Working in partnership with schools can be rewarding. Inspire will explore different ways that people in churches can support children and young people in schools.
The conference will look at how you might get involved by being a blessing and show the love of God in your local schools. It will also give you ideas that you have not yet thought of - ways for involvement and it may also invigorate some of the work you may already do.
Who is it for?
It is for people who worship in any church who want new ideas for how you can make the love of God known to the children and young people in your area. It is for school staff who want new ideas of how they might seek further support and work in partnership with their local churches.
Who can come?
This day is open to all and there will be part of the day that is open to children - this will include modelling activities that can be done with children in schools. So if you are a parent/carer or grandparent, you dont need childcare however a responsible adult will need to be alongside your children throughout the day.
Taster workshops throughout the day include:
- Care for the Family parenting courses
- Collective worship in schools
- Being a Christian governor
- Lunch clubs, after-school work and community networking
- Open the Book
- Prayer spaces for schools
- Chaplaincy work in secondary schools and FE colleges
- Supporting vulnerable pupils
- Sports Ministry and much more...
Inspire is taking place at Sheldon School in Chippenham on Saturday 9 March from 10am to 3pm.