There are some subjects we try not to talk about one is dementia.
All of us have occasional moments of thinking problems, lapses of memory, and problems with language. For some it is caused by dementia, a progressive condition in which the structure and chemistry of the brain becomes increasingly damaged. We often talk about Alzheimer's as another name for dementia, but in fact Alzheimer's is a disease which is the cause of just one form of dementia, of which there are over 100 different types.
Whatever the type of dementia, the increasing number of people with the condition puts very considerable pressure on their carers, the health and welfare system and on society itself. Additionally many of us fear the threat of the disease as we age, whilst for others it is the very real challenge of living with dementia after diagnosis. Currently, one in 14 of us, over the age of 65, have the condition, and this figure is set to rise in the coming years.
Lets Talk About… is a series of events that take place at All Saints, Clifton, that address a topic of social concern, linked to the needs of the community. The purpose is to increase understanding, share views and recognise the various ways we can work to have a positive impact on subjects that often seem overwhelming. The next in the series is: Lets Talk About Dementia.
It will take place in the Parish Room at All Saints, Clifton (Pembroke Road, Bristol) on Monday 27 February at 7pm, and will be run in conjunction with The Alzheimers Society and The Carers Support Centre. It is a 90 minute, interactive event aimed at developing our awareness and understanding of the complex issues that surround dementia, and will be of particular use to all those who are carers, or who have a parent, relative or friend who have the condition. It will also be of use to those who would simply like to learn more about dementia, or who would like to become engaged in supporting carers and the people they care for.
Those people who take on a caring role provide a huge service to those with dementia and to society as a whole very often, at cost to themselves, since they tend to underestimate the impact that this role has on them in terms of relationships, emotion, health and general wellbeing. Following this event, planning will begin for a Memory Caf at All Saints, giving people with dementia and their carers an opportunity to meet regularly for social activity and support.