In the coming months, representatives from across the Diocese will be encouraged to stand for election as members of the new Diocesan Synod for the next three years.
With a new Bishop of Bristol, the Diocesan Synod will play a key part in sharing the views of the wider Diocese as they seek to take forward the Dioceses vision. As a diocese, we want a Synod that reflects the diversity that is within our churches and communities.
All clergy and church members can stand, although it is up to Deanery Synod members, as the electorate, to nominate people.
In 2015, the size of Synod was increased and the way it runs changed. Feedback has been excellent on the levels of engagement and effectiveness of the Synod.
The Synod meets caf style, was responsible for changing the approach to Parish Share, developing the Creating connections vision and priorities. First time members made up half of the Synods current membership and there will be plenty of space for new members to develop their understanding and contribution.
So if you are someone with a passion for mission and a wider view of the Church's role in society, please consider standing.
Nomination forms
If you would like a nomination form, please contact Graham Shaul at graham.shaul@bristoldiocese.org or call 0117 906 0100.
Please note: the nomination form must be for the appropriate House (Clergy or Laity) and for the appropriate deanery.