Are you looking for a practical, fun and easy-to-use resource to learn about the Christian faith with your youth group? "Thrive" may be the answer: six sessions which explore key aspects of the Christian faith and connect to the Diocesan strategy Creating communities of wholeness with Christ at the centre.
From Dan Jones:
"Using a variety of fun ice-breakers, movie clips, key scriptures combined with facilitated discussions, the hope is that Thrive will bring young people closer to God and strengthen their understanding and relationship with Him. Thrive can be used with young Christians who want to find out more and who may be preparing for baptism, confirmation or communion before confirmation, young people on the fringe of Church and those who simply want to explore what Christianity is about.
"Why not give Thrive a try? More than anything else, the young people will learn from you. You will be modelling for them what a Christian is actually like and if you are able to demonstrate to them your love for God and your commitment to the Christian life, then you will be a positive role model and mentor to them. And that is what studying together is about. If in doubt, dont put your trust in this material (helpful though it might be) but in God who makes things grow."
Neither the one who plants or the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow
1 Corinthians 3:7
Available to download FREE from this website (right-click and "save as..." to save on your computer):
- To explore what it means to be a disciple and that anyone can be a follower of Jesus
- To unpack temptation and sin, identify other barriers that can affect our relationship with God and discover grace for ourselves
Session 3: Ill be there for you
- To learn how to be a better person/Christian
Session 4: Everybody needs good neighbours
- To accept people for who they are regardless of who they are
Session 5: Why do I have to go to Church?
- To understand why it is important to spend time together as Christians
- To feel confident sharing your faith with others