The news was greeted with joy and thanksgiving across the nation. Here in the Diocese of Bristol, the vast majority of Christians and those in wider society will join together in wishing Libby well and assuring her of our prayers as she prepares to take up her new role.
The See of Stockport is not unknown to me. Having been brought up in Cheshire I did a student job in Stockport as a youth and when I first explored my calling to Ordination, it was too the Bishop of Stockport I was sent for the early part of the discernment process. At one time there was a chance, as a young footballer, that Stockport County might have been an opportunity for me. Sadly not!
For me, Libby's consecration, which I hope to be at, will mark years of personal hoping, praying and advocating for those women who have a calling to serve Christ and His Church as bishops, to have opportunity to fulfill their vocation.
This news has truly gladdened my heart. God bless you, Libby and bless those whom you serve.