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Schools central to Church's mission, says Archbishop

First published 5th July 2013

Archbishop Justin Welby asserted the centrality of schools to the Church's mission to the nation as he hosted a seminar called Church of England: Education and our Future.

Queen honours work of church members

First published 1st July 2013

The work of two members of Bristol diocese has been recognised in the Queen's Birthday Honours list.

Bishop's Letter; ‘Them', ‘Us', and what it means to be the Local Church

First published 1st July 2013

This month Bishop Lee reflects on the Church of England's understanding of what it means to be the local Church.

Thank you

First published 26th June 2013

I was so grateful to everyone that came to the service on Saturday evening at Bristol Cathedral to mark the 10th anniversary of my time as Bishop of Bristol.

How enabling is your church?

First published 25th June 2013

The Church needs to learn from the experience, insight and gifts of disabled people, writes Revd Canon Gill Behenna, Chaplain with the Deaf Community in Bristol and National Adviser for Deaf Ministry.

The Syria Conundrum

First published 14th June 2013

News coming in overnight is that the American administration now confirms, what we have had circumstantial evidence of for a while, that the Syrian Government has used chemical weapons on its own people.

When aid works and why - link to an article by our new Archbishop

First published 11th June 2013

In April 2013 Archbishop Justin Welby wrote an interesting reflection on Aid .

Report from Kirchentag 2013

First published 10th June 2013

The Diocese of Bristol's links with the Lutheran Church in Bavaria gives an opportunity for Christians to join in one of the world great Christian gatherings, the German Kirchentag.

Church members rally in London to end global hunger

First published 7th June 2013

Christian Aid supporters and church members will be among those heading to London in support of the Enough Food For Everyone IF campaign which is calling on the G8 leaders meeting in the UK June 17-18 to take decisive action to end hunger.

Ways into prayer

First published 7th June 2013

As Bishop Lee has written, prayer is fundamental to Christian discipleship but the ways Christians actually engage with God in prayer may be as varied as the people themselves.

North Wiltshire Team visiting Kigezi Diocese

First published 4th June 2013

On Tuesday 4th June 6 members of North Wiltshire Deanery depart for Uganda for a two week visit to the Diocese of Kigezi.

Canon Gill Behenna appointed National Adviser for Deaf Ministry

First published 29th May 2013

The Revd Canon Gill Behenna has been appointed as part-time National Adviser for Deaf Ministry. Canon Behenna is Chaplain with the Deaf Community in the Diocese of Bristol and will continue in this role alongside her national responsibilities.As Nat

What happens when six tough parishes get together?

First published 29th May 2013

This fourth report from the 'Northern Ark' mission initiative in north Bristol outlines the developments over the last year and begins to see a way forward.

Bishop's Letter; Discovering our true worth

First published 28th May 2013

In this months letter, Bishop Mike argues the way the world around us measures our value is actually devaluing and reminds us of where our true value comes from and lies.

Fleshandblood: Blood donation and the Church of England...

First published 28th May 2013

The Church of England is involved with flesh and blood, a national campaign, to mobilise the Church to increase the number of blood and organ donors in the UK.

Woolwich. Jesus Christ stood for unity and love. So do we.

First published 25th May 2013

Bishop Mike HillWe wish to express our deep condolences to the family of Drummer Lee Rigby.

‘This, then, is how you should pray…'

First published 21st May 2013

Prayer draws us more closely into relationship with God, has an impact on the world and energises our Christian lives.

Floods in South Rwenzori

First published 15th May 2013

Please pray for the Diocese of South Rwenzori.

Lesson plans: What does it mean to belong to a religion? ISLAM

First published 14th May 2013

This unit explores aspects of festivals, celebrations, practices and communities and the beliefs to which they relate.

Lesson plans: What does it mean to belong to a religion? HINDUISM

First published 14th May 2013

This unit explores aspects of festivals, celebrations, practices and communities and the beliefs to which they relate.

Lesson plans: What do people believe about life?

First published 14th May 2013

This unit explores ideas about the natural world and our place in it, and relates them to religious and other beliefs.

Lesson plans: How do people express their beliefs and identity?

First published 14th May 2013

This unit explores how religions and beliefs employ signs, symbols and the arts to express aspects of human nature.

Christian Aid Week - video of the 'Bishops on Bikes' tour

First published 14th May 2013

Bishop Ed Condry (Bishop of Ramsbury) and Bishop Lee Rayfield (Bishop of Swindon) cycled a gruelling 180 miles around Wiltshire in 2 days in April 2013, stopping off in 16 Christian Aid groups along the way.

Lesson plans: Why do religious books and teachings matter? THE BIBLE

First published 14th May 2013

This unit explores how the Christian religion and beliefs express values and commitments in written form and how value is attached to the writings.

Lesson plans: What does it mean to belong to a religion? SIKHISM

First published 14th May 2013

This unit explores aspects of Sikh festivals, celebrations, practices and communities and the beliefs to which they relate.

Faith, Hope and ...Foodbanks?

First published 14th May 2013

With the number of foodbanks rising to cope with growing demand, we take a step back to ask what the root causes might be, and what is the role of the church in its ministry to stand alongside those in poverty.

New Agricultural Project in Northern Uganda

First published 13th May 2013

Bristol Diocese has links with three diocese in North West Uganda through the Bristol West Deanery.

Sowing seeds: church/school links

First published 13th May 2013

The Department for Children and Young People is refreshing its initiative to encourage congregations across the Diocese to take the fruitful but sometimes neglected opportunity of engaging with schools in their communities.

New book from the Archbishop of Uganda

First published 13th May 2013

More than one wife.

Lesson plans: What can we learn from the life and teaching of Jesus

First published 10th May 2013

This unit explores aspects of the person, life and teaching of Jesus and how they relate to Christian life, practices, celebrations and the pattern of Christian festivals.

Lesson plans: How should we live and who can inspire us?

First published 10th May 2013

This unit explores positive examples of how to live, values and commitments of faith founders, how actions of people of faith have changed the world.

Lesson plans: How do we make moral choices?

First published 10th May 2013

This unit explores how religious beliefs affect approaches to moral issues. This series of 9 or 10 lessons is intended to provide a set of learning activities for a Year 4 class (and may be adapted for a Y3 class).

Lesson plans: What is important to me?

First published 10th May 2013

This unit explores ideas of what it is to be human and relates them to religious and other beliefs.

Exploring Christian leadership - Voyage 3

First published 28th April 2013

Leadership is a major focus for Bristol Diocese, not just encouraging the leaders of our churches to hone their leadership skills, but also helping all those in positions of leadership to reflect on how their faith affects, maybe even drives their leadership.

Bishop's Letter; Finding Home

First published 23rd April 2013

This month Bishop Lee reminds us of the thousands of children who have little experience of a loving home and asks how the gospel can help us engage with such a challenge.

Being stretched too thin?

First published 18th April 2013

The last 3 or 4 months have been exceptionally busy. As well as doing my own job, I have also been helping to cover the job of a colleague who was away for nearly 3 months on paternity leave.

Insurance for Churches Together groups

First published 14th April 2013

PCCs should be aware under what circumstances Churches Together group events are covered by their insurance policies.

Ministers come together

First published 14th April 2013

The first round of Clergy Day Conferences and the Chrism Eucharist brought licensed ministers together to be equipped for leading in mission in March 2013.The Chrism Eucharist is the annual opportunity for both lay and ordained licensed ministers to

Student Faith Crawl

First published 12th April 2013

In March, the University of Bristol Chaplaincy organised a "Faith Crawl", enabling students from different faith backgrounds to engage with the city's different faith communities.

Welfare support handbook now available

First published 12th April 2013

Welfare support - If you do a lot of community work or have several people on benefits you may want to ask the PCC to invest (45) in this to help you guide people through the changes: Welfare Benefits & Tax Credits Handbook.

PCC Guide to Accounting

First published 12th April 2013

In our December newsletter we gave details of the new Guide.Many parishes ordered copies and we have sent those out.

Speaking about God in society

First published 12th April 2013

Clergy came together at two day conferences in March to explore how to speak about God in today's society.80 per cent of clergy questioned in a recent survey said they no longer had confidence in speaking about God in public.

Ministering in the public gaze

First published 8th April 2013

Ordained and lay ministers from across the Diocese once again gathered on Maundy Thursday at Bristol Cathedral for the Chrism Eucharist and to renew their commitment to ministry.

Sharing the Easter Experience

First published 7th April 2013

As churches celebrated the heart of the Christian message this Easter, a number of churches have been finding innovative ways to share the story with children and adults alike through interactive Easter events.

The Diagnostic Trap

First published 29th March 2013

This past week in the media, I think following a press release from NICE, ( the National Institute of Clinical Excellence), the term conduct disorder has found its way into the public space.

Fear of death

First published 26th March 2013

I remember looking down at my blood-soaked trainers and thinking Well.

St Matthew's Church Passion

First published 25th March 2013

In an exciting project for Good Friday, St Matthews Kingsdown will be performing a passion play.

Bishop's Letter; It's Friday, but Sunday's a'comin'

First published 22nd March 2013

Recently I have heard a number of preachers refer to those periods of Jewish history outlined in the Old Testament and referred to as exile.

Pope Francis I

First published 14th March 2013

I am delighted to hear of the election of Pope Francis I.

Millenium Youth Choir goes west

First published 8th March 2013

Members of the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) Millennium Youth Choir will soon be heading to the west of England for a busy Easter course.

Sanctity of Life / What does it mean to be a human?

First published 6th March 2013

These two fun exercises are useful starting points for many discussions about how we value different life-forms and how we decide which are better than others.

Persona dolls - Elizabeth the Christian and her Church

First published 6th March 2013

Persona dolls are a great way to introduce young children to ideas like other religions.

Facing death without fear, David Stevens' story

First published 5th March 2013

As part of our life stories series, we talked with with David Stevens about how his faith has enabled him to face death without fear following a diagnosis with cancer.

Spiritual gifts for Colerne

First published 4th March 2013

A member of the congregation at Colerne parish church has put her artistic gifts to good use by creating a series of icons for the church's Lady Chapel.

Mar Thoma Bishop visits Bristol

First published 4th March 2013

The Mar Thoma Bishop of North America and Europe, Rt. Rev. Dr. Geevarghese Mar Theodosius, was in Bristol this weekend to visit members of the Mar Thoma parish of St Thomas, who share a building with St Anne's Anglican church, Eastville.

From suicide to salvation, Steve and Sue's story

First published 28th February 2013

In local churches thoughout the Diocese of Bristol, people's lives are being changed by the power of God.

Christianity 365?

First published 26th February 2013

Reading in the Times sports pages in the light of England's Rugby Union victory over the French side I saw that on the wall of the England team's training camp was the simple slogan, 'England 365'.

Bishops on bicycles

First published 20th February 2013

Bishop Lee will cycle 172 milesin two days forChristian Aid on Friday 12 and Saturday 13 April.

Growth: a good problem to have

First published 11th February 2013

St Michaels Church in Stoke Gifford is launching a £5.8m project to build a new multi-purpose church and community centre in the parish, following sustained growth in the church over the last decade.

Retirement of Pope Benedict XVI

First published 11th February 2013

Bishop Mike has issued the following statement following the announcement that Pope Benedict will retire at the end of February.

Cautious Progress

First published 8th February 2013

The House of Bishops met yesterday for a day dedicated to trying to unlock the impasse created by November's vote on women bishops.

Home School Values

First published 7th February 2013

A fantastic new resource, Home Schools Values helps schools communicate their Christian values to their parents or guardians and communities.

Soundwell lights up for Candlemas

First published 6th February 2013

Over 500 people took part in a community lantern procession organised by members of St Stephen's Church in Soundwell to celebrate the feast of Candlemas on Saturday 2nd February.

The Venerable Kenneth James Clark 1922-2013

First published 5th February 2013

The Venerable Kenneth James Clark MA DSC 1922-2013, Archdeacon of Swindon 1982-1992

Over 120 clergy and lay leaders attend Leadership Conferences in Uganda

First published 1st February 2013

A team from Bristol Diocese visited Uganda in January 2013 to lead two conferences reflecting on Christian leadership.

Message from The Dean

First published 29th January 2013

There are different ways of measuring what it is like to live in a recession.

Swindon churches engage

First published 25th January 2013

Bishop Lee has celebrated the results of a survey which demonstrates the extensive engagement of Christians in Swindon with children and young people.

Updates from Uganda

First published 14th January 2013

A team from Bristol has just returned from Uganda following the second Christ Centred Leadership Conference for Ugandan Bishops and their leadership teams, which is organised by the Diocese of Bristol in partnership with the Church of Uganda.

Expert solutions for heating churches

First published 14th January 2013

Keeping an historic church warm for community use while conserving its heritage features and minimising the environmental impact is a real challenge, especially at a time of rising energy prices.

Last day in Gulu. Tomorrow we are off to...

First published 12th January 2013

Last day in Gulu. Tomorrow we are off to visit one of the legacies of the days of war in N. Uganda the huge displacement camp at Amuru.

I think it would be fair to say that many of us look across ...

First published 8th January 2013

I think it would be fair to say that many of us look across the Atlantic with a measure of disbelief when we think about their Constitution and their valued 2nd Amendment which hands citizens the right to bear arms.

Bishop Mike becomes Chair of Wycliffe Hall

First published 8th December 2012

Rt Revd Mike Hill has accepted the invitation of the Council of the Oxford theological college, Wycliffe Hall, to become its Chair.

Chancellor rules on Lacock cup

First published 5th December 2012

The Chancellor of the Diocese of Bristol, Revd Justin Gau, has ruled at a Consistory Court held at St Cyriacs Church, Lacock that the parish can sell a piece of silverware known as the Lacock Cup to the British Museum.

MP sees RE makes sense of the world

First published 5th December 2012

The MP for Bristol West, Stephen Williams, visited Bristol Cathedral Choir School in November at the invitation of teachers campaigning for a proper understanding of the value of RE.

Diocese and parishes strengthen links with Uganda

First published 4th December 2012

As Bishop Mike prepares for his next trip to Uganda to attend the enthronement of Bishop Stanley Ntagali as Archbishop of the Province on 16 December 2012.

Diocesan Synod tells Bishops to effect the will of the Church

First published 1st December 2012

The Bristol Diocesan Synod has passed a vote of no confidence in the ability of the General Synod of the Church of England to effect the clear will of the majority of Church members.

Bishop's Letter: Is there any hope for Advent?

First published 28th November 2012

In his message for Advent Bishop Lee highlights the challenge of the season for our discipleship. This is the time of the year I find most challenging to be a follower of Jesus.

This week has been the most difficult I ...

First published 25th November 2012

This week has been the most difficult I think of my ordained life.

Ian Yemm - House of Laity for Bristol Diocese - so what now?

First published 24th November 2012

Well this was quite a week to be a first-timer at the General Synod of the Church of England and the welcome was warm and genuine.

"We are going to need to do a lot of ex...

First published 22nd November 2012

"We are going to need to do a lot of explaining." So said Archbishop Rowan as he helped Synod face up to the implications of Tuesday's vote.

Many of us are still reeling after yeste...

First published 21st November 2012

Many of us are still reeling after yesterdays General Synod vote.

I was just approaching the turn off to S...

First published 20th November 2012

I was just approaching the turn off to Swindon when I heard that the measure to ordain women as bishops had been defeated.

General Synod rejects Women Bishops legislation

First published 20th November 2012

The General Synod has failed to agree legislation that would have enabled women to become bishops in the Church of England.

Revd Janet Marker, 1963-2012

First published 19th November 2012

Revd Janet Marker died last month after a struggle with illness that had been a constant presence though her ordained ministry.

Who would have thought it? Thursday's e...

First published 17th November 2012

Who would have thought it? Thursday's elections for the Police & Crime Commissioners have largely been written off as a 'shambles.'

Re-fuelling rural churches

First published 15th November 2012

The Filling Station, which started in the Diocese of Bristol, is supporting and strengthening local churches in rural areas across the country.

Shoebox theology

First published 13th November 2012

I had the best afternoon for ages today. I was invited down to the Operation Christmas Child collection centre at Christ the Servant church in Stockwood today by my friend and colleague Sue Farrance.

Working together

First published 13th November 2012

The Bristol-Uganda link is committed to working where possible with other partners to maximize the effectiveness of our links.

Church of Uganda welcomes new Archbishop

First published 12th November 2012

8th November 2012. Rev. Canon George Bagamuhunda, the Provincial Secretary for the Church of Uganda, has issued the following statement in response to the appointment of the Rt. Rev. Justin Welby as the next Archbishop of Canterbury.

Bishops delighted at “inspired” choice for Archbishop

First published 9th November 2012

The Bishops of Bristol and Swindon have wholeheartedly welcomed the announcement that Rt Revd Justin Welby will be the next Archbishop of Canterbury.Rt Revd Mike Hill, Bishop of Bristol, praised Bishop Justin's exceptional experience.

Church support for Scrap Metal Dealers Bill

First published 3rd November 2012

Church of England bishops are calling on MPs to support the Scrap Metal Dealers Bill on 9 November 2012 to curb the epidemic of metal theft that continues to plague churches, war memorials, schools, heritage properties, rail and utility services and even hospitals across the UK.

On November 2nd 1917, 95 years ago today...

First published 2nd November 2012

On November 2nd 1917, 95 years ago today, a piece of history was made which has had a profound impact on world politics ever since.

Ian Tweedie-Smith, Purton

First published 2nd November 2012

Revd Ian Tweedie-Smith was licensed as Priest-in-Charge of Purton, west of Swindon, on 17 October 2012.

Howard Jameson, Patchway

First published 2nd November 2012

Revd Howard Jameson is licensed on Wednesday 7 November as Priest-in-Charge of Patchway in north Bristol.Howard writes:

Bishop's Letter; Fit for purpose? Cntd...

First published 28th October 2012

I have always admired those people who make a long-term commitment to living a healthy lifestyle.

Bishop's Letter; Fit for purpose?

First published 28th October 2012

In this months Bishops Letter, Bishop Mike asks how we can apply what we know we need to do in our physical lives to our spiritual lives.

Poetry Emotion

First published 26th October 2012

Poetry Emotion contains a treasure trove of original poems to stimulate a child's observation and deep thinking; to affirm individuality and a sense of belonging; to express a myriad of feelings; and to develop meaningful skills for living.

Primary School Assemblies for Religious Festivals

First published 26th October 2012

Here you will find 37 fun and thoughtful assemblies that celebrate the multi-faith make-up of British schools today.

The prospect of elected Police Commissio...

First published 25th October 2012

The prospect of elected Police Commissioners is not one that fills me with enthusiasm.

Museveni's Prayer

First published 19th October 2012

I wonder how people in the UK would react if David Cameron were to pray a public prayer like this one that President Yoweri Museveni prayed in Namboole as part of the celebrations for 50 years of independence?

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