Swindon campaigners are taking part in Christian Aids nationwide Hunger For Justice action this month as they urge local MPs to act against the injustice of climate change.
All seven of Wiltshires MPs are attending a series of services or meetings where clergy and supporters will press them to ensure that their party includes strong climate change action in their manifestos.
The worlds poorest people those communities who have done the least to cause climate change bear the brunt of its impact. Increasingly erratic weather is causing more storms and droughts, ruining harvests across the globe and destroying the gains made by poor communities as they try to work their way out of poverty.
The Bishop of Swindon, Rt Revd Lee Rayfield is among those supporting Christian Aids campaign and will be joining others praying for people living with the effects of climate change around the world.
Bishop Lee says: Climate change is an issue that we cannot afford to leave until tomorrow. The effects across the world, and even here in Wiltshire, are increasingly obvious and must be addressed.
I very much hope that Swindon will support Christian Aid in the Hunger for Justice lobby and make their voices heard. This is a vital issue that affects us all.
On Saturday 18 October Justin Tomlinson MP will be meeting clergy and local Christian Aid supporters to discuss the governments work on tackling climate change. Then on Sunday 26 October at 11am Robert Buckland MP will join St Augustines, Old School, Jennings Street, Swindon, Wiltshire SN2 2BG for a special Hunger for Justice service.
Hunger for Justice follows the largest mobilisation on climate change in history last month when 675,000 people took the streets around the world ahead of the UNs New York-based Climate Summit the UNs Climate Change Conference in Lima, Peru in December.
Christian Aid's Katrine Musgrave says, Hunger for Justice gives our supporters and churches the chance to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with people around the world, and encourages us all to take steps towards a safer, cleaner future. Everyone is welcome, do join us.
Christian Aid has launched a manifesto ahead of the General Election, setting out its vision for what parties should do about issues, including climate change, in 2015.
To find out more about taking part, visit www.christianaid.org.uk/hungerforjustice