Whats so inspiring?
Every month, 40+ adults and about ten children take part in Caf Church in Doynton, a rural village of just 360 inhabitants.
Whos involved?
Holy Trinity, Doynton (Kingswood & South Gloucestershire Deanery).
What was the thinking behind it?
Faced with a family service that had no families taking part, the congregation at Doynton bravely acknowledged the need to do something new if they were not to be the last generation of this ancient worshipping community.
A small, new housing development in the village prompted them to pray about ways they could engage with the new householders and encourage them into the life of the church. It transpired that four of the new families were committed Christians worshipping elsewhere in lively churches in Bath and Bristol, but who accepted the invitation to join a House Group in the village when asked. This group became the driving force for the current Caf Church, which has now led to yet another new, informal service which began in January 2012.
What was the key?
Caf Church is a huge success not only because it draws in new people to our church, but also because it is supported by the older established members of the church. It has depended on sustained prayer and a willingness to try something new and build links with our new neighbours in ways that speak powerfully to them.
Revd Tim Bell, Priest-in-Charge of Doynton