Yate and Fromeside Mission Area

The Yate and Fromside Mission Area is a network of eight local Anglican Churches serving parts of South Gloucestershire.
The churches signed a covenant in January 2018, committing the members of the Mission Area to:
- Building relationships within the community
- Being generous, gracious and welcoming in all that they do
- Being honest and open with each other
- Changing attitudes, practices and behaviours to advance God's Kingdom here
- Encouraging and affirming each other
- Sharing with and learning from each other - including events and resources as appropriate
- Loving each other with understanding and respect
Since then the Mission Area has seen a range of activities, such as:
Prayer: 80 people from all eight churches across the Yate and Fromeside Mission Area attended a Mission Area prayer walk along the From Valley Walkway.
Collaboration: Messy Church has started in Fromeside with help from the existing Messy Church in Yate.
Missional communities: Four small missional communities have started around Yate and Fromeside, establishing Outreach and Mission Teams in each of the parishes.
Young people: Yate are focusing on the housing development and youth and schools in the area. In September 2018, the first Mission Area youth event, Acts for Eden, took place with 36 young people and 16 helpers.