Church of England has a vision for education so that all may have life in all its fullness. The vision describes:educating for wisdom, knowledge and skills.

Chris Russell announced as keynote speaker for Connected 2019
First published 21st May 2019The speaker for this year's Connected conference has been announced as Revd Chris Russell, Vicar at St Laurence, Reading and Archbishops Adviser for Evangelism and Witness.Chris is the Vicar at St Laurence, where he has been since 2001

Mentors to support churches engaging with schools and colleges
First published 21st May 2019Thirteen trained Inspire mentors are now available to support churches to explore the ways in which they might engage with, serve and support their local schools or colleges.

Revd Charles Sutton announced as Area Dean for Bristol West
First published 16th May 2019The Bishop of Bristol, Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, is pleased to announce that Revd Charles Sutton has been appointed Area Dean of Bristol West.

New Archdeacon of Malmesbury Collation and Installation
First published 8th May 2019Bristol Cathedral hosted a wonderful celebration at Choral Evensong on Tuesday 7 May 2019 at which the Venerable Christopher Bryan was collated as the Archdeacon of Malmesbury by Bishop Viv and installed as an Honorary Canon of the Cathedral.

Annual Safeguarding Report 2018 published
First published 7th May 2019The Diocese of Bristol has now published the Safeguarding Annual Report for 2018.

St Nicholas Bristol thanks All Churches Trust
First published 7th May 2019It has been just over four months since St Nicholas Bristol reopened its doors, following the first phase of refurbishment of a building previously used by Bristol City Council as an archive space.

Archdeacons' Visitations 2019
First published 2nd May 2019Churchwardens will be gathering this month at seven Visitation services across the Diocese to celebrate and affirm their ministry as they formally take up their offices for another year.

A Prayer for Eastertide
First published 24th April 2019"Showing the love of Christ to everyone, whoever they are" - Bishop Viv

Free trial of contactless payment device for churches
First published 24th April 2019GoodBox and Christian Aid are offering churches the opportunity to start offering contactless giving without any cost.The contactless payment provider GoodBox has partnered with Christian Aid for a fundraising initiative, with GoodBox providing

Latest Stewardship and Giving News - May 2019
First published 24th April 2019Churches, chapels and meeting houses are 'treasure houses' of heritage, history and community.

Fresh prayer stream in Yate and Fromeside
First published 24th April 2019Yate and Fromeside Mission Area has created a prayer stream over the past months, bringing together eight people from churches across the Mission Area to meet regularly to discuss and implement prayer initiatives.

Revd Canon Dr Simon Taylor returns to Bristol as Director of Ministry Development
First published 21st April 2019Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, Bishop of Bristol, is pleased to announce the appointment of Revd Canon Dr Simon Taylor as the new Director of Ministry Development.Simon, who was ordained in Bristol Cathedral in 2002, is returning to the Diocese after seven

Chrism Eucharist 2019
First published 20th April 2019At this year's Chrism Eucharist, as clergy reaffirmed their vows and the sacred oils were blessed, Bishop Viv spoke of the incarnation of God's word and the incarnation of Good News.

New Keyboard Networker appointed
First published 18th April 2019Carmen Carrol has been appointed as the new Keyboard Networker with the Keyboard Trust, Churches Together for Greater Bristol and Together 4 Bristol have announced.The Keyboard Trust aims is to promote a culture of racial justice and equality in

Former Bristol church to be taken on by new owner
First published 16th April 2019Work to restore and give a new use to St Michael on the Mount Without in Bristol will be taken on by Norman Routledge.

Taking SHAPE in Avonside
First published 15th April 2019Avonside Mission Area has recently completed the Your SHAPE for God's Service sessions produced by the Diocese.

Revd Neil Warwick appointed Archdeacon of Bristol
First published 14th April 2019Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, Bishop of Bristol, is delighted to announce the appointment of Revd Neil Warwick as the new Archdeacon of Bristol.

Revd Alison Love announced as Area Dean for North Wilts
First published 12th April 2019The Bishop of Bristol, Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, is pleased to announce that Alison Love has been appointed Area Dean of North Wiltshire.
New course to help parishes grow young leaders
First published 10th April 2019The Diocese of Bristol is committed to engaging with younger generations and to growing leaders of all ages to serve in both the church and the world.

Growing a Dementia Friendly Church Conference
First published 4th April 2019Dementia Action Week is being celebrated with a day to support churches in continuing their dementia friendly church.

Bishop Viv blesses St Edith's Well during Duke of Kent visit
First published 3rd April 2019An ancient well dating back to the 10th century has been blessed by the Bishop of Bristol.

Pattern Church receives planning approval
First published 3rd April 2019In late March 2019, Pattern Church in Swindon received its planning permission from Swindon Borough Council to adapt and convert the old Great Western Railway Pattern Store into a new worship space.

Yate and Fromeside podcast bringing encouragement and hope
First published 1st April 2019Last Easter, Yate and Fromeside Mission Area started experimenting with podcasting. Nearly one year later it has proven to be a success.

Eco Diocese and Eco Church in the Diocese of Bristol
First published 30th March 2019Recognising the significant impact of climate change and the part which churches can play in caring for the environment is one of the Five Marks of Mission.

INSPIRE conference: A huge success
First published 28th March 2019We had an amazing turn-out for our INSPIRE conference in March 2019 with 150 delegates from churches across the Diocese, learning how our churches can be a blessing to schools and colleges.

Creating connections - encouraging progress being made
First published 28th March 2019To support our diocesan vision and priorities, we have, for the third consecutive year, undertaken a survey to help us understand parish mission and ministry during the year.

New creative prayer ideas for engaging younger generations
First published 25th March 2019Prayer is an amazing gift which strengthens our relationship with God; it has the power to change us and the world around us. When we pray at all times, in all circumstances and for all things, we see God's Kingdom come.

Bristol Churches City Fund: Funding for St Lukes Barton Hill
First published 25th March 2019The Bristol Churches City Fund was set up in early 2018 to enable churches and individuals to demonstrate "extreme generosity", over and above their normal giving, in support of projects related to homelessness; refugees; food poverty; and debt support.

Brexit thought on the 25th March. Bishop Viv
First published 25th March 2019In the coming days our Members of Parliament will continue to face enormous pressure, and have to make decisions which will have a far reaching impact on our nation.

Martin Gainsborough announced as Residentiary Canon at Bristol Cathedral
First published 24th March 2019Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, Bishop of Bristol, is pleased to announce that the Lord Chancellor has approved the appointment of Revd Canon Dr Martin Gainsborough as a Residentiary Canon at Bristol Cathedral following the resignation of Revd Canon Derek Ch

NEW 'Your SHAPE for God's Service' resource
First published 22nd March 2019For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God has prepared in advance for us to do.

Latest Stewardship and Giving News
First published 21st March 2019Fundraising Training Are you planning a fundraising appeal?

Playfully Serious - how Messy Churches create new space for faith
First published 19th March 2019A new report by Church Army has revealed how Messy Churches create new space for faith. The report found that Messy Churches are reaching families who are new to church; 61% of attenders at Messy Churches in the research were from non-church backgrounds.

Resources for prayer and conversation for Brexit
First published 19th March 2019A message from Bishop Viv as she calls on churches and communities to come together in prayer for the country and the Brexit process.

Climate Change and the Church - a young person's response
First published 15th March 2019Climate change is one of the biggest challenges we are currently facing. Strongest among those demanding action is the voice of our young people, calling on leaders from all walks of life to make a decisive response to the issue.

Celebrations mark 25 years of women's ordination to the priesthood
First published 12th March 2019Events are taking place to mark a quarter of a century of women's ordination to the priesthood in the Church of England.
"Best Diocesan Synod Ever" - March 2019 Diocesan Synod report
First published 12th March 2019In an engaging Synod on 2 March, which was described by a number of people as the best Diocesan Synod they had attended, members participated with energy and generated a lot of questions.

Bishop Viv's Diocesan Synod Address - March 2019
First published 5th March 2019In her address to Diocesan Synod on 2 March 2019, Bishop Viv spoke of how our churches can be safe places in times of turmoil and uncertainty, and the spiritual gift of lamenting.

Lent resources 2019
First published 19th February 2019For Christians, Lent is one of the most important times of year. It is a time when we can prepare to remember Jesus' life, death and resurrection at Easter.

Statement by the Bishop of Bristol on the closure of Swindon's Honda plant
First published 19th February 2019Following the announcement that Honda will be closing its Swindon plant in 2021, Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, Bishop of Bristol, has offered the support of the church community to those facing redundancy.

Stewardship and Funding Updates - February 2019
First published 19th February 2019New Stewardship and Funding Updates. At the Giving to God workshops last year you told us that you wanted more regular stewardship and funding updates.

Journey of Generosity
First published 18th February 2019As we explore what it means to encourage generosity, Naomi Buckler, Giving and Resources Adviser for the Diocese, considers the Journey of Generosity sessions.

The Invitation Cross
First published 12th February 2019I wouldnt have taken myself off to church without an invitation church has become an important part of my life....changed my life.... feel I have grown so much.

'Creative Family Focused Expressions of Church made simple' resource launched
First published 29th January 2019Many churches in the Diocese of Bristol and across the country have found that Messy Church has provided them with an excellent way to connect with families and people of all ages in a creative act of worship.

We wont stop until poverty stops
First published 25th January 2019Tearfund is marking its 50th year with a new campaign - We won't stop until poverty stop.

Coaching to Create a Culture of Invitation
First published 22nd January 2019To equip you to lead your congregation into a culture of invitation, remote coaching with Michael Harvey of Unlocking the Growth is available to Diocese of Bristol church leaders for free.

Recent increase in roof metal theft
First published 22nd January 2019Over the past few weeks the Secretary to the DAC has received reports of metal theft, which has affected a number of churches in the Diocese of Bristol. This is not just a local problem.

Serving God at the Glastonbury Festival
First published 22nd January 2019Revd Chris North, Acting Head of Ministry Development, volunteers each year in the Sanctuary Tent at the Glastonbury Festival:Glastonbury Festival is one of the most iconic summer gatherings and is known across the world and as such it is amazing place.

Inspire Conference 2019 - Being a blessing to schools and colleges
First published 22nd January 2019Working in partnership with schools can be rewarding. Inspire will explore different ways that people in churches can support children and young people in schools.

New booklet to help toddler groups create connections
First published 22nd January 2019Toddler groups are among the most exciting and significant starting places for mission for both adults and children.It is estimated that between a third and a half of all children in this country, aged under three, regularly attend a church-run toddler group.