Canon David Froude, Chair of the House of Laity, Bristol Diocesan Synod, reflects on endings - and new beginnings.
I know someone who hates goodbyes. So much so that often those words are avoided, face to face is minimised, and we move on quickly.
I hate uncertainty. I prefer the comfort of knowing. There may be others who identify with that.
Uncertainty happens for me with beginnings and endings. And just now in my life there are both. There is an ending soon and a new beginning to come. We are right there.
I know the textbook answer to let go and let God. I know that most things in the past have worked out fine, but that does not stop me worrying sometimes, hating the unknown, wondering, imagining. Its always worse at night. But He has not let me down, so stop being concerned I tell myself.
I bottle up the concern, pack it away tightly. But every now and then, it bubbles up and spills out. And then I start again - dont worry, it will be alright...
So, since God is the Alpha and the Omega (Rev 22:13), we know deep down it will be okay. With faith, we know the certainty that God has a plan for each one of us.
Somewhere between Alpha and Omega is eternity. We will look back with gratitude, love and thankfulness. Probably we will have greater understanding with hindsight.
So endings are not goodbyes, they are really the chance for new beginnings.
Be expectant, be ready, be willing to enjoy the plan ahead.
But I wonder - might I have tiny preview?