
Please find all the latest news from the Diocese of Bristol

Creating connections in Uganda

First published 30th March 2016

Bishop Mike Hill has made a number of visits to Uganda over the last 12 months aimed at strengthening our connections with our link dioceses and the province.

Learning to be human

First published 29th March 2016

Diane Simms visited the Diocese of Central Uganda in 2015 as part of the City Deanery Uganda Link.

All these things will be given to you

First published 29th March 2016

Rev Tina Goede, the German Lutheran Minister in charge of St Annes, Eastville visited Uganda in 2015 with the City Deanery.

The light shines in the darkness

First published 27th March 2016

The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.

The Power of Praying for Friends

First published 24th March 2016

There's such power in praying for our friends who don't yet know Jesus. Not just doing it once in a while, or when we feel like it, but doing it regularly persevering with discipline, and with joy.

A Season of Invitation

First published 23rd March 2016

Sometimes all it takes is a simple act of invitation to change somebody's life.

World in crisis

First published 23rd March 2016

It feels as though half the world is on the move in these times: by sea, over land, floating in flimsy vessels or clinging beneath lorries; young and old, of all faiths and none.

Statement from Bishop Mike on Brussels

First published 23rd March 2016

A statement from the Bishop of Bristol, the Rt Revd Mike Hill, regarding the events in Brussels.

Connected Conference 2016

First published 21st March 2016

On 27 April 2016, clergy, ministers and leaders from churches across the Diocese will be exploring what it means to be Connected at a special diocesan day conference event.

Helping prisoners lead meaningful lives

First published 21st March 2016

The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.

Understanding Addiction and Supporting Recovery

First published 21st March 2016

A new course is being run which aims to help train Christians in how to support people recovering from addiction.

Bishop Mike: Europe - In or Out?

First published 21st March 2016

The campaign race to the vote on the EU is starting to gather pace. Voters will be given the opportunity to decide whether they are for Europe or against.Immediately there is a problem.

Giving for Life Reignited

First published 21st March 2016

The National Stewardship Committee has put together a programme to enable parishes to re-engage with reviewing Stewardship Strategy and adoption of good practice.

Resource Helps Churches to Address Domestic Abuse

First published 17th March 2016

One in four women in the UK experience domestic abuse. But few church leaders are aware of the extent of the issue, or what they can do about it.

'Together we can tackle child abuse' campaign

First published 17th March 2016

The Diocese of Bristol is backing this campaign run by the Department for Education (DfE).

Ability Sunday 2016

First published 17th March 2016

Last year, more than 220 churches took part by running Ability Sunday services. This year, we hope many more churches will take this opportunity to take part in Ability Sunday on 11 September.

St Luke's Easter lunch club

First published 17th March 2016

In the school holidays some children are without enough food and suffer from holiday hunger.Church members at St Luke's Church in Barton Hill (east Bristol) are responding to this by providing free hot meals and play time during the Easter break.

Does the Church really receive them with joy?

First published 17th March 2016

Anita Dobson, from Christ Church Downend, recently went to the Baptism Matters day. Here she writes her thoughts on the event:We so want to be welcoming to each and every person who comes through the church door.

Choosing a Church School - A Guide for Families

First published 16th March 2016

This is a guide, created by St. Peters CofE Primary School, to inform parents what to expect when sending their child to a church school and what they can get out of it.

New School: Ridgeway Farm CE Academy, Wiltshire

First published 15th March 2016

The Diocese of Bristol Academies Trust is opening a new primary school for the beginning of September 2016.

Charitable Grants for Churches 2016

First published 14th March 2016

There are a number of charitable grants available for churches.

Stuck in Never Never Land?

First published 14th March 2016

On 26th February 2016, a rare debate took place in the House of Lords.

Bristol Nightstop helps homeless young people

First published 14th March 2016

When young homeless teenagers are desperate for a place to sleep, Susanne Frank has a warm bed for them to use.She is one of a growing number of people opening up their homes to youngsters in need of somewhere to stay.

A journey to Easter Day

First published 3rd March 2016

The start of Lent is known as Ash Wednesday and its theme is repentance, a word which conjures up the image of a preacher on the High Street exhorting passers-by to turn from their sins and be saved.

Trinity College principal appointed Chaplain to Queen

First published 23rd February 2016

Buckingham Palace has announced that the principal of Trinity College Bristol, the Revd Dr Emma Ineson, has been appointed as a Chaplain to the Queen.

Skate park returns to Malmesbury Abbey

First published 22nd February 2016

Hundreds of skateboarders headed to Malmesbury Abbey as it held its eighth annual skate festival.

Bishop's Letter: Holy disruption and the prayer Jesus taught

First published 20th February 2016

This month Bishop Lee reminds us that God's Kingdom is often unsettling and messy. If we are going to pray Your Kingdom come in spirit and in truth let us be ready to welcome rather than resist this.

Bishop's Letter: In the Lord's service(s)?

First published 20th February 2016

Show me the way your weekend services are going and Ill tell you how your church is going Thus spake Bill Hybels at a recent coaching seminar.

General Synod - February 2016

First published 18th February 2016

The General Synod of the Church of England met in Church House, London, from Monday 15 February to Wednesday 17 February.

The Queen's 90th birthday

First published 2nd February 2016

This year, the Queen is marking her 90th birthday and churches are being urged to get involved with the celebrations.

Central web resource launched

First published 1st February 2016

A website designed to support the occasional offices is available now to all clergy and lay people involved in these important ministries.The Church Support Hub was developed to offer research, free downloads, shared ideas and articles, plus commonly-

Dean's Sermon: After the Primates Meeting

First published 28th January 2016

Sermon preached in Bristol Cathedral on Sunday 24th January, 2016 by the Very Revd David Hoyle, Dean of Bristol CathedralLuke 4:14-21Just over a week ago, the shadow leader of the House of Commons, a man called Chris Bryant, left the Church of Englan

Do we really believe in prayer?

First published 27th January 2016

On Wednesday 23rd December, I had scheduled into my diary a day of prayer for the work of vocations across the diocese of Bristol.

Church Publishes 2014 Attendance Statistics

First published 18th January 2016

New Church of England statistics for 2014 show that just under one million people attend services each week.

Generosity overwhelms following refugee appeal

First published 18th January 2016

Generosity has overwhelmed the Church in Westbury Park (St Albans CofE and Westbury Park Methodist) after it put out an appeal last week for warm winter clothing for refugees in Northern Iraq and Syria.

Wroughton Passion Play

First published 18th January 2016

The Easter story is coming to Wroughton. Swindon-based theatre company Gatecrash Theatre has joined forces with Wroughton Parish Church and the Bible Society, to put on a new version of the Passion Play.

Bishop's Letter: A season for curiosity, time and courage

First published 18th January 2016

As we are invited to make Lent a particular season for prayer across the diocese, Bishop Lee reflects on our struggles to listen to God and how we might grow in our practice of prayer.

Walking Together in the Service of God

First published 18th January 2016

Senior Bishops from the Anglican Communion met last week to discuss a number of issues. Following the meeting, which included representatives from 38 Anglican Provinces.

Knowing me, knowing you

First published 14th January 2016

Not unsurprisingly personality and character form part of the selection criteria for ministry in the Church of England. However I also think they are also key to life and relationships.

Young people, drugs and alcohol...

First published 13th January 2016

Substance misuse among under-18s in the UK is always a cause for concern with stories of teenagers drinking alcohol, smoking cannabis, or using drugs never far from the headlines.

Growing Faith through Generosity

First published 13th January 2016

We are all on a journey of faith; wherever we are on that journey, and no matter how far we have travelled, we are seeking to be Disciples of Christ.

Dinosaurs, Daleks and the Holy Family

First published 29th December 2015

Two days after celebrating the birth of Jesus of Nazareth this seems a good time to talk about him, especially following recent research on what people think about Jesus and his followers.

Hearing God's Call at Christmas

First published 22nd December 2015

When you have sat through as many nativity plays as I have as a primary school teacher, a Church Families Worker,an ordained minister and a parent of three you become somewhat deaf to the incredible power of the Christmas story.

What will you get for Christmas?

First published 22nd December 2015

A horrific story was reported earlier this week. The headline read, Domestic Abuse Police nearly overwhelmed by increase.

The blessing of a toilet

First published 17th December 2015

When asked recently what I particularly enjoyed about being a bishop, one of the things I mentioned was its variety.

Christmas Through the Keyhole

First published 17th December 2015

Christmas Through The Keyhole is a multi-sensory, interactive re-telling of the Christmas story for primary school pupils.

One Baby (video)...

First published 15th December 2015

'One Baby' is a great short animated film produced by Bath Youth for Christ that explains the significance of the baby born at Christmas: Jesus!

Involving Pupils in Collective Worship

First published 7th December 2015

Case Study of Good PracticeSutton Benger and Langley Fitzurse in the Draycot Benefice, along with Kington St Michael who is part of the Chippenham Deanery, are schools which all have a school worship council.

A Season of Prayer

First published 7th December 2015

Prayer is a vital part of our Christian walk. It connects us with God and roots our vision and priorities in God's strength.

Continuing to talk of Jesus: Bishop Lee's Synod address

First published 5th December 2015

In his address to the December Diocesan Synod, Bishop Lee reflected further on the Talking Jesus research and its implications for Christians and the Church.

World Listening Day

First published 3rd December 2015

Perhaps the most important thing we can give each other is our attention Network Counselling and Training is a Bristol based charity, providing low cost counselling and training within a Christian ethos.

Explore Christmas through baking

First published 3rd December 2015

As the memories of 'Great British Bake Off' fade away (can you remember who won it again?)Christmas is a popular time for baking scrumptious treats and I've just discovered a little gem.


First published 2nd December 2015

A new website aimed at encouraging people to pray has been released by the Church of England.

Why including little ones is good

First published 2nd December 2015

As a regular subscriber.

Simpler faculties for your church building

First published 2nd December 2015

As part of a national project to simplify the faculty system for work to our church buildings, there will be changes from 1 January 2016, which most parishes will find very welcome.

Bishop's Letter: The light shines in the darkness

First published 28th November 2015

In his message for this season, Bishop Lee reflects on hope and overcoming hatred. I am writing this a week after the killings which have traumatised Paris and sent shockwaves across Europe and around the world.

General Synod - It's all over for now

First published 26th November 2015

So, we have just finished the first Synod of the 2015-20 sessions here in London. The Bristol contingent of seven, consisting of sixelected members led by Bishop Mike, is supplemented by our good friend Rev Dr Emma Ineson, Principal of Trinity College.

What have mega churches ever done for us!

First published 25th November 2015

For many people reading this the very concept of a mega church will have you running to your keyboards to explain that wasn't what Jesus or any of the New Testament writers had in mind when they thought about church!

'Learn 2 Listen' makes an impact

First published 23rd November 2015

On Tuesday 17th November 2015, church leaders from across the diocese met at Hillside House to explore how churches can be more effective in hearing to the voice of children and young people.

Gift of Gospel for prisoners

First published 23rd November 2015

Hundreds of prisoners are being sent a Christmas gift bag containing presents and the Gospel.

Christmas 'all-age' ideas

First published 18th November 2015

As the countdown to Advent gets ever closer the time to start thinking about the all-age Christmas services will arrive quicker than you think!

Churches urged to sign up to 'pesticide-free pledge'

First published 17th November 2015

Churches across Bristol are being urged to join a campaign to stop the use of weed killers which could harm those who work and play nearby.

Bishop's Letter: Who do you trust?

First published 12th November 2015

Pontius Pilate, Governor of Judea from CE26-36 famously once asked an important question, What is truth?

Let's talk Jesus

First published 1st November 2015

Bishop Lee reports on recent research carried out on attitudes to Jesus and His followers.

Lent study course materials focusing on migration and refugees

First published 29th October 2015

The Anglican mission agency Us (formerly USPG) has published a Lent study course for 2016 focusing on the global issue of migration and the plight of refugees.

Bishop's Letter: Rights and Wrongs...

First published 28th October 2015

The issue of human rights is ever before us. Rightly so. If we want a newer kinder mode of politics, then there must be some protections for some of the most vulnerable people in our society.

The Leader as Hero

First published 27th October 2015

It is said we are shaped by our culture. If that is true then one of the strongest leadership motifs is that of the hero leader.

30k students, 4k staff, 1 CofE Chaplain...

First published 22nd October 2015

With the mayhem of Freshers weeks and fairs kicking off the new HE academic years at UWE and Bristol University, it'd be easy to miss the essential roles of our Anglican Chaplains at the centre of the goings-on.

Church Schoolmasters and Schoolmistresses' Benevolent Institution

First published 20th October 2015

The CSSBI is a charity that provides financial support for teachers, both current and former, at the point of need.

Diocesan Synod Report - Oct 2015

First published 16th October 2015

The Diocesan Synod met on 19 September 2015.

Help combat food poverty in Bristol

First published 13th October 2015

In the school holidays some children are without enough food and suffer from holiday hunger. Can you volunteer to combat food poverty in Bristol this October half-term?

Christian Aid's Christmas appeal

First published 13th October 2015

Wiltshires regional coordinator for Christian Aid has welcomed an announcement by the Government that it will match every pound raised in Christian Aids Christmas Appeal, which could help prevent thousands of unnecessary deaths from malaria.

Confirmations at HMP Ashfield

First published 12th October 2015

Revd Liz Perry, one of the chaplains at HMP Ashfield, reports on a special confirmation service in their chapel for serving prisoners, led by Bishop Lee.

Breaking the cycle

First published 12th October 2015

Once I started, the words just came. There was no anger. I kept my voice really calm and I actually felt calm. If you've got faith, it does give you the words.Earlier this year the leadership team and congregation at St Andrews Hartcliffe had to deal

Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Martin Cavender

First published 10th October 2015

A service of thanksgiving will be held in memory of Martin Cavender at Wells Cathedral on Saturday 31st October at 1pm.

Walking with our children in faith

First published 8th October 2015

On the day I was pretty nervous. We had to stand at the front of the church and explain why we were choosing to be baptised. We said it in our own words.Back in the summer, five members of the same family - Dad Matt, Callum (17), Alby (9), Jack (5) a

What's in an age?

First published 7th October 2015

I have done almost five weeks in this role, and I have already lost count of the number of rooms I've walked into where people have been barely able to contain their surprise that I am Bristol's new DDO (diocesan director of ordinands).

Called to Licensed Lay Ministry?

First published 6th October 2015

Following the wonderful licensing service at Bristol Cathedral on Saturday 26 September, we now have over 200 licensed lay ministers in the Diocese of Bristol.

Life to the Max - Joel's story

First published 6th October 2015

For Joel, growing up in a vicarage is very different to the home life his peers experience.

In solidarity with asylum seekers

First published 5th October 2015

I was destitute, really destitute. And the Bristol Hospitality Network was the only organisation that gave me shelter at that time.

Germans thrive at Soul Survivor

First published 5th October 2015

During August, a group of young people from Augsburg in Germany visited to develop links and relationships between the Diocese of Bristol and the Lutheran Church in Bavaria.

Faith in social action

First published 30th September 2015

It is very humbling to be amongst so many people doing outstanding work in our city.

Holy fire at Soul Survivor

First published 21st September 2015

Taking a group of young people to Soul Survivor can be an amazing experience.

Is this plan radical enough?

First published 19th September 2015

Watch here Here is Bishop Mike's inaugural address given at the first meeting of the new Diocesan Synod on Saturday 19 September.

Climate change and mission: an opportunity

First published 16th September 2015

At the July meeting of the General Synod there wasa discussion on combatting climate change and a motion was passed committing us to various work in support of the pursuit of a low carbon future.

Supporting refugees

First published 16th September 2015

Christians and churches across our diocese are keen to support those affected by the escalating refugee crisis.

Helping young people grow in faith

First published 16th September 2015

The vast majority of Christians say they made their first commitment to Christ under the age of 21.

Strengthening our church-school links

First published 16th September 2015

As thousands of children and young people across the Diocese begin a new academic year.

Connecting children to God

First published 15th September 2015

Becky Fisher has been the Rural Schools and Churches Worker for the eight parishes in the Gauzebrook Group in North Wiltshire since 2011.

All this beauty is of God

First published 15th September 2015

Theres a sense in which, if you spend time struggling with something, you then hold onto it and its worthwhile. There are steps in our faith journey which are probably like that.The rural church is very important to me. My role as a Rural Schools and

Three ways to encourage new vocations

First published 9th September 2015

When Justin Welby was elected the 105thArchbishop of Canterbury in February 2013, everyone was commenting on his meteoric rise, since he had been consecrated as a bishop only 16 months earlier.

The F word: stories of forgiveness

First published 2nd September 2015

Visitors to Bristol's St Mary Redcliffe Church on Doors Open Day on Saturday 12 September will see more than a masterpiece of Gothic Architecture and unique examples of the city's history.

Passionate about God's Church?

First published 1st September 2015

The Church, more than any other social network, employment facility or club, should be leading the way in helping 20-30s find their feet and their faith.Dr Krish Kandiah, President of London School of Theology.

Bishop's Letter: Zero Tolerance

First published 28th August 2015

Bishop Mike asks whether our churches are doing all they can to make sure the vulnerable are safe in our midst?

Bishop Lee backs Brighter Futures radiotherapy appeal

First published 20th August 2015

Bishop Lee is encouraging cyclists to saddle up for bike rides through Wiltshire in aid of Brighter Futures' 2.9m Radiotherapy Appeal.

Pray and fast for climate justice

First published 18th August 2015

One of the key actions from a motion passed at the last General Synod was to support an initiative encouraging Christians to pray and fast for climate justice on the first day of each month.

Children's Society launches Seriously Awkward campaign

First published 17th August 2015

The Children's Society is calling for changes to the law to protect 16 and 17 year old's from harm, abuse and neglect.

Assisted Suicide? - put the whole thing to death

First published 14th August 2015

There maybe some good reasons for changing the law to allow physician assisted suicide (PAS), but truthfully, none of them are good enough to make me think it would be a good idea to permit this change in the law.

How to create a reflective area

First published 13th August 2015

RE Coordinator Samantha Fletcher shows how an infant school in Oldham transformed a corner of a room into a reflective are and transformed the quality of children's reflection as well.

Similarity and Difference Triads

First published 13th August 2015

A skill-tool for thoughtful analysis of ideas, beliefs, concepts, practices and other stuff in primary and secondary RE.

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