
Please find all the latest news from the Diocese of Bristol

Heart & Soul for Ministry: Sheldon Retreats in 2017

First published 5th January 2017

As you look ahead into the new year, have you thought about planning a retreat into your diary?

Yarn-bombed Christmas tree doubles as blankets for homeless

First published 21st December 2016

Knitters from a church in Bristol have not only created their own Christmas tree from yarn but when the decorations come down they're recycling it into blankets for local homeless charities.

Week of prayer and fasting for social action

First published 21st December 2016

During the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Together4Bristol and Christian Action Bristol have called for a week of prayer and fasting to prepare for transformation of our city through engaging in social action.

Bishop Mike's Christmas Message

First published 20th December 2016

Unforgiveness and Bitterness. As I write, the Pope has just pulled down the curtain on his year of mercy.

Telling the right story

First published 16th December 2016

If you go to church over Christmas, you will almost certainly hear a history lesson.You will almost certainly hear St Luke say something like: In those days a decree went out from Emperor Augustus. Luke reminds us of a history full of terrible kings

Bishops donate to charity instead of sending cards

First published 16th December 2016

The Bishop of Bristol has opted to give money to charity rather than sending Christmas cards to clergy this year.

Funding boost for St Andrew, Castle Combe

First published 14th December 2016

St Andrew, Castle Combe is set to benefit from a 596,000 rescue funding package from the National Churches Trust, the UKs church repair and support charity.

City Deanery visit to Uganda, May 2017

First published 8th December 2016

Would you like a chance to visit the Dioceses of Central and West Buganda, to makenew friends, experience a different pace and style of life, discover vibrant worship and a warm welcome, explore the beauties of the natural world and meet God afresh?

Latest newsletter from Richard Rukundo

First published 7th December 2016

The Diocese of Bristol has been delighted to welcome the Provincial Children's Worker, Richard Rukundo, who visited the diocese earlier this year in partnership with the Church Mission Society.

The joys of hospitality and a little miracle

First published 7th December 2016

Rev Jennifer Luwum from Kitgum with the Rev Charles Okello from Northern Uganda in the background.

Ordinations at Christ Church Clifton 2016

First published 2nd December 2016

Jill Garfitt and Richard Pendlebury were both ordained as OLM at Christ Church Clifton by Bishop Mike.

Experience the joy of Christmas

First published 1st December 2016

The Church of England has launched its #JoyToTheWorld Christmas campaign with and four special videos.

Statement regarding St Mary Redcliffe Primary School

First published 29th November 2016

It is clear from this Ofsted report that there are areas of weakness at St Mary Redcliffe Primary School.

Rehabilitation Marketplace

First published 24th November 2016

Sixty-One is coordinating an event showcasing the work of 10 local charities who work with offenders, a number of local prisons and probation.

Competition to find innovative community projects in churches

First published 18th November 2016

The National Churches Trust and the Marsh Christian Trust are inviting entries for the Marsh Awards for Innovative Church Projects.

Bring #JoyToTheWorld with

First published 18th November 2016

This Christmas the Church of England is launching a new website inviting people across the country to attend local parish services at Christmas.

The Advent Journey

First published 18th November 2016

Advent is a season of expectation and preparation, as the Church prepares to celebrate the coming of Christ.

The Bristol DAC Awards Scheme

First published 16th November 2016

The Diocesan Advisory Committee forms a key part of the process by which parishes develop proposals for their buildings and obtain consent to carry out work.

Shrouds of the Somme tribute to fallen

First published 14th November 2016

An iconic installation commemorating soldiers who fell on the first day of the Battle of the Somme has come to Bristol.

A Kingdom where nobody should be forgotten

First published 10th November 2016

A house divided against itself cannot stand. These were words which came to mind as I woke up to the news that we had voted to leave the EU on Thursday 23 June 2016.

Sharing the Word of the Lord

First published 10th November 2016

Bristol South Deanery are providing bibles for Confirmation candidates in Ugandan Confirmation Candidates hold their bibles in the air to show to the bishop.

Bacon, Eggs and Bishop Mike

First published 7th November 2016

Q: What do you get if you cross a bishop, a golf club and a full English?A: The perfect recipe for the Christ Church Downend Mens breakfast. A group of 37 men of all ages gathered at the Kendleshire Golf Club to enjoy food.

Growing leaders

First published 3rd November 2016

The Revd Becky Waring, who became vicar of St Martins Knowle earlier this year, said that she owed a lot to her first church for their willingness to take risks in giving her opportunities as she took the step towards ordained ministry.

Advent Sleepout Challenge

First published 2nd November 2016

Will you give up a night of comfort so that someone else doesn't have to?

Bishop to lead Remembrance in Clifton

First published 2nd November 2016

The Bishop of Bristol, the Rt Revd Mike Hill, will lead this months Whiteladies Road Annual Act of Remembrance at the St Johns war memorial on the junction of Apsley Road and Whiteladies Road in the Clifton area of Bristol on Armistice Day.

Foodbank calls for help to repair its warehouse

First published 31st October 2016

Bristol North West Foodbank is calling for help from the community to repair one of their warehouses following serious water damage.

Lecture: Is Stephen Hawkings closer to God than he thinks?

First published 31st October 2016

Professor Keith Ward will be taking the latest lecture for Christians in Science as he considers whether Stephen Hawkings theories put him nearer to God than he thinks.

Service replaces heavenly choirs with heavy metal

First published 25th October 2016

A unique service of Holy Communion is happening in Bristol the night before Halloween with Bristol's first ever Metal Mass.

"As a family it says to us that our children are valued"

First published 24th October 2016

As a diocese, encouraging and equipping ordained clergyin their ministries is paramount in fulfilling the diocesan values and priorities.

Area Dean reflects on a recent visit to Uganda

First published 21st October 2016

Rod Symmons, Area Dean of the City Deanery in Bristol, recently visited Uganda to attend the consecration of the new Bishop of West Buganda, Henry Katumba-Tamale.

Fire at St Michael on the Mount Without

First published 18th October 2016

Many will have heard about the fire that devastated St Michael on the Mount Without in Bristol on Sunday 16th October and be concerned about how this tragic event happened.

A visit to Uganda

First published 18th October 2016

Rod Symmons, Area Dean of the City Deanery, reflects on a visit that included the Consecration of Henry Katumba-Tamale as Bishop of West Buganda. 24 - 31 August 2016.

Remembrance Sunday 2016

First published 14th October 2016

Churches around the Diocese will be marking Remembrance Sunday on 13 November 2016.

Prisons Week Visit to HMP Bristol

First published 13th October 2016

On Monday October 11th 2016,Sixty-One, with the help of the prisons Coordinating Chaplain Muhammed Foulds, took 10 church leaders around HMP Bristol as part of its ongoing work to help offenders live lives free from crime.

Creative Ideas for Wild Church

First published 12th October 2016

This innovative and imaginative resource offers learning and worship activities and whole service outlines to help churchesand schools engage with the outside world and increase connectedness with the communities where they are placed.

Church leaders urge Christians to help refugees

First published 11th October 2016

The Bishop of Bristol, the Rt Revd Mike Hill, has joined eight church leaders from across the city to renew their efforts to help refugees.

Sour Grapes and my need to blame

First published 10th October 2016

The season of Advent is almost upon us again.I have to say that the older I get, the more I have come to value the Church's penitential seasons.

New social justice seminars at Bristol Cathedral

First published 6th October 2016

This autumn, Bristol Cathedral launches a new evening seminar programme called undivided: stories and social justice.

Practice makes disciples

First published 4th October 2016

If practice makes perfect, then it takes a lot of hard work and commitment to become a better follower of Jesus and we sometimes need a little help from others along the way.

Growing future leaders

First published 4th October 2016

The Revd Becky Waring, who became vicar of St Martins Knowle earlier this year, said that she owed a lot to her first church for their willingness to take risks in giving her opportunities as she took the step towards ordained ministry.

Reflections on a Greek pilgrimage

First published 30th September 2016

During September, a group of 30 pilgrims travelled to Greece to follow in the footsteps of St Paul.

Tea party for retired clergy

First published 27th September 2016

Retired clergy in the Diocese of Bristol celebrated with a special tea party. Paul Denyer, who attended the event, looks back on it.

Diocesan Synod Report - Sept 2016

First published 27th September 2016

The Diocesan Synod met on 24 September 2016 at Holy Trinity Bradley Stoke.

Bishop of Swindon's address to Synod

First published 25th September 2016

This morning I would love to take you through the history of the Church of Englands involvement with education since 1811 and how it is that 20% of all schools and over 850 000 children attend schools with a Church of England foundation.

Discounted 'Light' materials for churches

First published 15th September 2016

Scripture Union is a name known forproducinga wealth of resourcesthat support churches in their ministry and mission with children and young people.

A Season of Invitation begins

First published 15th September 2016

This month sees the start of A Season of Invitation, with people being encouraged to invite friends and families to special services at their church.

Thy Kingdom Come 2017

First published 14th September 2016

The Archbishops of Canterbury and York are inviting every parish, fresh expression of Church, school, chaplaincy, retreat house, and praying community to join in ten days of prayer for evangelism and witness in the run up to Pentecost 2017.

We need to talk about money

First published 13th September 2016

The Rt Revd Lee Rayfield, Bishop of Swindon, writes about our approach to handling our finances.

Chores done for struggling Bristol residents

First published 12th September 2016

Christians in Bristol have been carrying out chores in the homes of people struggling with their housework. Members of St Peters Church, Lawrence Weston, have formed a cleaning team and are offering their skills to anyone who is having difficulty.

Chaplain to the deaf wins Funeral Award

First published 6th September 2016

The Revd Canon Gill Behenna, Chaplain with the Deaf Community, has been named Minister of the Year at the Good Funeral Awards. Gill won the honour at the annual awards ceremony in Porchester Hall, Bayswater, on Thursday (8 September).

Supporting students in their faith

First published 5th September 2016

A new term has begun and thousands of young people will be heading off to university for the first time.

The vital role of chaplains in education

First published 1st September 2016

Are you an existing chaplain who needs to reflect on your role? Are you someone who might consider this an area of voluntary work which you could fulfil?

"An amazing week" at Soul Survivor 2016

First published 24th August 2016

When Julie and Chris hear dabout the Diocesan camp at Soul Survivor this year, the volunteer youth leaders from St Thomas a Becket (Pucklechurch) jumped at the opportunity to take their small youth group along to the popular Christian youth gathering.

Young people voice thoughts on 'church'

First published 24th August 2016

Young people from churches in Swindon Deanery were invited to be part of a consultation to find out their views on faith and church life.

A Pilgrimage to Greece

First published 23rd August 2016

Following in the footsteps of St Paul, a group of pilgrims will be travelling through Greece this September.

Educating to Challenge Hate Crime

First published 23rd August 2016

In August 2016 The Home Office published their Action Against Hate.

Church schools need Church people

First published 11th August 2016

Church schools emphasise educating the whole child but need the support of Foundation governors can you help?

24/7 Christianity

First published 10th August 2016

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.

Exploring Beliefs Through Art

First published 4th August 2016

isay:usay:wesay is an interactive teaching resource for RE/Citizenship at Key Stage 3 & 4, which explores beliefs through art.

Churches Helping Communities Competition

First published 4th August 2016

Ecclesiastical Insurance is looking for churches to tell them about how they are connecting with their communities.

Open Heritage Days

First published 3rd August 2016

Churches are being urged to fling open their doors and invite people in to 'treasure your treasures' during the annual Heritage Open Days in September.

Call to fight disability hate crime

First published 3rd August 2016

Alice Kemp, Disability Adviser, considers how churches should respond to hate crimes against disabled people. This morning I heard an article on BBC Radio Bristol about disability hate crime in Bristol.

Shakespeare in 24 hours

First published 3rd August 2016

Members of St Augustine Church, Swindon are calling on the town to lend them their ears for a special Shakespeare-inspired fundraiser.

Life on the ocean wave

First published 2nd August 2016

The Revd Martin Gainsborough reflects on two weeks at sea with the Royal Navy:I have recently returned from a fortnight at sea with the Royal Navy in my capacity as a chaplain in the Reserves.I was shadowing a regular chaplain in one of the final pie

50 Things to do in a Church

First published 29th July 2016

50 Things to do in a Church celebrates the many and diverse uses of church buildings and asks the public to share their favourite things to do in a church or chapel.

Church Leaders deeply saddened

First published 29th July 2016

Statement in response to the killing of Fr Jacques Hamel in Rouen, France.

Jonathan, 10, on connecting with God

First published 29th July 2016

God can connect with us in unexpected ways as Jonathan Bryan can testify.

Two new benefices of Fromeside and Frenchay and Stapleton

First published 28th July 2016

A Pastoral Scheme creating two new benefices of Fromeside and Frenchay and Stapleton has been made.

Pokemon Go: Why churches need to know about it

First published 27th July 2016

First of all, what is Pokmon GO? Pokmon GO is a mobile and tablet app game which lets players find Pokmon (Animated creatures, first created in the 90s, which players have to catch, train and battle with).

Annual C in the Park event brings churches together

First published 27th July 2016

Churches from across Bristol have taken part in an annual open air church service in a Downend park.

Mossy Church brings families closer to God and nature

First published 27th July 2016

Families have been getting back to nature as they celebrated a new church service in the great outdoors.Children and adults from Wroughton Parish Church ventured into Kings Farm Wood on Sunday as they looked to encounter God through the natural world.

A time to speak

First published 27th July 2016

There is no doubt that the events in Nice that have emerged overnight have sickened and horrified the people of this Diocese and the people of this nation.

Lessons from the Peloton

First published 27th July 2016

In this lighter summertime piece, Bishop Lee looks at the sport of road cycling to draw some parallels with what is expected of Christian disciples.

Thank Your Vicar Week

First published 27th July 2016

Church of England parishes and primary schools are getting Thank Your Vicar Week 16-23 October in the school or parish diary, when they will be celebrating the vital contribution their clergy make to the community.

Statement regarding the tragic events in Rouen

First published 27th July 2016

Following the tragic murder of Father Jacques Hamel in Rouen yesterday, the Bishop of Bristol, the Rt Revd Mike Hill, and the Bishop of Swindon, the Rt Revd Lee Rayfield, have offered their prayers to the people of France.

Christmas Through the Keyhole

First published 21st July 2016

Christmas Through The Keyhole

Church of England Professional Qualification for Headship (CofEPQH)

First published 21st July 2016

What is the CofEPQH?

Home sweet home

First published 20th July 2016

We spoke to the two newest members of the Property Team to find out more about what they do and why they do it. From traditional rectories to modern vicarages, clergy in the Diocese of Bristol live in a variety of different houses.

Thank Your Vicar Week

First published 19th July 2016

Church of England parishes and primary schools are getting Thank Your Vicar Week 16-23 October in the school or parish diary, when they will be celebrating the vital contribution their clergy make to the community.

New approach to Parish Share

First published 19th July 2016

Parish Share: take responsibility | be generous | have faith. Next year sees the introduction of our new approach to Parish Share as agreed by Diocesan Synod.

Annual C in the Park service brings churches together

First published 18th July 2016

Churches from across Bristol have taken part in an annual open air church service in a Downend park.

A time to speak…

First published 15th July 2016

There is no doubt that the events in Nice that have emerged overnight have sickened and horrified the people of this Diocese and the people of this nation.

Response to shared conversations

First published 14th July 2016

Following the meeting of General Synod at the beginning of July, members met in an informal setting in which they listened and were heard as they reflected together on scripture and a changing culture in relation to their understanding of human sexuality.

How to report hate crime and abuse

First published 14th July 2016

Following the EU referendum vote on 23 June there has sadly been a rise in people reporting stories of hate crime and racist and anti-immigrant abuse, both in Bristol and nationally.

Mossy Church brings families closer to God and nature

First published 14th July 2016

Families have been getting back to nature as they celebrated a new church service in the great outdoors.Children and adults from Wroughton Parish Church ventured into Kings Farm Wood on Sunday as they looked to encounter God through the natural world.

Good safeguarding integral to mission of Church

First published 1st July 2016

A resource to help local churches do some theological thinking around safeguarding has been published by the Faith and Order Commission (FAOC).

Simply Collective Worship

First published 27th June 2016

Simply Collective Worship is a fully planned four year scheme of assemblies and thoughts for the day.

Church of England Vision for Education

First published 27th June 2016

Please see the below document produced by The Church of England Education Office and endorsed by members of the House of Bishops.

Time to work together

First published 27th June 2016

A message from Bishop Mike following the EU Referendum: Where does one start? In the night (I was in the USA) news came through that the UK had voted for a Brexit.

Exploring your parish's vision

First published 20th June 2016

All Saints Clifton has recently gone through a process of exploring its vision and identity.

The Queen's birthday celebrations

First published 20th June 2016

Churches across the Diocese of Bristol held parties as they helped to mark the 90th birthday of HM The Queen.

Diocesan Synod Report - May 2016

First published 20th June 2016

The Diocesan Synod met on 7 May 2016.

Battling holiday hunger in Bristol

First published 20th June 2016

Can you volunteer to combat food poverty in Bristol this summer?

Details of General Synod in July 2016

First published 20th June 2016

Members of the General Synod will gather in York on Friday 8 July until Saturday 9 July.

The next step in answering God's call

First published 16th June 2016

The summer is an exciting time of transition within the Ministry Development department BAP candidates become ordinands; ordinands become deacons; deacons become priests; formation year students prepare to become Licensed Lay Ministers.

How to develop an action plan

First published 16th June 2016

Developing a parish action plan, strategy or vision document is a process designed to help churches to prayerfully consider the mission and ministry that God is calling them to.

Generous Giving Project

First published 16th June 2016

A new blog aimed at encouraging more generous giving is being produced by our colleagues in Durham.

Churchwardens commit to Creating Connections

First published 16th June 2016

Churchwardens from across the diocese gathered at seven deanery Visitations services during May to celebrate and affirm their ministry and formally take up their offices for another year.

iSingPOP at Ashton Keynes Primary

First published 16th June 2016

Children at Ashton Keynes Primary School have put on a special concert for the Bishop of Swindon. The pupils had taken part in the iSingPOP project, which had culminated in two concerts at Holy Cross Church during May.

Learning to live the Whole of Life together

First published 15th June 2016

I wasnt blown away by an array of new ideas I have come away thinking, Wow, this is awesome, and I really think we can achieve this!Anita Dobson, from Christ Church Downend, looks back at the first day of the Bristol Learning Hub.

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