Every day around the world God's people raise their voices in prayer for the coming of the Kingdom. It is for this we long. It is for this we work. It is for this we pray, as Jesus taught us.
Next week churches across the world will start the ten days of Thy Kingdom Come prayer.
Theres still time to register to take part as an individual, family, church congregation or other faith community/group.
Thousands of people will be praying from Melbourne to Hong Kong and Norway to Cuba.
The Archbishops Evangelism Task Group has now written to all clergy to encourage you to participate as much as possible in Thy Kingdom Come. Much is already in place, but it is not too late to join in.
You can read the letter here.
Kingdom Kit
Watch the new video explaining all about the Kingdom Kit which gives families creative ideas and resources to pray through the 11 days from Ascension to Pentecost. You can still buy your Kingdom Kit here.
It's not too late to order your resources - there are a whole host to help with your prayer journey whether that be private devotion, with your family, in your church, youth group or other Christian organisation.
A special Thy Kingdom Come edition of Luke's Gospel is also available for you to give away to friends, family and others you have been praying for. Order now
For more information on available resources check out the blog.