News and updates

Here you can find all the latest news from the Diocese of Bristol. 

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Holy Trinity Church Kingswood celebrates 200th anniversary

First published 17th September 2021

"Memories were shared, old friends remembered and community renewed as we had fun together in ways that have not been possible for so long" - Revd Beverley Charles

Local teenage author to share powerful life story at Roofbreakers event

First published 15th September 2021

Jonathan Bryan is a disability activist and the author of highly-acclaimed book, ‘Eye Can Write', which tells his powerful story of communicating through his eyes

Advent and Christmas Resources 2021

First published 15th September 2021

‘At the heart of Christmas' is the Church of England's theme for 2021, and a range of digital and print content has now been released.

New canon begins ministry at Bristol Cathedral

First published 24th August 2021

The Revd Jonnie Parkin was installed as Canon Missioner at Bristol Cathedral on Sunday 22 August 2021 at 3.30pm by the Bishop of Bristol, the Rt Revd Vivienne Faull

How can your church be more mental health friendly?

First published 22nd August 2021

Mental health first aid courses will be available this autumn across Bristol Diocese

New church to serve North Swindon communities

First published 9th August 2021

The Well will hold its first service in a local school this September

Nominations open for General Synod Elections 2021

First published 30th July 2021

Nominations have opened for General Synod, the Church of England's decision-making and governance body, for its next five-year term 2021-2026.

Eco parish summer update

First published 27th July 2021

As the temperature's been rising this month, so has environmental action across the Diocese. This round up shares the latest news.

Bristol Cathedral seeks moon volunteers

First published 21st July 2021

Volunteer guides are needed for the Museum of the Moon this summer

Bristol Diocese provides emergency relief to Ugandan clergy and their families

First published 21st July 2021

Anglican clergy across Uganda are facing food shortages as a result of ongoing Covid-19 lockdowns

Updated Covid-19 Guidance for Churches

First published 20th July 2021

Following the lifting of the majority of legal Covid-19 restrictions on 19 July, the Church of England has updated and streamlined its guidance and documentation.

Compton Greenfield church celebrates 850th anniversary with tree blessing

First published 20th July 2021

A commemorative service in All Saint's churchyard saw Archdeacon Neil Warwick deliver a homily and the congregation come together in worship.

Bishop of Bristol appoints three new Honorary Canons

First published 19th July 2021

The Bishop of Bristol, the Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, is pleased to announce that three new canons have been appointed for the College of Canons in the Diocese of Bristol.

Revd Sam Sheppard appointed Priest in Charge of Christ Church Hengrove and St Augustine's Whitchurch

First published 19th July 2021

The Bishop of Bristol, the Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, is pleased to announce that Revd Sam Sheppard has been appointed as Priest in Charge of the parishes of Christ Church Hengrove and St Augustine's Whitchurch.

Getting ready for Living in Love and Faith courses this autumn

First published 15th July 2021

The Diocese of Bristol invites parishes and groups to begin preparation for LLF courses in the autumn

Bishop of Bristol appointed new lead bishop for buildings

First published 14th July 2021

The Bishop of Bristol, Vivienne Faull, and the Bishop of Ramsbury, Andrew Rumsey, will jointly take over the role.

Bishops ordain new deacons and priests at Bristol Cathedral

First published 5th July 2021

The Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, Bishop of Bristol, ordained 22 candidates as priests and deacons during four services at Bristol Cathedral last weekend.

Bishops ordain new deacons and priests in Bristol Cathedral services this weekend

First published 2nd July 2021

The Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, Bishop of Bristol, will ordain 22 candidates as priests and deacons during four services over the coming weekend.

Bishop of Swindon joins Cathedrals Cycle Route relay

First published 29th June 2021

To launch the Cathedrals Cycle Route, a cycle relay is taking place this summer between each of the 42 Church of England cathedrals.

Crosslight Swindon launches face to face debt advice appointments

First published 22nd June 2021

A collaboration between Pattern Church and Crosslight Advice, Crosslight Swindon has a vision to restore dignity and renew hope to those in need by alleviating poverty and improving financial capability.

Bishop's Address to the Diocesan Synod

First published 22nd June 2021

The Bishop of Bristol, the Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, addresses the Diocesan Synod in June 2021.

Bristol Diocese starts group for disabled people

First published 18th June 2021

The group will begin meeting in July via Zoom

Talks begin on ways of commemorating the lives of those enslaved by Thomas Daniel

First published 18th June 2021

Following a meeting with Gloria Daniel, the Bishop of Bristol and the Dean of Bristol committed to exploring ways of commemorating the lives of those enslaved by Thomas Daniel in those buildings where there are memorials to him.

Thousand-mile climate relay to pass through Bristol Diocese

First published 17th June 2021

More than 400 people have signed up so far to walk or cycle the Youth Christian Climate Network relay due to travel the UK this summer.

Wild Church established in North Wiltshire Mission Area

First published 17th June 2021

Wild Church enables people to worship and engage with God in a fresh way through creation.

Online support space launched for Chinese-heritage clergy

First published 17th June 2021

The Teahouse aims to amplify minority voices within the Church of England and provide community

Thank You Day aims to bring communities together

First published 1st June 2021

The nation's first ever national Thank You Day is happening on Sunday 4 July, to say thank you to all those in our communities who've helped us through the pandemic.

Gloucestershire Historic Churches Trust Celebrates 40th Anniversary

First published 1st June 2021

The Trust is aiming to raise an extra £1,000 for each of its 40 years, including Ride+Stride in September, and is publishing Simon Jenkins' 'Favourite Churches of Gloucestershire and Bristol.'

Nominations open for Diocesan Synod Elections 2021

First published 26th May 2021

We are looking for both clergy and lay members; for interested, engaged people from all different backgrounds and with varied experiences, who want to help us become a better diocese.

South Gloucestershire church leads worldwide celebration of unique invention

First published 20th May 2021

This June, churches around the world will mark the 200th anniversary of the Ellacombe Chimes, invented at St Mary's Church in Bitton

Bishop of Bristol's speech in House of Lords May 2021

First published 18th May 2021

On Monday 17 May in the House of Lords, the Lord Bishop of Bristol, Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, made a speech in response to the Queen's speech.

Eco parish May update: art around the themes of faith and climate crisis

First published 17th May 2021

Hazelnut Community Farm awarded £2,000 grant to create mobile art exhibition which reflects theologically on the climate crisis

Diocese of Bristol welcomes new guidance to help address questions of ‘contested heritage'

First published 11th May 2021

The guidance for parishes and cathedrals addresses concerns over memorials with links to slavery and other ‘contested heritage'.

Diocese of Bristol participates in Messy Church research study

First published 6th May 2021

Findings released from national research into non-traditional church gatherings

Living in Love and Faith introductory conferences in May

First published 29th April 2021

The Diocese of Bristol is hosting two online conferences in May to begin its collective engagement with LLF. 

Over 2,200 people join the conversation for Transforming Church. Together

First published 28th April 2021

A huge thank you to everyone in the region who has helped us shape our vision and priorities for the coming years.

Diocese divests from fossil fuel companies

First published 27th April 2021

The Bristol Diocesan Board of Finance is divesting from fossil fuel companies, and commits to its investments remaining free of holdings in coal, oil and gas in future.

Three parishes awarded Culture Recovery Fund grants

First published 27th April 2021

Three parishes in the diocese have been awarded grants as part of the second round of the Culture Recovery Fund.

Post-lockdown boost for St Sampson, Cricklade

First published 22nd April 2021

St Sampson Church, Cricklade, is to share in a funding payout from the National Churches Trust to fund repairs.

From Lament to Action: Archbishops' Anti-Racism Taskforce report

First published 22nd April 2021

The Diocese of Bristol welcomes the Archbishops' Anti-Racism Taskforce's report and supports call for urgent change. 

A statement from the Bishop of Bristol

First published 21st April 2021

The Bishop of Bristol's statement regarding the BBC Panorama programme Is the Church Racist? aired on 19 April 2021.

Faith manifesto launched for Bristol mayoral elections

First published 19th April 2021

Bristol Diocese is part of a multi-faith group that has released a faith manifesto in the lead-up to the Bristol mayoral election this May.

New registrar for Bristol Diocese

First published 19th April 2021

The Bishop of Bristol has appointed Lee Coley as the next Diocesan Registrar and legal advisor to the Bishop and Diocese of Bristol.

Remembering His Royal Highness, the Duke of Edinburgh

First published 9th April 2021

A message from the Bishop of Bristol on the death of His Royal Highness Prince Philip

An Easter message from the Bishop

First published 4th April 2021

This sermon was given by Bishop Viv on Sunday 4 April 2021 at Bristol Cathedral.

Bristol Diocese Maundy Nominations 2021

First published 1st April 2021

The Bishop of Bristol, the Rt Rev'd Vivienne Faull, nominated John Bishop and Jean James from the Diocese of Bristol to receive Maundy money at this year's service.

Holy Week 2021: from darkness to light

First published 25th March 2021

Holy Week this year takes us from loss to a new dawn.

Pattern Church opens debt advice centre

First published 24th March 2021

The centre is offering telephone appointments until Covid restrictions ease.

Eco parish March update: wildflowers and electric cars

First published 24th March 2021

Environmental news from parishes in the diocese

New digital platform launched by Parish Giving Scheme

First published 24th March 2021

Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) launches a new online giving platform for churches.

Ten years of the Bristol North West Foodbank

First published 24th March 2021

A message from Foodbank Manager Emma Murray.

Over 1,000 people complete 'Transforming Church. Together' questionnaire

First published 24th March 2021

An update on 'Transforming Church. Together', our open conversation with the region which ends on 16 April 2021.

Bristol Remembers: one year on

First published 16th March 2021

One year since England went into a national lockdown, Bristol takes a moment to remember and reflect, with a new film and shared reflection.

Guide to using new Parish Giving Scheme website

First published 16th March 2021

Summary of steps to take to set up online giving through the Parish Giving Scheme

Edward Jenner and vaccination: then and now - Synod Address

First published 16th March 2021

The Right Revd Vivienne Faull, Bishop of Bristol delivers an address about vaccination at the Diocese of Bristol Synod, 13 March 2021.

Workshops announced to gather views from everyone in the region

First published 10th March 2021

The diocese is running open workshops during March and April as part of 'Transforming Church. Together'.

International Women's Day in the Diocese of Bristol

First published 8th March 2021

The diocese invites everyone to share their stories of women in the diocese who have inspired them

Next priest-in-charge announced of the Upper Thames Benefice

First published 7th March 2021

The Bishop of Bristol is delighted to announce that the Revd Canon Debbie Dewes will be the next priest-in-charge of the Upper Thames Benefice.

Lunar New Year: A banquet for all

First published 3rd March 2021

Revd Mark Nam reflects on radical Christian hospitality

Eco parish February update: rain gardens and toilet twinning

First published 22nd February 2021

Environmental news from parishes in the diocese

St Luke's Barton Hill expands food provision scheme for Lent

First published 18th February 2021

The goods provided will include craft and cooking activities for children, household items and food

Lent during the pandemic: how churches and Christians are marking lent this year

First published 17th February 2021

A number of churches across the diocese are distributing ‘Lent in a bag' as a way for people to journey through Lent at home.

'Be thankful, choose justice, and look for God's presence' - a homily for Ash Wednesday 2021

First published 17th February 2021

A homily for Ash Wednesday delivered by Revd Simon Taylor

'Let us lose our lives to end the structural sin that is racism' - a sermon for Racial Justice Sunday 2021

First published 15th February 2021

The Revd Canon Dr Martin Gainsborough, Chaplain to the Bishop of Bristol, delivered delivers a sermon on Racial Justice Day 2021

Transforming Church. Together.

First published 3rd February 2021

The Church of England in the region invites everyone to join a conversation about their future.

The Beacon on the Hill celebrates 170th Anniversary of Christ Church Swindon

First published 25th January 2021

The book provides a comprehensive study of how this historic place of worship ties into the growth and development of Swindon itself.

Covid-19 Update: adapting in times of adversity

First published 22nd January 2021

Since the most recent lockdown was announced, some churches have made the difficult decision to close their buildings and offer digital services only until restrictions ease

Lent and Holy Week 2021

First published 21st January 2021

#LiveLent 2021: God's Story, Our Story

Rev'd Steve Wilkinson announced as new Area Dean of North Wiltshire Deanery

First published 21st January 2021

The Bishop of Bristol is pleased to announce the appointment of Rev'd Steve Wilkinson as the new Area Dean of North Wiltshire Deanery.  

New checklist to help bring your church's carbon emissions to net zero

First published 21st January 2021

This 'Practical Path to Net Zero checklist' helps you to create a clear and simple action plan to reduce the carbon footprint of your building.

Five Must-Do Giving Ideas for 2021

First published 19th January 2021

At the start of 2021, here are some ideas to give your parish finances a boost!

Parish Giving Scheme set to launch online platform in March

First published 18th January 2021

This year, the Parish Giving Scheme is making exciting strides in developing the new online giving service that will enable donors to set up regular giving via their website.

Uganda 2020 Appeal raises over £30,000

First published 18th January 2021

We are delighted to announce that the Bishop's Christmas Appeal for Uganda in 2020 raised £33,326 for the Archbishop of Uganda's Emergency Fund.

Rev Runned Challenge raises almost £6,000

First published 14th January 2021

Rev'd Dr Janet Anderson-MacKenzie ran the overall distance of a marathon to raise money for the Lidbrook Group of Churches in Wiltshire, of which she is the Priest in Charge.

Dr Stephanie Hayton appointed as Adviser for Lay Ministry and Warden of Readers.  

First published 14th January 2021

The role of the Adviser for Lay Ministry is to encourage and develop good practice in all kinds of lay ministry in the Diocese of Bristol.

Rev'd Melanie Otto announced as Priest in Charge of St Agnes and St Anne's

First published 11th January 2021

The Bishop of Bristol, Rt Rev'd Vivienne Faull, is pleased to announce that Rev'd Melanie Otto will be the new Priest in Charge of the churches of St Agnes and St Anne's.

Cultural Recovery Fund for Heritage: Second Round

First published 7th January 2021

The second round of the government's Cultural Recovery Fund for Heritage launches on 7 January 2021.

POSTPONED: Re-imagining the church of today and tomorrow

First published 17th December 2020

Please note the workshop ‘Show Up. Speak Out. Stand Against!' has been postponed.

The Joy of the Angels: an accessible online advent service

First published 16th December 2020

An accessible advent service created by Deaf and disabled people and their families, friends and carers from around the Diocese of Bristol is now available to watch online.

Rev'd Mark Nam announced as Minority Ethnic Vocations Champion

First published 16th December 2020

The Bishop of Swindon, the Rt Rev'd Dr Lee Rayfield, is pleased to announce the appointment of the Rev'd Mark Nam as the Minority Ethnic Vocations Champion for the Diocese of Bristol.

Birthday Celebration at Pattern Church

First published 16th December 2020

In December 2020, Pattern Church, one of the Diocese of Bristol's Resourcing Churches, celebrated their second birthday.

New Interim Co-Area Deans for City Deanery Announced

First published 16th December 2020

The Bishop of Bristol, Rt Rev'd Vivienne Faull, is pleased to announce that Rev'd Lizzie Kesteven and Rev'd David Stephenson will be the Interim Co-Area Deans for the Bristol City Deanery.

Eco-stable at Christ Church Swindon

First published 10th December 2020

An eco-stable has been built in the church yard at the front of Christ Church Swindon, made with wood from discarded fencing panels and local rubbish sites.

Carols for Bristol

First published 3rd December 2020

A city-wide online Carol service made by and for the city of Bristol, premiering on Friday 11 December at 7pm.

Fromeside church appeal raises over £11,500

First published 3rd December 2020

A Christmas appeal from the Together 4 Fromeside churches has raised over £11,500 to support vulnerable families in eight local primary schools. 

Revd Trudie Wigley announced as Area Dean of Swindon

First published 2nd December 2020

The Bishop of Bristol is pleased to announce that Revd Trudie Wigley has been appointed Area Dean of Swindon.

Diocesan Synod November 2020 Update

First published 26th November 2020

Diocesan Synod met on 14 November 2020 to review the impact of Creating connections, approve the 2021 budget and prepare for the future.

Advent and Christmas 2020

First published 26th November 2020

Christmas services are going to be looking different this year, but there is still comfort and joy to be found.

Remembrance pebbles: A path to commemoration

First published 25th November 2020

This years' Remembrance Day looked different across Bristol Diocese, and one parish decided to line the path to their church with painted pebbles.

Update on the 2020 Uganda Appeal

First published 24th November 2020

The appeal has so far raised almost £10,000 for Ugandan clergy. Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far.

Mental health initiatives across the diocese addressing an increasing need

First published 24th November 2020

Over the course of this year of lockdowns, mental health needs have increased. Across the Diocese, churches have come together to provide resources and to address this need.

Finding comfort and joy in a strange land: Online Advent retreat by Bristol Diocese and Bristol Cathedral

First published 24th November 2020

The Diocese of Bristol and Bristol Cathedral are running an online Advent retreat on Saturday, 28 November 2020, starting at 10am. The theme is “I look from afar: Where and how do we find comfort and joy in a strange land?”

Bristol Diocese wins prestigious Eco Diocese award

First published 19th November 2020

The Diocese of Bristol is excited to announce that it has been awarded  two awards as an Eco Diocese— Silver for its operations, and Bronze in recognition of its wider engagement— from the national environmental charity A Rocha.

Race, ministry and me

First published 12th November 2020

The Revd Aggy Palairet, curate at St Mary Redcliffe Church, writes about her experiences of race and ministry.

Living in Love and Faith resources published

First published 10th November 2020

The Church of England has published a landmark set of resources drawing together the Bible, theology, science and history.

Transforming Church: Discovering how to be a better church for everyone

First published 9th November 2020

The Diocese of Bristol is about to embark on a twelve-month review of our vision and priorities, seeking what Christ is calling us to be and to do in the coming years.

Cathedral bell rings call to prayer during lockdown

First published 5th November 2020

From today, Thursday 5 November, Bristol Cathedral will ring a bell at 6pm every evening as a call to prayer for the city.

Transforming church. A message from the Bishop of Bristol.

First published 4th November 2020

The Bishop of Bristol announced a new focus of work for the upcoming months, to shape the future of the Diocese of Bristol.

Diocesan Synod Nov 2020 Papers

First published 3rd November 2020

Papers for the Diocesan Synod meeting to be held on Zoom on 14 November 2020

Churchwarden events in November 2020

First published 21st October 2020

News and event booking links for churchwarden events in November 2020

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