Bishop Lee will chair his first Diocesan Board of Education (DBE) meeting at the start of October, leading on the Dioceses work in schools and with young people in churches.
DBE is the group responsible for overseeing engagement with young people and those who work with them. Bishop Lee stressed the importance of linking churches with schools at 2012s diocesan Headteachers Conference. This direction was reiterated this year by his foreword to 'Schools in your parish' our brochure of church-school link cases studies.
Bishop Lee says: Im really looking forward to hearing more about our schools and churches, and getting more involved. The Board is full of people with great educational expertise and I cant wait to share in their enthusiasm!
The national agenda for DBEs was set by last years National Society publication A DBE for the Future which challenged dioceses to ensure at least 90% of their Church schools are classified Good or Outstanding by Ofsted inspections.
Canon Dr Ann Holt OBE, who formerly chaired the Board, has moved to Hove in Sussex where she has taken up the post of Director of Education for the Diocese of Chichester. She said:
I shall miss you all and just hope my contribution to the work has moved things forward.
Director of Education John Swainston adds:
Ann was a powerful driving force for the DBE through rapidly changing times; she will be greatly missed. Bishop Lees agreement to take on this role is a tribute to her work.
Schools central to Church's mission, says Archbishop