Richard Rukundo with Dan Jones, Bristol Diocesan Youth Adviser, in the Bristol Diocesan office in 2014
Richard Rukundo, Provincial Children's worker in the Church of Uganda, writes:
Dear Friends of Childrens Ministry Church of the Province of Uganda,
Praise the Lord for we have come to the end of another year 2014.
What a great year it has been, it has given us more opportunities to see the Lords Goodness in the Ministry and work of Children and Young people.
As the year ends I thank all Childrens leaders, teachers, friends, parents, supporters in the Churches, schools, Dioceses, clubs and Organisations who have been working tirelessly to bring unending joy to the lives of the many young people in Uganda and the region at large. Our thanks also go to all our partners who have supported and encouraged us both physically and spiritually, May the Lord continue to increase in you.
The Church of Uganda celebrates the great inputs that all stakeholders and leaders have invested into nurturing the Children in our Country. We promise to ensure that more is done to bring Children and their plight where God desires them to be.
Pray for the childrens/Young peoples tours, camps, Celebrations, conferences, and Conventions, planned in the long holiday in many of our Dioceses, Churches and Homes.
We encourage all our Childrens leaders and workers to be vigilant on young peoples rights and safeguarding from abuses following an alarming report that 9,598 cases of defilement were reported in 2013. We will be launching our Child Protection Policy early 2015 so that the Church of Uganda is seen doing more for the Child in our Communities,Churches and Schools.
May the celebration of Christmas bring you all joy, peace and love which he gives and all God's blessings for you and your loved ones in 2015.
Merry Christmas
Rev. Richard M. Rukundo
Provincial Childrens Ministry Coordinator/
Asst. Provincial Education Coordinator
Church of the Province of Uganda