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Bishop's Letter: Rights and Wrongs...
First published 28th October 2015The issue of human rights is ever before us. Rightly so. If we want a newer kinder mode of politics, then there must be some protections for some of the most vulnerable people in our society.

The Leader as Hero
First published 27th October 2015It is said we are shaped by our culture. If that is true then one of the strongest leadership motifs is that of the hero leader.

30k students, 4k staff, 1 CofE Chaplain...
First published 22nd October 2015With the mayhem of Freshers weeks and fairs kicking off the new HE academic years at UWE and Bristol University, it'd be easy to miss the essential roles of our Anglican Chaplains at the centre of the goings-on.

Diocesan Synod Report - Oct 2015
First published 16th October 2015The Diocesan Synod met on 19 September 2015.

Help combat food poverty in Bristol
First published 13th October 2015In the school holidays some children are without enough food and suffer from holiday hunger. Can you volunteer to combat food poverty in Bristol this October half-term?

Christian Aid's Christmas appeal
First published 13th October 2015Wiltshires regional coordinator for Christian Aid has welcomed an announcement by the Government that it will match every pound raised in Christian Aids Christmas Appeal, which could help prevent thousands of unnecessary deaths from malaria.

Confirmations at HMP Ashfield
First published 12th October 2015Revd Liz Perry, one of the chaplains at HMP Ashfield, reports on a special confirmation service in their chapel for serving prisoners, led by Bishop Lee.

Breaking the cycle
First published 12th October 2015Once I started, the words just came. There was no anger. I kept my voice really calm and I actually felt calm. If you've got faith, it does give you the words.Earlier this year the leadership team and congregation at St Andrews Hartcliffe had to deal

Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Martin Cavender
First published 10th October 2015A service of thanksgiving will be held in memory of Martin Cavender at Wells Cathedral on Saturday 31st October at 1pm.

Walking with our children in faith
First published 8th October 2015On the day I was pretty nervous. We had to stand at the front of the church and explain why we were choosing to be baptised. We said it in our own words.Back in the summer, five members of the same family - Dad Matt, Callum (17), Alby (9), Jack (5) a

What's in an age?
First published 7th October 2015I have done almost five weeks in this role, and I have already lost count of the number of rooms I've walked into where people have been barely able to contain their surprise that I am Bristol's new DDO (diocesan director of ordinands).

Called to Licensed Lay Ministry?
First published 6th October 2015Following the wonderful licensing service at Bristol Cathedral on Saturday 26 September, we now have over 200 licensed lay ministers in the Diocese of Bristol.

Life to the Max - Joel's story
First published 6th October 2015For Joel, growing up in a vicarage is very different to the home life his peers experience.

In solidarity with asylum seekers
First published 5th October 2015I was destitute, really destitute. And the Bristol Hospitality Network was the only organisation that gave me shelter at that time.

Germans thrive at Soul Survivor
First published 5th October 2015During August, a group of young people from Augsburg in Germany visited to develop links and relationships between the Diocese of Bristol and the Lutheran Church in Bavaria.

Faith in social action
First published 30th September 2015It is very humbling to be amongst so many people doing outstanding work in our city.

Holy fire at Soul Survivor
First published 21st September 2015Taking a group of young people to Soul Survivor can be an amazing experience.

Is this plan radical enough?
First published 19th September 2015Watch here Here is Bishop Mike's inaugural address given at the first meeting of the new Diocesan Synod on Saturday 19 September.

Climate change and mission: an opportunity
First published 16th September 2015At the July meeting of the General Synod there wasa discussion on combatting climate change and a motion was passed committing us to various work in support of the pursuit of a low carbon future.

Supporting refugees
First published 16th September 2015Christians and churches across our diocese are keen to support those affected by the escalating refugee crisis.

Helping young people grow in faith
First published 16th September 2015The vast majority of Christians say they made their first commitment to Christ under the age of 21.

Strengthening our church-school links
First published 16th September 2015As thousands of children and young people across the Diocese begin a new academic year.

Connecting children to God
First published 15th September 2015Becky Fisher has been the Rural Schools and Churches Worker for the eight parishes in the Gauzebrook Group in North Wiltshire since 2011.

All this beauty is of God
First published 15th September 2015Theres a sense in which, if you spend time struggling with something, you then hold onto it and its worthwhile. There are steps in our faith journey which are probably like that.The rural church is very important to me. My role as a Rural Schools and

Three ways to encourage new vocations
First published 9th September 2015When Justin Welby was elected the 105thArchbishop of Canterbury in February 2013, everyone was commenting on his meteoric rise, since he had been consecrated as a bishop only 16 months earlier.

The F word: stories of forgiveness
First published 2nd September 2015Visitors to Bristol's St Mary Redcliffe Church on Doors Open Day on Saturday 12 September will see more than a masterpiece of Gothic Architecture and unique examples of the city's history.

Passionate about God's Church?
First published 1st September 2015The Church, more than any other social network, employment facility or club, should be leading the way in helping 20-30s find their feet and their faith.Dr Krish Kandiah, President of London School of Theology.

Bishop's Letter: Zero Tolerance
First published 28th August 2015Bishop Mike asks whether our churches are doing all they can to make sure the vulnerable are safe in our midst?

Bishop Lee backs Brighter Futures radiotherapy appeal
First published 20th August 2015Bishop Lee is encouraging cyclists to saddle up for bike rides through Wiltshire in aid of Brighter Futures' 2.9m Radiotherapy Appeal.

Pray and fast for climate justice
First published 18th August 2015One of the key actions from a motion passed at the last General Synod was to support an initiative encouraging Christians to pray and fast for climate justice on the first day of each month.

Children's Society launches Seriously Awkward campaign
First published 17th August 2015The Children's Society is calling for changes to the law to protect 16 and 17 year old's from harm, abuse and neglect.

Assisted Suicide? - put the whole thing to death
First published 14th August 2015There maybe some good reasons for changing the law to allow physician assisted suicide (PAS), but truthfully, none of them are good enough to make me think it would be a good idea to permit this change in the law.

How to create a reflective area
First published 13th August 2015RE Coordinator Samantha Fletcher shows how an infant school in Oldham transformed a corner of a room into a reflective are and transformed the quality of children's reflection as well.

Similarity and Difference Triads
First published 13th August 2015A skill-tool for thoughtful analysis of ideas, beliefs, concepts, practices and other stuff in primary and secondary RE.

FS/KS1 How and why do others celebrate?
First published 13th August 2015Mantle of the expert script to use with Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 children on the subject of 'How and why do others celebrate?'

KS1 Caring for Myself, Caring for Others
First published 13th August 2015A lesson plan to support the teaching of the KS1 AMV unit 'Caring for Myself, Caring for Others'.

Bye Buy Childhood
First published 22nd July 2015Bishop Mike Hill, together with Archbishop Justin Welby, Bishop Stephen Cottrell and Bishop Paul Butler, was amongst those who came to hear and give support to the Mother's Union debate at the General Synod.

Prayers for Tunisia
First published 15th July 2015Earlier this month there wasa quiet service of remembrance for all of the victims of the Tunisian terrorist attack at St Nicholas Church in Biddestone, including the two local victims, Eileen Swannack and John Welch.

Picnic and praise in Stratton
First published 15th July 2015On Sunday 4 July, Stratton Team Ministry held their annual Picnic & Praise event, an amazing act of witness and worship in the community.Curate Helen Baber explains how this has grown year on year and helped to strengthen local relationships.

Disability is not inability
First published 14th July 2015Lay Minister Janet Leckie reflects on Disability Sunday, which churches across the Diocese celebrated on 5 July 2015.

The health of our banks and the health of our souls
First published 14th July 2015It may be over seven years since the global economy was rocked by the banking crisis but the aftershocks continue to raise questions around the financial industry.

Combatting extremism
First published 10th July 2015Following the highly successful conference 'From fear to belonging' run by Bristol and South Gloucestershire SACREs, resources are now available for you to use in school.

C in the Park
First published 6th July 2015A fine mid-summers day was just what the doctor ordered for this years C in the Park event last month, organised by members of churches in Downend and the surrounding area.

Planning a holiday club?
First published 1st July 2015Youth & Children's Adviser, Dan Jones writes, I have had the privilege of organising, leading, helping and visiting a wide variety of holiday clubs and what have I learned?

Godventure is worth a look…
First published 1st July 2015I stumbled upon this website when asked to recommend good sites for inspiration.

Free 'app' that helps young people cope with stress
First published 1st July 2015Stressheads a clever new mobile app has been launched by YouthNet to help 16-25 year olds to cope with stress.

Remembering victims of Tunisian terrorist attack
First published 30th June 2015It has been confirmed that a Wiltshire couple, Eileen Swannack and John Welch, missing following the Tunisian beach attack are among the dead.

Bishop's Letter: Cost Analysis
First published 28th June 2015Bishop Mike asks whether as Christians we should try emulate and be part of the society around us, or should we take pride in our distinctiveness?

If you go down to Kingswood today...
First published 10th June 2015Holy Trinity Church in Kingswood played host to a Teddy Bear Wedding in May courtesy of their playgroup CafeTots, and their end of term celebrations.

Come and hear Revd Prabhudas from Mission India
First published 10th June 2015Revd Prabhudas from Mission India will be in the UK in July and his visit will include a number of public events in North Wiltshire.

Mayday Mayday
First published 9th June 2015I would have described myself as a Christian, the type of good God fearing chap who worked hard, rarely went to Church other than Christmas and the odd Sunday. I had a firm belief in there being a God but very much intended to put off meeting him as

Listening to children and young people
First published 9th June 2015Don't assume you know what's best for us without our opinions. You don't.

Petertide Ordinations 2015: prayers and reflections
First published 9th June 2015Petertide is almost upon us and with it the ordination season.

Milestones and fuelling stations
First published 9th June 2015Vocation in any form is costly in all sorts of ways and does involve leaving things behind. Be prepared to be surprised if you genuinely open yourself up to following God's call wherever it leads.

Chris Beaumont: God's calling
First published 9th June 2015I don't think I was prepared for how life changing it could be. There's a sense where I have been through a process of disorientation to become re-orientated in the direction that God planned.Chris Beaumont will be ordained as deaconon Saturday 5 Jul

Reverend Mum
First published 9th June 2015I've always wanted to be a mum. That's all I've ever wanted to be. And all my life, the way I've been led has been about caring for people, being with people, journeying with people. I thought, I can do that. I can bring these two callings together.

Archdeacon Christine's Visitation Charge 2015
First published 9th June 2015As Christians we have a compelling vision of the world as a different place, where peace and justice reigns, where creation is redeemed and restored, where God is sovereign and where interdependence is the mark of the community.

What's it like to be on General Synod?
First published 8th June 2015At the last meeting of Diocesan Synod in May, Diocesan Secretary Oliver Home talked about the forthcoming General Synod elections in September, encouraging people to think about standing.

Peace and unity in Swindon's Parks community
First published 4th June 2015Residents of Swindon's Parks area have been showing their support for Peace and Unity in the Parks Community, following the death of Alison Connolly, by wearing special ribbons with blue for unity and white to represent peace.

Bishop's Letter: Awe and Wonder
First published 28th May 2015As the Church calendar moves to the season known as ordinary time Bishop Lee invites us to make it an opportunity for awe and wonder rather than the mundane.

Building community links on the Cheswick estate
First published 18th May 2015Rachel Hepburn is the community link worker at St Michaels, Stoke Gifford in the Diocese of Bristol Diocese, and is funded by a grant from the Church Commissioners for mission in new housing and other development areas.

Bishop Mike's Synod Address - May 2015
First published 16th May 2015There's a wonderful story I like to tell of an elderly couple who had been married for years.

A tribute to Margaret Greening
First published 12th May 2015Brian Pelly pays tribute to Margaret Greening, licensed lay minister in the Bybrook Benefice, who died in March.

Join the Churches' Mutual Credit Union
First published 12th May 2015The Churches Mutual Credit Union is up and running and you are invited to join.As a credit union, our members have a 'Common Bond'.

Parties in the park
First published 11th May 2015In the last couple of years,Churches Together in Greater Bristol (CTGB) have helped set up three city-wide gatherings in the open air, under the banner of Together for Bristol.

Bishop Mike licenses new church centre
First published 11th May 2015At a special celebration service on Sunday 10 May, Bishop Mike dedicated and licensed a new church centre in Stoke Gifford for public worship, marriages, baptisms and funerals.

Yate away day for people with learning disabilities
First published 11th May 2015On Saturday 9 May at St Nicholas Family Centre in Yate, Prospects ministry groups from across the west came together to celebrate Jesus resurrection with a day of workshops and celebrations.

Ecumenical prayer of disabled people
First published 11th May 2015Thanks to Auriol Britton for supplying this ecumenical prayer of disabled people.

Disability Sunday 2015
First published 11th May 2015Disability Sunday is a fantastic opportunity for us to highlight issues around disability and to encourage what it means to be a truly welcoming Church.

Podcast: interview with Bishop Mike
First published 11th May 2015There is an issue with the morality of all pornography but while there is pornography for so-called consenting adults, don't be fooled into thinking that children will not access it online.

My Wild Crafty Cathedral
First published 5th May 2015On Wednesday 27 May, Bristol Cathedral will host Crafty Cathedral a fun day for children and families to get arty and creative during the half term holiday.

Bristol church raises over £8,000 to help feed hungry children
First published 29th April 2015More than 8,000 has been raised by a Bristol church to help feed hungry children in its parish.

Bishop's Letter: Protecting our children: the dark arts of negative influence…
First published 28th April 2015My heart skipped a beat when I heard on the radio earlier today that 10% of 12-13 year old children fear that they may have an addiction to pornography and a similar proportion have actually taken part in a sexually explicit video clip.

Discerning your vocation: God's calling
First published 24th April 2015Sunday 26 April 2015 is Vocations Sunday. Revd Nicola Stanley reflects on how we might discern a call to ministry, and importantly how we can might help others recognise their own gifts.

Trinity Sunday
First published 20th April 2015The Trinity is the key idea of Christianity - that God is revealed in the three persons of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.Teaching the Trinity Collective worship resources

First published 20th April 2015Shavuot, also called 'The Feast of Weeks', is the Jewish festival celebrating the time God gave Moses the Torah - the biblicalbooks ofGenesis, Exodus, Leviticus Numbers and Deuteronomy.Information on how Jews celebrate

First published 20th April 2015Pentecost is celebrated 40 days after Easter when Christians remember the descent of the third person of the Trinity - the Holy Spirit.

Isra and Mi'raj
First published 20th April 2015These are the Muslim celebrations of the Prophet Muhammad's 'night journey' from Mecca to Jerusalem on an amazing horse and then up to heaven.

First published 20th April 2015Ascension Day is one of the main Christian Holy Days. It celebrates the human body of Jesus (God the Son) going up to heaven to join God the Father 40 days after the Resurrection.

Peace Education
First published 16th April 2015Peace education covers a range of work with young people, from inner peace and mindfulness to an understanding of issues of global justice, and is inextricably linked to the fundamental British values of the rule of law, mutual respect and tolerance.

Faith and dance
First published 16th April 2015Want to offer pupils a different way to engage with faith?

Bishop Lee serves the homeless at Swindon Night Shelter
First published 13th April 2015As part of the Church of England's Wash day initiative, Bishop Lee Rayfield spent the evening of Good Friday with guests and volunteers at the Swindon Night Shelter.

Is God calling you to something new?
First published 13th April 2015Ahead of Vocations Sunday on 26 April, Revd Dr Emma Ineson considers how Jesus called Peter and how this might shed light on how he might call you.

The desire for meaning
First published 4th April 2015While the story of Jesus has been there in the background, it was never anything more to me than a story. I guess thats not altogether surprising as the daughter of an agnostic and an atheist.When I think about it, the story of Christ has been a fain

Uniting our sufferings
First published 3rd April 2015It was the realisation that they were both potty about God that brought them to a new and wonderful place in their own relationship. For 'God is Love, and those who live in love live in God and God lives in them.'Can there be a point to suffering? Wh

Practical love: Bristol Noise 2015
First published 2nd April 2015Every May bank holiday weekend, something extraordinary happens in Bristol. Hundreds of Christians from dozens of churches come together to serve their communities over three packed days of social action.

Bishop's Letter: Science, faith and the resurrection of Jesus
First published 2nd April 2015Bishop Lee describes the place the resurrection holds for him as a scientist and disciple of Jesus.

Follow me - but where Lord?
First published 2nd April 2015How does it feel for a wife with two young boys, recently moved house and well settled in a community, to hear her husband say God has spoken to him?This is my third go at producing a piece for 10,000 Voices.

Easter update on the Children's Ministry in the Church of Uganda
First published 1st April 2015Richard Rukundo, Provincial Children's Worker from the Church of Uganda, visited Bristol in 2014.

God calls us all
First published 1st April 2015Vocations Sunday is the day for churches to encourage everyone to reflect, discover and recognise God's call to them. The next Vocations Sunday day is 26 April 2015.

Hope and doubt
First published 1st April 2015Doing this helps me ask some of the questions that Ive had in my own mind for a long time.Faith has always been part of the landscape. I was brought up in a family of faith, went to church, Sunday school, wed quite often have clergymen round for brea

Bishop Lee swaps washing feet for washing dishes
First published 31st March 2015Its a great way to show that Christians are not afraid of getting their hands dirty in the service of others and demonstrating what loving your neighbour really means.

Our Journey to the Cross 2015
First published 31st March 2015Revd Howard Jameson built on the Experience Easter at his local primary school by matching the Stations of the Cross with photographs of familiar local places.

Wilderness times
First published 31st March 2015Throughout all of his illness, he never lost his faith, his confidence in God, his desire to serve God, or even his sense of humour. When his physical strength had gone, he remained a strong man; finding his strength in God alone.Growing up in a Chri

Easter: Just a story?
First published 30th March 2015Anita Dobson, Family Worker at Christ Church Downend, reflects on the 'story' of Easter...As I was thinking about the Easter story, I was aware how uncomfortable that word sounds.

With Jesus beside, before and behind
First published 30th March 2015It's not easy but underneath it all I can keep an optimism. I'm working to try to give back a little of what I've received, especially to those whom society tends to ignore.

A hound of heaven
First published 28th March 2015Finally, in despair, I phoned a retired teacher friend saying I was going mad. Her response was simple: she chuckled, saying, You have a hound of heaven on your trail...I had survived the stormy waters of adolescence as an adopted child and had sudde

A Church for this generation
First published 27th March 2015The Church of England faces great challenges but it is also a time of opportunity.

I looked back and realised
First published 27th March 2015One day I looked back over the previous few weeks and realised.Having grown up in a non-churchgoing family in the Midlands, church was not something that impinged on my life at all until we moved to Bristol in my late 20s. Peter, my husband, had been

When I am weak I am strong
First published 26th March 2015But one day it hit me how much I was loved by God - in a personal way, warts and all.I grew up in a loving Christian family. My father is a priest in the Church of England and we moved to several parishes in the Chichester Diocese when I was young.I