Missional discipleship resources for churches
Based on Lukes portrait of the early church in Acts 2:4247, and extensively piloted over the past three years, Holy Habits consists of an Introductory Guide and ten booklets, one for each of the ten habits, or practices, described by Luke as a model for the church to imitate. Ranging from Fellowship and Prayer to Breaking Bread, Sharing and Serving, the series provides a treasure chest of stimulating, intergenerational content: practical, theological and creative ideas to be adapted and developed to reflect local themes and needs.
Just two months after its launch, sales already suggest that some of the booklets will need to be reprinted in the coming months. A Dutch edition of Holy Habits will begin publishing later this year, with the complete series available in 2020.
Andrew Roberts, author of the original Holy Habits book (Malcolm Down Publishing, 2016) and one of the Editors of the new resource, is available for interview and will be speaking in Wolverhampton on 28 April (contact robertsa@methodistchurch.org.uk to reserve a place). He is also speaking at all four sessions of Spring Harvest 2018: Skegness (3 April, 4.15 pm), Harrogate (4 April, 4.15 pm), Minehead (5 and 9 April, 4.15 pm). For details, see Spring Harvest 2018.
Three Holy Habits videos are now available on the BRF YouTube channel: Introducing Holy Habits, Preparing to Launch Holy Habits and Getting Started (including discussion questions). Access the videos here, along with a colourful new set of downloadable posters which can be used to advertise Holy Habits events.
Discipleship has been cited as the most strategic issue facing the western church today, but there is confusion about the best way to tackle the issue. Holy Habits is already establishing itself as a serious and effective, creative and engaging route to transforming discipleship, both individual and congregational. Click for further details and to order.
You can download the full information leaflet from BRF here.