Find out more about the Journey of Invitation resources by clicking the "+" signs below.
Download the year planner sheet here.
Request a printed Journey of Invitation pack by contacting us here.
Download our Commonly Asked Questions here.
Invitation by a friend, a colleague or a neighbour is key to new people coming to experience church for themselves
Rachel Jordan-Wolfe, Church of England
To equip you to lead your congregation into a culture of invitation, remote coaching with Michael Harvey of Unlocking the Growth is available to Diocese of Bristol church leaders for free.
During three 45 min sessions you will:
• learn how to equip people as inviters
• be given tools to embed this culture within your church
• discover the creative power of fear
• explore key indicators for building a culture of invitation in your church
Contact Michael for details and to book your sessions: michael@weekendofinvitation.com
This inspiring course will help Christians to be witnesses to Jesus John Sentamu, Archbishop of York
Sharing faith confidentially and naturally.
Conversations with Christians are one of the most important influences in bringing people to faith. The six-film based sessions for churches and small groups will encourage Christians to share their faith amongst their friends and networks and give practical suggestions to help them be natural and relevant when talking about Jesus.
Use the Talking Jesus course to inspire people to share their faith confidently and naturally this year.
The Talking Jesus course pack is available for free on DVD or USB from the Diocesan Office.
Other resources:
Other resources ‘Mission Academy Live’ for young people www.hopetogether.org.uk
‘Faith Pictures’ from Church Army www.faithpictures.org
Use this prayer during Eastertide as we consider those we will pray for and invite during this coming season.
Loving Father,
You search for your children and invite us to come home, Give us your love and passion for those we know who stand far off from you.
Beckoning Jesus, You called your disciples to follow you and remain in your love, Teach us to pray and to long for your presence in our lives.
Empowering Spirit, You breathed new life into timid disciples, Fill us with confidence to proclaim the Good News of Jesus.
God of invitation, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Help us to respond to you and bring others to your love.
I cannot remember in my life anything that I’ve been involved in where I have sensed so clearly the work of the Spirit Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury
A global focused season of prayer for evangelism and witness.
Use the Thy Kingdom Come resources to inspire people in your parish to pray that those they know might come to know Jesus.
Our hope is that as Christians pray together we will:
• be transformed through prayer
• be given new confidence and encouragement by the Holy Spirit
• bear witness to Christ
A wide range of resources to support individual, collective and family prayer will be sent for free to incumbents.
Additional copies are available from the Diocesan Office or the Thy Kingdom Come website.
Offer a welcome, with a simple request: "Be our guest".
Many people in our communities are ready to say ‘yes’ – to an invitation to church or a church event. Others deserve to be invited even if not yet ready to accept. However, making this invitation is not always ‘easy’. First we must acknowledge the fear that holds us back. These three steps, taken during June, will enable you to equip people to invite others to experience Christian community and the love of God.
Invitation Cross Sunday enables regular church attenders to prayerfully consider the people God is calling them to invite.
Download the 'How to...' guide for Invitation Cross Sunday here.
Inviter Sunday is an opportunity to share stories of invitation, build the confidence of those who will invite friends, family and colleagues, and celebrate their faithfulness. This is a vital component of helping people to become inviters ahead of the Weekend of Invitation.
Download the 'How to...' guide for Inviter Sunday here.
Weekend of Invitation During this weekend organise and host events and appropriate services to which people can be invited
Download the 'How to...' guide for organising a Weekend of Invitation here.
Share a meal. Build community.
Use the free World Vision resource to bring your community together by inviting people to join you for a special harvest meal. Meals are a great way to build relationships and harvest is a great time for hospitality; to bring people together to celebrate the good things God gives us.
World Vision, along with partners HOPE, are encouraging Christians to share a harvest meal with others – and, in doing so, to bring communities together.
Use the free World Vision pack, available from the website or Diocesan Office, to provide people in your church with ideas and resources to help them enjoy a fun time with family, friends and neighbours.
Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.
Hebrews 13:2
Everyone has questions.
Exploring is good. We’re built for it.
We all get one life to live and deep down everyone is asking the same question – what’s it all about?
Invite those you have been praying for and inviting to explore the Christian faith.
Having spent time this year praying for and inviting people to special events and services, extend an invitation to those people to come and explore the Christian faith, and to see how it can be lived out each day. You might consider using one of the following resources to help you provide a safe and supportive place for people to discover God’s love for themselves:
Everyone should have the chance to explore the Christian faith, ask questions and share their point of view
Alpha: www.alpha.org
Pilgrim: www.pilgrimcourse.org
Christianity Explored: www.christianityexplored.org
Ugly Ducking Company resources: www.theuglyducklingcompany.com/
Soul (for young people): www.thegoodbook.co.uk/soul

The Journey of Invitation resource is part of
Making Disciples in Your Parish.
Find out about the six ways your parish can create connections and make disciples here.