Revd Howard Jameson is licensed on Wednesday 7 November as Priest-in-Charge of Patchway in north Bristol.
Howard writes:
We arrive in Patchway looking forward to the challenges facing us and excited about learning new things. We spent two happy years in Bristol for training at Trinity College ten years ago.
Faith and I met at University and we married in Cheltenham. Tim, our eldest, is in his second year at Leicester University studying Human Geography, and Ewan has just started sixth form at Monkton Combe School where he is relishing playing huge amounts of Sport and working on his Art and Photography A levels.
Prior to ordination I worked in Engineering, finally at a multinational Finnish Engineering Company where I ran the Southern UK Sales Office.
Since leaving Trinity College I served a curacy in Wareham on the Dorset coast, and then seven years in and around Bradford on Avon. This involved dealing with a lot of change for the Parishes, and trying to develop the Christian ethos of the three Church Primary Schools, one of which was the largest in Salisbury Diocese.
We have just completed three months of study leave which included a month travelling as a family across France and Italy with time spent in the mountains but also photographing the 6th Century Byzantine mosaics in Churches in Ravenna, and two months of studying how Churches have dealt with new housing developments on their doorsteps. This work will, hopefully, give us some insights into how we might engage with Charlton Hayes in the years to come. Faith has also been hard at work completing her MA at Bath Spa working with children with dyslexia.
Faith and I are passionate about seeing people grow as disciples. We usually seem to see this most clearly in the young people we have been working with, but this should be something for all ages.
We love sharing food and hospitality with those around us; barbecues, curries and pancakes are Howards favourites.