I became a Foundation Governor for the first time when I became Vicar of St Marys in Stoke Bishop. It comes with the role!
It is a great blessing to be able to have a Christian influence on a church school. I have found the school to be very open to exploring spirituality and all things Christian.
My influence as a Foundation Governor extends beyond a specific role on the Christian distinctiveness sub-committee of the Governors, to seeking to bring kingdom values to the governing body in all our business through my contributions to discussions and committees. Church schools have to show Christian distinctiveness and so Foundation Governors are often pushing at an open door.
The role is missional, and can be pastoral, for the governing body and staff, and crucially the children who attend the school. It brings a Christian ethos to governance and serves the community outside the church.
You dont need to theologically trained to do it, it is about being a disciple of Jesus Christ in the school and praying for it. I find it a blessing to me and I hope I am to the school.
Revd Mat Ineson is a Foundation Governor at Stoke Bishop CE Primary School