Bristol Cathedral hosted a wonderful celebration at Choral Evensong on Tuesday 7 May 2019 at which the Venerable Christopher Bryan was collated as the Archdeacon of Malmesbury by Bishop Viv and installed as an Honorary Canon of the Cathedral by the Dean, the Very Revd Dr David Hoyle.
The congregation was delighted to hear the Bible read beautifully by Christophers 10-year-old daughter Susannah and Bishop Lee preached about stepping out of ones comfort zone when following Jesus.
A full coach of parishioners made the journey from Christophers previous benefice of Gauzebrook in North Wiltshire, where he had also served as Area Dean. Family and friends, fellow clergy from across the Diocese, new colleagues from the Diocesan Support Services, all gathered to share in this special occasion.
Christopher said: As I begin my role as Archdeacon of Malmesbury, Im hugely grateful for all the words of welcome, encouragement and prayers Ive received."
Christopher will begin his public ministry immediately with a series of Archdeacons' Visitations, visiting all four deaneries in the Archdeaconry of Malmesbury and meeting the churchwardens and their incumbents.
You can see more pictures from Christopher's Collation and Installation on our Facebook page.