The Rt Revd Vivienne Faull commends Salvation Army on their Anti-Slavery report
First published 18th October 2023The Rt Revd Vivienne Faull commends The Salvation Army on their recent Anti-Slavery Day annual report
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The Rt Revd Vivienne Faull commends The Salvation Army on their recent Anti-Slavery Day annual report
Legislation clarifying right of local authorities to support churches clears final hurdle in House of Lords.
Here's a round-up of Bishop Viv's week as duty Bishop at the House of Lords between 17th and 21st July
The Bishop of Bristol and the Chair of the Bristol Diocesan Board of Finance are delighted to announce the appointment of Richard Leaman as the new Diocesan Secretary and CEO.
The Bishop of Bristol, the Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, addresses the Diocesan Synod in June 2021.
On Monday 17 May in the House of Lords, the Lord Bishop of Bristol, Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, made a speech in response to the Queen's speech.
This sermon was given by Bishop Viv on Sunday 4 April 2021 at Bristol Cathedral.
One year since England went into a national lockdown, Bristol takes a moment to remember and reflect, with a new film and shared reflection.
The Church of England has published a landmark set of resources drawing together the Bible, theology, science and history.
The Bishop of Bristol announced a new focus of work for the upcoming months, to shape the future of the Diocese of Bristol.
Parliament returned from recess this week and met on Wednesday 3 and Thursday 4 September.
Yesterday in the House of Lords, the Lord Bishop of Bristol asked the government what assessment they have made of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on human trafficking.
Last night, Bishop Viv addressed Diocesan Synod, reflecting on the last three months in lockdown.
Bishop Lee discusses how journaling can enable us to reflect on our past and guide our future.
Bishop Lee reflects on how God has been at work during the lockdown.
Bishop Lee reflects on the impact that his cycling accident had on his wellbeing.
A message from Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, Bishop of Bristol, about racial justice and the work to be done.
In my last piece - Sacred Space - I said I would write more about the significance of an app and the radio in journeying through a prolonged confinement.
I am not sure whether finding or going to your personal ‘happy place' was referred to often before the Lockdown, but I have certainly become more conscious of it in recent days.
Work was carried out yesterday to remove a number of prominent references to Edward Colston in the windows of Bristol Cathedral and St Mary Redcliffe Church.
Individuals and churches can now be led in prayer by Bishop Viv as we continue to respond to the challenges our society faces. Recorded at Diocesan Synod, June 2020.
Statement from the Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, Bishop of Bristol in response to the #BlackLivesMatter protests in Bristol.
Bishop Viv explores what impact Covid 19 might have on the diocese, the church and the future. This was originally written for a Bishop's Council meeting on Thursday 7 May.
On Sunday 10 May, the Bishop of Swindon began a 120 mile cycle ride that he will complete over this Christian Aid Week 10 - 16 May 2020.
While out cycling in January, Rt Revd Lee Rayfield, Bishop of Swindon, came off his bike after hitting a patch of black ice.
This Christmas message was originally given as at the Christmas Day Eucharist at Bristol Cathedral 2019.
Coordinated by the Bishop of Bristols OfficeAs faith leaders in the city of Bristol, we are proud of this beautiful, diverse and creative city.
During debate on the Queens Speech on Thursday 17 October, the Bishop of Bristol, Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, made her first speech in the House of Lords.
The Bishop of Bristol, Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, has joined 25 Anglican bishops in signing an open letter on the prospect of a 'no-deal' Brexit and the need for national reconciliation.
Rt Revd Lee Rayfield, Bishop of Swindon, is taking part in a sponsored cycle race next month as he marks five years of being in remission from cancer.
The Bishop of Bristol, Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, has spoken of her determination to see more done to bring communities together as she attended the grand Iftar meal held for the community in Easton, Bristol.She told the crowd of 6,000 people, who had g
"Showing the love of Christ to everyone, whoever they are" - Bishop Viv
At this year's Chrism Eucharist, as clergy reaffirmed their vows and the sacred oils were blessed, Bishop Viv spoke of the incarnation of God's word and the incarnation of Good News.
An ancient well dating back to the 10th century has been blessed by the Bishop of Bristol.
In the coming days our Members of Parliament will continue to face enormous pressure, and have to make decisions which will have a far reaching impact on our nation.
A message from Bishop Viv as she calls on churches and communities to come together in prayer for the country and the Brexit process.
Following the announcement that Honda will be closing its Swindon plant in 2021, Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, Bishop of Bristol, has offered the support of the church community to those facing redundancy.
This Christmas message was originally given as at the Christmas Day Eucharist at Bristol Cathedral 2019.
Bishop Vivienne Faull is delighted to announce that Revd Canon Prof Martin Gainsborough has been appointed as Chaplain to the Bishop of Bristol from 1 January 2019.He will succeed Revd Paul van Rossum, who is retiring at the end of the year.
The bishops of the Church of England have formally adopted the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism.
A message from Bishop Lee for Holy Week and EasterI am never quite comfortable preparing messages for Holy Week midway through Lent; it seems to shortcut the journey. Keeping some distance between Good Friday and Easter Day seems even more important
As Advent moves to the celebration of Christmas, Bishop Lee reflects on its life transforming nature.Can I understand why so many people find the tenets of the Christian faith impossible to believe? Of course I can. Accepting that there is a Creator
Bishop Mike and Anthea Hill have written the following thanks following the farewell service at Bristol Cathedral.
In this months message Bishop Lee asks whether there is more to marginal gains than making small incremental changes.
As the Rt Revd Mike Hill prepares to retire as Bishop of Bristol on 30 September 2017, he has written a final letter to parishes in the Diocese of Bristol.
A statement by the Bishop of Bristol, the Rt Revd Mike Hill, regarding the recent events in Charlottesville.
This year marks the 500th Anniversary of the ReformationIn 1517 Martin Luther posted his 95 theses on the doors of the Cathedral in Wittenborg.
This month Bishop Lee tells how one boys life is having a transforming impact for the Kingdom of God.
As I write the Church remembers St. Barnabas referred to by St Luke as a son of encouragement. The background is as simple as it is challenging.
A message from the Bishop of Bristol, the Rt Revd Mike Hill, in response to the attack in Manchester.
Of proverbs, axioms, parables and wisdom for living.
The Bishop of Bristol, the Rt Revd Mike Hill, writes: Many including myself will be very sorry to hear of the death of Michael Perham who died earlier this week.
I just got back from a teaching schedule in a variety of contexts which has been fascinating.
The Bishop of Bristol and all in the Diocese of Bristol offer their sincere condolences to His Grace and Coptic Christians throughout the world in the light of the bombing of Coptic Churches in Egypt.
In our culture it has become axiomatic to assert that religion has been the cause of wars throughout the ages.
Bishop Lee asks whether we can make Lent a season to create habits which help us form a more Christ-like character.
A statement from the Rt Revd Mike Hill, Bishop of Bristol, and the Very Revd David Hoyle, Dean of Bristol, in response to the debate at General Synod on the Bishops' report following the shared conversations.
As somebody once quipped: The future ain't what it used to be!To state the obvious, 2017 has certainly started with some glaring uncertainties.
The Bishop of Bristol, the Rt Revd Mike Hill, has announced his retirement with effect from 30 September 2017.
In his address to Diocesan Synod in December, Matthew Frost asked us what one thing we might do as a diocese to best equip Christians to be disciples in every sphere of life, not just in church life.
Bishop Lee reflects on why taking the risk of mending a broken relationship can be a sign of hope for the future.
Unforgiveness and Bitterness. As I write, the Pope has just pulled down the curtain on his year of mercy.
The Bishop of Bristol has opted to give money to charity rather than sending Christmas cards to clergy this year.
A house divided against itself cannot stand. These were words which came to mind as I woke up to the news that we had voted to leave the EU on Thursday 23 June 2016.
The Bishop of Bristol, the Rt Revd Mike Hill, will lead this months Whiteladies Road Annual Act of Remembrance at the St Johns war memorial on the junction of Apsley Road and Whiteladies Road in the Clifton area of Bristol on Armistice Day.
The season of Advent is almost upon us again.I have to say that the older I get, the more I have come to value the Church's penitential seasons.
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
There is no doubt that the events in Nice that have emerged overnight have sickened and horrified the people of this Diocese and the people of this nation.
There is no doubt that the events in Nice that have emerged overnight have sickened and horrified the people of this Diocese and the people of this nation.
A message from Bishop Mike following the EU Referendum: Where does one start? In the night (I was in the USA) news came through that the UK had voted for a Brexit.
Some years ago in the USA, I preached a sermon to nine million people! Admittedly all but about 2,000 of those people were listening in on radio.
Creating Connections with God, with each other, and with our communities. What a great vision for us as a diocese. But how can we get better at this?
Children at St Christopher's in Brislington have celebrated their first communion with help from the Bishop of Swindon.
I read in the paper recently that 2015 was a bumper year for deaths and that life expectancy fell last year for the first time in twenty years.
The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.
A statement from the Bishop of Bristol, the Rt Revd Mike Hill, regarding the events in Brussels.
The campaign race to the vote on the EU is starting to gather pace. Voters will be given the opportunity to decide whether they are for Europe or against.Immediately there is a problem.
On 26th February 2016, a rare debate took place in the House of Lords.
The start of Lent is known as Ash Wednesday and its theme is repentance, a word which conjures up the image of a preacher on the High Street exhorting passers-by to turn from their sins and be saved.
Show me the way your weekend services are going and Ill tell you how your church is going Thus spake Bill Hybels at a recent coaching seminar.
As we are invited to make Lent a particular season for prayer across the diocese, Bishop Lee reflects on our struggles to listen to God and how we might grow in our practice of prayer.
Two days after celebrating the birth of Jesus of Nazareth this seems a good time to talk about him, especially following recent research on what people think about Jesus and his followers.
A horrific story was reported earlier this week. The headline read, Domestic Abuse Police nearly overwhelmed by increase.
When asked recently what I particularly enjoyed about being a bishop, one of the things I mentioned was its variety.
In his message for this season, Bishop Lee reflects on hope and overcoming hatred. I am writing this a week after the killings which have traumatised Paris and sent shockwaves across Europe and around the world.
Pontius Pilate, Governor of Judea from CE26-36 famously once asked an important question, What is truth?
Bishop Lee reports on recent research carried out on attitudes to Jesus and His followers.
The issue of human rights is ever before us. Rightly so. If we want a newer kinder mode of politics, then there must be some protections for some of the most vulnerable people in our society.
Watch here Here is Bishop Mike's inaugural address given at the first meeting of the new Diocesan Synod on Saturday 19 September.
Bishop Mike asks whether our churches are doing all they can to make sure the vulnerable are safe in our midst?
Bishop Lee is encouraging cyclists to saddle up for bike rides through Wiltshire in aid of Brighter Futures' 2.9m Radiotherapy Appeal.
There maybe some good reasons for changing the law to allow physician assisted suicide (PAS), but truthfully, none of them are good enough to make me think it would be a good idea to permit this change in the law.
It may be over seven years since the global economy was rocked by the banking crisis but the aftershocks continue to raise questions around the financial industry.
Bishop Mike asks whether as Christians we should try emulate and be part of the society around us, or should we take pride in our distinctiveness?
As the Church calendar moves to the season known as ordinary time Bishop Lee invites us to make it an opportunity for awe and wonder rather than the mundane.
There is an issue with the morality of all pornography but while there is pornography for so-called consenting adults, don't be fooled into thinking that children will not access it online.
My heart skipped a beat when I heard on the radio earlier today that 10% of 12-13 year old children fear that they may have an addiction to pornography and a similar proportion have actually taken part in a sexually explicit video clip.
As part of the Church of England's Wash day initiative, Bishop Lee Rayfield spent the evening of Good Friday with guests and volunteers at the Swindon Night Shelter.
Bishop Lee describes the place the resurrection holds for him as a scientist and disciple of Jesus.
Its a great way to show that Christians are not afraid of getting their hands dirty in the service of others and demonstrating what loving your neighbour really means.