We give thanks, to God's Holyname and ask his blessing on the Archbishop of Canterbury as he visits this Diocese in September.
And to ask that God will fill us with his Holy Spirit, that we may grow in discipleship, be renewed in prayer, be reconciled to each other and empowered to share his story with the world.
Heavenly Father, we know that your Holy Spirit is with us, we ask that you will bless, preserve and keep Archbishop Justin, his wife Caroline, and all those who are visiting our Diocese with him.
We pray for him as he prepares to visit us, inspire his thinking, empower his speaking and we ask, Father, that you will enable us to catch his vision and responsibly respond to his words. Lord, may we prove to be a blessing to him.
We pray for every aspect of our Archbishops full itinerary, forthose involved in bringing it together and for all those who will either meet him or hear his message.
Especially we pray for an outpouring of the Spirit during the Standing Room Only event on Friday night in the Cathedral. May many come to know you andlove you more.
Father we bring before you our Diocese, our city, regions and communities.
We pray for your favour and guidance as we seek to be salt and light in those places where you have called us.
Help us to grow in discipleship and nurture in our hearts high values of reconciliation and unity.
Renewed by your Spirit, furnish us with opportunities to tell out the Good News to all.
Lord, send us out in the power of your Spirit to live and work to your praise and glory.